Chapter 30: A dream

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(A/N: Sorry! Sorry! I went somewhere with my parents and it ended up to be a 4 day trip, so I'm so so sorry!! I haven't like updated for the past 5 days, so I'd just like to apologize. Anyway, thanks for waiting, so here's the chapter!)
[Natsu P.O.V]




I shot my eyes open, and saw everyone staring at me.

Ok, there all here.

Then, I didnt recognize any blonde.

"Wheres Lucy!?" I jumped up from the bed.

Everyone suddenly looked down.

I raised an eyebrow, "Whats wrong?"

"The towns people took her.." Lissana spoke up.

"What!? Im going to go and beat them up!" I walked to the door, but before I reached the handle, a hand blocked me.

"What, Erza?" I looked at her.

She shook her head, "Dont."

I was shocked, "Why!? Dont you want to save your princess??" I asked, getting furious.

"I do.." She answered.

"Then let me through!"

"I cant.." Erza looked at the floor.

"Arghhh!! What's your problem!!?" I raised my hand and was about to hit Erza, but Jellal blocked my attack.

"Natsu! The people see us as a threat! If you go to town, there just going to attack you!!" Jellal shouted.

"What do you mean..?" I calmed down. "Im the demon prince.." I backed up.

"They figured it out. They know your not the real demon prince." Jellal responded.

"Then, why did the ring react to me during the wedding ceremony?"

"I inserted some demon blood into you since I knew that day was going to happen, sooner or later." Igneel said.

I fell down onto my knees.

Jellal continued to speak, "However, they dont know that Lucy summoned the dragons. They assumed it was you because the dragons followed your orders.

"So that means if the towns people find out it was Lucy who summoned the dragons, who knows what they will do to her!" Since I was already on my knees, I lowered my head in front of Jellal.


"P-please, I need to save Lucy. S-she..." I was cut off by Jellal.

"I know. Thats why were going to work together to save her." Jellal smiled.

I stood up.

"Thanks Jellal."

[Lucy P.O.V]

"Mama, mama!" I ran up to mother.

"Yes, sweetie?" She looked at me.

"Look what I can do!" I moved my hands around, and a sparkly light green mini bow appeared.

I smiled, "Mama! Isnt this pretty!?"


"Mama?" I looked up at her.

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