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quick question, is there anything you guys would like to see happen in this story? I feel like they kissed way too early...

let me know what you think please! xx


Alexa's POV

Today was the day of my audition.

Today was the day that determined my future - pretty much.

Today. I'm excited, I'm nervous. Mostly excited. Hopefully my dreams will come true in the next week.

As Fia and I walk into the building, to which we are auditioning in, she grabbed my arm and linked it with hers.

"You okay?" I ask smiling towards Sofia. She nodded swiftly. "Good, we'll be fine!" I reassured.

I sat down on a bench, took off my ugg boots and replaced them with my black jazz shoes.

I stood up and went onto my toes cracking them all, something I do fairly often. I started to stretch.

Just as I lifted my right leg to get Fia to push it toward the wall, something we do for each other, a lady dressed in a black skirt that just touched her knees, a white shirt and a black blazer to tie it together. Very official. She looked around late 40's, her blonde hair with a bit of grey tied up into a low bun.

"Ladies. Gentlemen. If you would join us." The lady said not smiling, nor looking up from her wooded clipboard.

We filled the room.

"If you're warm great, if not, I suggest to use these 10 minutes we are giving you to warm up and stretch your muscles.

I looked at Sofia who was standing to my left and she raised her eyebrows giving a little grin. I smiled in return.

The lady joined the other two people whom were all sitting on a table with papers in front of them, water glasses, and pens. They were pretty much all writing down.

After 10 minutes, the only male sitting on the table with the two other females stood up and came out standing out the front in the centre.

Clapping his hands together twice and saying, "You, my friends, are if not the most, close to, the best dancers that we have in London. If you're not wanting a career in dance, there's the door." He says fairly sternly pointing at the large door to our right.

"If I could get everyone to the corner please, we will start corner work."

Everyone followed instructions and that's what we did.


Walking out that door after 3 hours of hard core dancing, giving everything you've got, I don't know about Fia but I'm stuffed.

It's like she could read my mind or something because the next words to leave her mouth were, "I'm truly stuffed."

I laughed, "Me to Fi. How do you think you went though?" I asked sipping on my water bottle.

Taking the towel off of her forehead, she replied, "Well Damien (the male on the panel) was lovely, so that's good. But he is not the one to mark us and make the final decision unfortunately."

"It's all up to Amanda and Katie now." I replied.

We walked out the front door and headed toward the tube station. Siting down on a 2 seater seat we actually managed to score, I suddenly realised how sore I was and its going to be a struggle to get off of this chair. I told Sofia this and she agreed.

Getting off of the tube and walking back home was a struggle, I unlocked our door and walked around the door.

All of our friends were standing there, well all the YouTube family that Sofia were yet to meet. I assume Meg has met them considering its in our house and I had no clue.

"Uh, what is this?" I asked throwing my bag on the ground, Fi doing the same.

"Oh shit." I heard someone say then yell out, "they're here guys!"

"Oh surprise!" Meg said walking towards us with two glasses of champagne.

"What's all of this?" Sofia asked.

"It's a well done for getting through a tough as three hours!" Fia and I laughed. "Well cheers!" I said raising my glass. I got a few 'cheers' in response.

I picked back up the bag I carelessly dumped in the room and walked up the stairs into my room. I closed my door almost all the way and started to take off my shirt because of how hot and sweaty I was. Now I was in my sports bra and tights.

I began searching for something to wear for the remainder of the evening when there was there soft knocks on my door and then the slight creak to say it's open.

Joe's POV

"Can I come i-" I started but suddenly sawoh shit I'm sorry Alexa." I say trying not to look.

"Don't worry, it's just a sports bra." She says slightly awkward but trying to laugh it off.

I fake laugh with her, "Right, okay." I said not taking his eyes off of my body.

"So why did you come up here?" Alexa asked me.

I looked into her eyes, stepped a little closer and said, "I just wanted to know how your audition went?" I then sat down on her perfectly made bed and was scanning her room. It perfectly resembles her.

"Oh uh, good I think." She says her head buried in her closet. "Would you mind helping me what to wear Joe?" Alexa asked me. I nodded.

"Yeah of course."

"I'll just put this one on and be out."

She locked her bathroom door and started to get changed. It wasn't long before she was standing before me once again.

I couldn't help but stare at her perfect figure. She wore a dress which had long flowy sleeves and had a low cut neck. You couldn't see anything but she looked amazing.

"Perfect." I said.

She smiled and walked back into her bathroom. This time coming out with her hair out and flopped to one side. I couldn't help but smile at how beautiful she was.

She took my hand, gave it a little squeeze and we walked out of her room, together.

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