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Joe's POV

Caspar and I decided to walk to Al's new apartment just because we were slightly early and I was keen so see her. It was only like a 8 minute walk from ours to hers anyway.

We walked up the flight of stairs before buzzing the buzzer for us to be let in. "Hey it's Joe." I spoke into the speaker. "AND CASPAR!" Caspar yelled from beside me. No response, just the door opened. We walked on up the stairs.

Alexa opened the door. "I'm disappointed Sugg." she said looking down. "How come?" I asked.

She showed me her lock screen. "I'm not sure who that is?" I said referring to her background.

"It's 10:01. You said 10 sharp." Alexa said trying to be serious. After about 5 seconds of her staring, she broke into a fit of laughter.

"Nah, only kidding." She said, hugging Caspar, then hugging me. We hugged for what felt like 2 seconds before she pulled away. I wanted nothing more then to just hold her in my arms forever.

We heard footsteps from the stairs. We went around the wall that's in front of the door and was met by one other girl.

"Meggy's up!" Al shouted, hugging her.

"Yeah I am." She said closing the fridge door with a water bottle in her hand. "And now I'm going back to bed!" She claimed.

"Oh hell no!" Alexa laughed. "Meg this is Joe, this is Caspar. Caspar, Joe this is Meg." She announced with a smile.

"Hi I'm Caspar." He hugged her.
"Hello." Joe said shaking her hand but Meg just pulled him in for a hug.

"Ahh. So we meet at last." She gestured to them both "and this is the 'Joe' guy you've been going on and ON about." We dropped our hands and I looked over at Alexa who's suddenly taken a great interest in the floor and has gone red! How cute.

"Uh, not being rude but, why are you guys here?" Meg asked, breaking the silence.

"Joe, Caspar, you, Fia and I are going sightseeing!" Alexa said answering for the us.

"That's if Fi ever gets out of bed." Meg said giggling.

"SOFIA!" Meg yelled up the stairs. "Ugh. I'll just go get her. Be right back!" With that me walked up the stairs.

Alexa walked more into the kitchen then what we already were and went over to the fruit bowl. She picked up and apple. "Would you pair like anything to eat or drink?" She asked us munching into her apple.

I looked to Caspar who looked to me, "No thanks." We said in unison.

"That's some freaky roommate shit." Alexa laughed (A/N - yes I know, I know, the Jaspar household is no longer )))): BUT for this story it is! Okay sorry I'll stop now. enjoy! bye!!) ,which caused us to laugh along too.

"Make yourselves at home and sit down." Al ordered. We sat down on the couch and Al came over too. I sat on the arm chair and Caspar on the two seater. Al just leant up against the chair I was sitting on, all three of us on our phones.

"Ugh they take forever! I'll go see if they're ready." Al said a little fed up.

Alexa's POV

"Ugh they take forever! I'll go see if they're ready." I said to the boys frustrated and taking a bite from my apple.

I walked over to the stairs and sure enough they were walking down them as I was about to walk up them.

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