Chapter 2: Change of Heart

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A mixture of purple, red, and orange hues wash over the house. They bled through the window, shining onto Willow's face and all throughout her bedroom.

Her eyes slowly opened, closed for a split second due to the blinding light, then slowly opened again. Coming back to reality after hours in a lucid state, she felt something against her breasts. She felt something cold and long, yet soft.

Feeling up and down the mystery object, it seemed to have a pattern, an odd one at that. It went long, slightly longer, back to long, then short. She tried again from the beginning, her finger traced something thicker than the others.

A pair of hands...and I already know who they belong to...

From her tracing upon them, the hands gave Willow's breasts a gentle squeeze.

A red tinge washed upon her cheeks. Anger ignited inside of her.

You piece of...

A sound of light snoring was heard, hot breaths were felt down her back.


Her hands let go of Willow's breasts, her arms slipped through, she jolted awake, scratching her head.

"Where's the fire?" she asked groggily.

"Why are you in my bed?!" Willow asked angrily.

"Well good morning to you too." Lithia replied.


"Jeezus soothe your boobs girl." Lithia said. "I couldn't sleep last night."

"But how could you have crawled in my bed? I locked the door." Willow said.

"Have you forgotten that you have a window in your room?" she sassed.

Note to self: lock window...

"So any other reasons for sneaking into my bed and invading my personal space?" Willow asked.

"It was cold, dark, and there was nothing to cuddle." Lithia said with her arms folded.

"Okay. For warmth you could've asked me for a blanket, for the dark I don't see how you're afraid, you're a vampire for Pete's sake! And for cuddling, you could just use a pillow!" Willow said.

"Okay. One, I didn't wanna wake you, two, my fear of the dark depends on the situation, and three, unlike your pillows, you're soft, chubby, and warm." Lithia replied.

"But did you really have to grab my breasts in my sleep?"

"I wasn't grabbing your boobs I was cupping them. There's a difference." Lithia huffed. "Besides, my boyfriend used to do that whenever we spooned."

An awkward silence fell over the room for a few minutes. Both vamp babes with faces red as strawberries, both feeling different emotions for different reasons.


"Don't even start, I know what you're gonna say." Lithia said as she held up a hand. "I'm gonna go make breakfast."

"You cook?" Willow asked with the raise of an eyebrow.


Lithia hopped from the bed, stretched, and started down the stairs.

Willow just sat there, still slightly red in the face, flustered and angry, still in disbelief about how Lithia ended up in her bed and in her arms.

She looked at her alarm clock next to the lampshade on the nightstand beside her bed: 9:15am it read in big, red, digital text. She laid back in her long, jade green nightgown but tried her best to keep from falling asleep.

A sweet smell had caught her nose, causing her eyes to shoot open.

Curious, she got up from the bed and started downstairs, following the delightful aroma.

Finally making it to the kitchen, two plates were made. One with scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, and ham, and the other with wildberry waffles, an omelet, and hashbrowns.

That's my favorite did she...?

"What are you waitin' for? Dig in. It's not there to sit around and look pretty." Lithia said.

Willow didn't know what she was shocked by more, the delicious looking breakfast in front of her or just the fact that she made it. She sat down at the table in front of her meal.

I hope it tastes as good as it looks and smells...

She took a fork. She watched as Lithia gobbling down her meal. She seemed to be enjoying hers.

Willow looked down at her food, she stabbed a piece of waffle and put it in her mouth. Her eyes lit up from the sweet sensation running along her tastebuds.

"Wow this is good..."

"You're welcome." Lithia said after a burp and got up from the table.

"I see you have your pants on." Willow said.

"Yeah. I'm headin' out." Lithia said as she headed towards the front door.

"Wait what do you mean 'heading out'?" Willow asked, confused.

"Headin' out. Permanently. Thanks for letting me stay for the night." Lithia said a with a smile as she opened the door.

"Wait!" Willow exclaimed.

Lithia turned towards her.


"I'm not letting you leave." Willow said.

"Why not? You grown attached to me or somethin'?" Lithia asked.

"No. Did you not hear yourself last night? You said you 'drift around', meaning that you don't have a home!" Willow snapped.

"Okay. And? Why does that matter to you?"

"Because...I'm afraid you'll end up in the same place you were last night...or worse..." Willow said trying not to tear up. "And I've seen enough dead bodies..."

"Look, I'll be fine." Don't worry about me." Lithia said as she headed out the door. "I mean it's cute that you've grown attached to me, but I'd like to go it alone."

She closed the door and floated away from Willow's house.

When Lithia left, Willow slammed her fist on the table.

"I'm not growing attached to you damn it!" she shouted. "You think everything's a joke! Watch, you're going to find yourself in the same place as last time or similar!"

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