Chapter 9: You Wanna Know an Abomination?

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Willow opened her bloodshot eyes to a blinding ray of sun shining through the window of her bedroom.

The alarm clock blared in her ears. She threw her pillow over her face and groaned loudly into it.

She sighed and eventually sat up in her bed. Her body groggily leaned against the headboard, her eyelids overpowering the view of her room, on and off the view went. Her head looked downwards, a bit of drool was hanging from her bottom lip. Her whole body leaned forward and plopped on the front of the bed. Quiet light snores came from her as the warm light floated over her.

"Hey awake?" Lithia called from downstairs.

"Wha-? Y-Yeah I'm up." Willow mumbled. "I'm comin'..."

Nearly stumbling out of the bed, she tiredly walked towards the staircase and down to the living room where Lithia sat on the couch, surprisingly fully clothed again, like she was going somewhere again.

"Go ahead, take a seat." she said.

Willow sat across from her in her recliner.

"Get comfortable, but not too comfortable." Lithia said. "'Cause what you're about to hear may shock you."

"Okay." Willow replied with a light yawn.

"First of all I'm sorry about last night." Lithia said.

"It's ok-"

"No it's not! I overstepped my boundaries and I didn't stop when you told me to." Lithia choked. "I'm sorry, I really am."

She covered her face in shame and hunched over the couch.

Willow said nothing. She got up from her recliner and sat by her. She pat her back for consolation.

Lithia wiped her face of tears and pulled herself together.

"Speaking of last night, remember when I went batshit insane at Chancey's?"

Willow nodded.

"At some point did you see that I had fur on my hands or that my eyes changed?" Lithia continued.

Willow did remember seeing clawed hands with fur on her that night, so she nodded again.

"I'm pretty sure you've heard about me being a criminal somewhere..."

Willow's eyes widened.

What the? How did she...?

"Well you can think that if you want, but the whole reason I am one is because this Eren kid holds a personal vendetta against me."

"But why were you in the state you were in yesterday?" Willow asked.

"I was getting to that." Lithia retorted. "It's also another reason he wants me dead...I'm a rare breed of vampire."

Willow raised an eyebrow.

" a vaewolf."

Her eyes widened again. She put her hands over her mouth. Everything Johnny told her last night was true. But she was still in awe at Lithia's presence. She always thought the crossbreed would be a myth, and that vampires and werewolves were NEVER to breed.

"Wow..." Willow whispered.

"Yep. Believe it." Lithia said with a sad smile.

"" Willow asked.

"A vampire and a werewolf banged and got me." Lithia replied as she pointed to herself. "Mom was a werewolf, Dad was a vampire."

"How did they...?"

"Meet or get away with it?" Lithia interrupted.

"Both..." Willow drifted with her answer.

"How they got away with it, I'll never know." Lithia answered. "But my mom was a pole dancer and my dad was a bartender who happened to work at the same club so..."


"I know." Lithia sighed. "From that there came the poor schlub that you know and love today."

Willow shook her head with a smile and rolled her eyes.

"So yeah apparently back in those times I was considered an 'abomination'." she said while putting finger quotes around abomination.

"Ah." said Willow.

"Also the older I got the more I developed a binge-drinking problem."

Willow cocked her head to the side.

"Bloodwise." Lithia said.


"That's pretty much why you see me lying in an alleyway, and probably why this Eren kid wants to kill me so bad because of a similar thing another creature did."

"Do you do that on purpose?" Willow asked. "If you don't mind me asking."

"No. It's just when I'm under bloodlust I can't really control how much I drink. When I come down from it, I've usually drank so much that I get horribly sick to my stomach." Lithia replied.

"Oh...I see."

"Then there's the whole 'slayer killed my parents and boyfriend' sob story I'm not gonna get into. But enough about me, what about you?" Lithia asked.

"I-I'd rather not talk about it." Willow said.

"That sad huh?"

Willow nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Hey hey don't cry." Lithia said as she wrapped her arms around her and gave her a firm embrace.

"We may not have our parents anymore, but we're here to carry on their legacy!" she exclaimed while shaking a fist in the air. "I think."

Willow started to cry into Lithia's chest. Lithia patted and rubbed Willow's back.

"Man I'm not good at this." she mumbled.

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