used to know

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LOYALTY-There's loyalty in relationships, loyalty in friendships, loyalty with your parents, even loyalty with a simple pet. But most importantly there's loyalty to yourself, you have to be faithful to yourself before you can be faithful to someone else. You even have to be devoted to yourself, you have to be able to trust yourself and the things you're capable of. When you're loyal to someone, you officially devote all of you time and attention to that person. You can never truly be loyal to someone if you're not loyal to yourself. In order to be loyal to someone you have to be able to fully trust them, fully understand them, and fully want them.  You're loyal to your husband/wife in a marriage, you vowed to spend the rest of your life with them and only them. You should never have to doubt someones loyalty to you, or anyone else. You aren't sneaky, careless, and or quiet, you're open about every situation. If you're not loyal to someone you aren't someone who deserves the trust of any other.

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