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Alexa's POV

"Morning Al," Zoe said softly, opening the door to the spare room in her home to which I crashed in last night.

Zoe had bought a tray with a plate of poached eggs on multi-grain bread with avocado. My favourite!

"Morning Zo! Smells and looks amazing. Thank you so much."

"Oh it was no trouble Al." Zoe smiled.

"Not just for the breakfast, last night too." I said returning the smile to Zoe.

"Hey, don't mention it. You can always stay with me!"

"What did I ever do without you?" I laughed

"I honestly don't know."

With that, Zoe up and left the room. She then stuck her head back in through the door and said-

"Would you like to come shopping with Tan and I today?"

"Oh yes!" I said excitedly. "That would be lovely Zo."

"Sure!! I will just double check with Tanya, but she'll be fine! Might even invite Niomi?"

"Sounds great." I replied.

I finished my delicious breakfast and took the tray back out to the kitchen. I stacked the dishes in the dishwasher neatly.

I then took a quick shower to start getting ready for today! I love shopping, like most girls I suppose. I find that very stereotypical though. Like not EVERY SINGLE GIRL likes to shop, same as not EVERY SINGLE BOY is into cars, you know? Anyways.

After my shower, I did my usual makeup and put on light washed, high waisted, skinny jeans and a grey crop top with a cream cardigan and brown boots. I grabbed my sunnies, handbag, and phone also my overnight bag.

"Ready?" Zoe half yelled.

She turned around and I was standing there which made her jump.

"Geez Al, with those ballerina tip toes of yours, you can sneak around anywhere. You scared me."

"That made no sense!" I laughed.

"Whatever.. Ready to go?"


With that, we hopped into the car to begin our journey.

"Ni and Tan will meet us there." Zoe said reversing out the driveway.

"Sounds great." I responded.

We turned up the radio and that's when I started getting lost in my thoughts.

Why was I at Zoe's last night you ask? Oh well, I was getting sick of boy company if I am perfectly honest and also wanted to have a girly night. Alfie was staying at Caspar's since he was filming late with him yesterday and didn't want to take the tube back to Brighton.

I on the other hand, took the tube into Brighton to be with Zoe. We talked a lot. A lot about our pasts which is why I thanked her earlier. I opened up about my anxiety and other issues, boyfriends I had had in the past which I don't particularly like talking about. Let's just say, there were a lot of tears from the both of us.

Everyone needs something like that once in a while.


Shopping was done, I bought a new counselor which I was running out of and asked the best people, Zoe, Tan and Niomi of course for their opinion in which brand to buy. I also bought some new black ripped skinny jeans, yes I know, I know, be original Alexa, BUT I've been eyeing off these babies for a while and just haven't had the chance to grab them yet, give us a break!

"I'm home!" I yelled dumping my keys on the table and taking my bags to my room.

"How was it!" Jack asked kindly.

"It was a great night Jack, thank you."

"What did you girls do?" He asked.

"Well today we went shopping. Last night we have a pamper sort-of night, movies, talked, opened up-"

"Did you mention your anxiety?" He asked looking a bit worried.

Jack has helped my in the past with my anxiety. He's actually really good with things like that.

"Yes Jack, and I am okay."

"Okay, great. Did you mention Joe?"

"What about him Jack?" I questioned knowing exactly what he was on about.

"How you like him!" He smirked.

I heard footsteps..

"YOU LIKE JOE?!!?" Conor asked hugging me.

"No! I don't. Leave me alone." I really couldn't help but blush.

"YOURE BLUSHING!" They both said. They tackled me to the bed starting to poke me and tease me.

"Little Alexa's got a crush on Joe!" Jack said.

"Awwwwww.. how CUTE!" Conor laughed.

"Admit it or we won't stop!"

I was cracking up begging them to stop because they were tickling me by this point.

"Okay, fine fine. I give in."

They got up and started to walk out the door, chuffed with themselves.

"Finally, she admits it!" Jack says now both of them outside the door them double high-fiving each other.

"I'll admit it." I repeat. "I have a huge crush on McDonalds."

With that I slammed the door in their faces and locked it having a slight chuckle to myself.

"Oh come on!" I can hear from the other side of my door. "Yeah. That's not fair!"

I'm pretty sure I like Joe. I mean, what is there not to like. We've had our moments, then theres the thing that I don't exactly know him yet, dancing is hopefully about to start, if I get into the studio. There's too many things to worry about, let alone a boyfriend.

And also there's the fact that he wouldn't have the same feelings, there's Zoe.. so many reasons as to NOT date Joe.

Buuutttt... then there is reasons TO date him too. I mean he's a goddess. Those eyes. Damn. That hair. Dammnnnn. Hes personality.. GODDAMN. Joe's humour is so similar to mine too.

I think I may have a SLIGHT thing for Joe..



HELP.. writers block. This is sorta a filer. Is it too soon for Joe and Alexa to hit it off??

What do you think.

Give me your opinions.

More people are starting to read the story so that's exciting. Thank you so much to everyone so far! Is there anything you want to see happen in the story? Message me!

Things like voting and commenting make me so so happy!
All the best. Xx

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