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I hope I did okay in my first part?? I'm not sure but anyway...

"Ladies and gentlemen, please take you seats and fasten your seat belts as we will approach our landing in 5 minutes. Thank you for flying with us, and we hope we will see you again!"

Yes! Finally. Woah I needed fresh air and I will be able to grab a hold of some in a short period of time.


I grabbed my luggage which thankfully I put that bright blue tag on, my favourite colour, so it would stand out from the rest. I texted Jack as he requested.

Alexa: Just grabbed luggage, will see you in 5!

Jack: can't wait. I'm standing outside you're gate :)


I can't believe I'm actually here. In London. English. AHHH.

I was scanning the crowd and immediately saw someone running towards me. I dropped my luggage as soon as Jack approached me and wrapped my arms around him.

"Hellloooooooo! Welcome to London!" Jack says.
"I've been waiting ages for this. Thanks for letting me stay with you temporarily cuz."
"Not a problem. Conor's back at the house, he was currently recording and new single!"
"Omg awesome. Can't wait to here it."

With that we were off. Jack had ordered a uber for us which kindly waited as he was going back that way.

Jack put my luggage which consisted of three suitcases and two smaller bags. Don't judge, I'm living here now. Mum said if I forgot anything, just to buy it.


We walked up and down the stairs with three trips to get my stuff to put into my temporary room.

Jack led me there which looked awesome for a boys effort.
"Wow Jack. You really do know me huh." I say looking around the room.
"Welllll I did have SOME help from Zoe. A friend BUT it was mostly me." Jack says folded his arms looking proud as ever.
"Right.. okay." I reply with a little chuckle.


"DINNERS READY." I heard a voice call from, obviously, the kitchen. Conor had come out of his room prior to this to greet me.
"Smells soooo good!" I say stretching out the so.
"Why thank you." Jack smiles placing down 3 pizza boxes.
What a crack up. Of course pizza.

"Wow.. I actually thought you went to some effort of making something for your favourite cousin." I say pouting.
Conor points to Jack, "Him. Cook. HAH! I'm surprised he even ordered the pizza to be honest!" Conor and I crack up whilst Jack pretends to be offended.

We hook into the pizza in comfortable silence.

Conor brakes the silence by saying, "So Alexa, if you're not too tired and all, tomorrow some of our fellow YouTuber friends are gonna come around to meet you!"
"Oh awesome. I should be up for that." I reply with a mouth full of supreme pizza. My favourite.

I packed away the dishes and told the boys I was going to crash. I was dead tired. The nodded saying goodnight.

I went to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and braided my hair. My hair was naturally curly but I liked it wavy or straight better. I didn't have to remove any makeup because I didn't put any on for the flight.

I tucked into my comfy as blankets and closes my eyes. My eyelids feeling heavy straight away...

The next day

"MORNING!" Jack practically yells at me to wake me up.
I tumble over in bed and buried my head in a pillow.
Jack ripped it off me and said, "I should really be saying afternoon. Get up lazy ass. The people will be here soon."
"And how soon is soon." I say finally looking up groggily.
"You have 2 hours."
"Right thanks. I'll take a shower if that's okay."
"Do whatever. It's your house too remember." And with that Jack left to go do whatever he has to do for this party thing.


"Hello!" I heard a sweet voice say. Jack replied by hugging this gorgeous girl saying, "Hiiiii." with heaps of enthusiasm.
She turned to me and said, "now you must be Alexa. You're absolutely gorgeous. I'm Zoe!" she says cheerfully.
I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit to her excitement. I knew Zoe and I would get along just right.
"Yes indeed I am. Nice to meet you Zoe!" I say with just as much enthusiasm back.
As we pull away from the hug, Zoe gestures to 3 men standing behind her.
"This here is my boyfriend Alfred." she says pointing to a man with dark hair and a bit of facial hair.
He laughed and replied with "Alfie will be fine thanks."
I nod.
"This here is Caspar!" now pointing to a really tall blonde spiky sorta hair guy. He grinned to widely. "HI..." he says. "HI..." I reply back sort of mocking him without actually trying to mock him. "We shall get along just fine," Caspar winks and walks in greeting everyone else.
"And this here.." a man who is shorter than Caspar and Alfie but much taller than me walks forward with a shy look on his face, which might I add is adorable!
"Hi I'm Joe." he smiles to me to which I return. "I'm Alexa." he shakes my hand sort of awkwardly but it was a nice gesture. His hands were so soft, I didn't want to let go.

"LETS PARTY!!!!" Zoe shouts leading us all inside the house.

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