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Alexa's POV

I ran.
I ran as fast as I could back to my apartment.

I really don't know why. I mean. I like Joe. I really really like Joe. Why did I run?? I actually can't answer that.

I think I'm just scared. Scared of being hurt. It was a kiss Alexa, not a frickin marriage proposal! I tell myself.

I unlock the door to my apartment and fall down once inside the door and let out the breath that I didn't know I was keeping in.

I started crying. Hysterically. I couldn't breathe. What on earth is happening. My worlds spinning. So fast.

I screamed.

I screamed again.

"ALEXA!" I heard a voice. "It's okay, you're okay." Someone comforted me pulling me onto their lap, hugging and rocking me back and forth.

"Joe?" I asked. I looked up through tears.

"No it's Jack. Lex, are you alright?" He asked ever so sweetly.

I had forgotten that in the present I gave to them, there were two keys. One each for Conor and Jack, so they can come in whenever.

I just nuzzled my head into Jack's chest.

"Lexi? Answer me." Jack whispered.
I looked up to be met with Jack's sympathetic eyes.

"I'm sorry." I stated. After a few minutes, I got up and walked to the couch with Jack following.

"Now, do you want to talk about what just happened?" Jack asked sitting next to me.

I had a pillow hugged up to my chest and my face buried in it. "Joekissedme." I said super fast.

"Pardon me?" Jack asked. "A, just look up for a second."

"Joekissedme." I said now looking up but still talking really quick.

"Slowly, A."

I sighed, "Joe-"

"I'll kill the bitch." Jack clenched his fist.

"No Jack. Nothing bad. He-H-He kissed me-e." I starting crying once again.

Jack patted my back. "THIS IS AWESOME!" He yelled after a bit making me jump. "What. This is what you wanted, isn't it?" Jack asked, I slowly but surely nodded my head. "Then stop crying! Why are you crying?" Jack asked now confused.

"I- I ran out." I sniffled.

"Oh A." Jack comforted. "I tell you what. You're going to clean up your face, brush your hair and march on back to the Jaspar household and smash a kiss on his lips. Got it?" Jack said. I nodded, smiling now.

I walked up the stairs doing as Jack says. I come back down to be met with Jack, how I left him. The only thing different is, the TV's on.

"Ready?" Jack asked looking at me.

"As I'll ever be." I put on a smile. Jack turned off the telly, I retrieved my keys and we walked out the door.

Standing outside their door now. "I-I can't do-o th-this J-Jack." I stuttered, a panic attack threatening to show.

Jack placed a reassuring hand in my shoulder. "Of course you can A. Now I'll be outside if ANYTHING happens, text me. Okay?" Jack asked looking now directly into my eyes.

"Okay." I repeated. "I can do this." I said out loud to myself, facing the door.

"You go girl!" Jack rooted.

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