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I get up early to get ready for school because I really need to start going to school. I quickly but quietly jump in the shower so I don't wake up jack. As I'm rinsing the conditioner out of my hair someone walks in.

"I'm in here!!" I scream and grab the curtain  around my body which is clear so it doesn't exactly help.

"oh calm down, I just gotta take a piss, Johnson crapped in our bathroom and now it smells like shit, literally." kian says unzipping his pants and pulling out his thing.

"KIAN!" I scream and look back to the shower.

"oh calm down, you know you wanna see it." he says, which I imagine he's smirking right now.

"NO I DONT!" I say. then Someone else walks into the bathroom and I grab the curtain around my body again so they can't see right through it, hopefully.

"GET OUT!" I scream at kian and Johnson who just came in.

"I just got in here!! can I join you?" Johnson says smirking.

"no!" I scream at him. Then just my luck gilinsky walks in as well.

"everyone, get out!!!"

"not happening." Kian says smirking

"so can I get in?" Johnson says eagerly.

"I'm done anyways!" I yell at them. gilinsky walks up to me with a towel and smirks.

"nice body." he says looking up at me up and down.

I grab the towel and quickly wrap it around me.

"you saw it last night, so don't act like its a surprise." I say pushing past him.

"ohhhh, scoreeee gilinsky!!" Kian and Johnson yell while smirking. what is with these boys and smirking, I think to my self.
"can you guys get out so I can change really quick?" I ask all of em. they all leave without saying anything and I get dressed. I put on my skinny jeans that Gilinsky got me and my long sleeve varsity crew neck shirt he got me, which was maroon. I dry my hair and out it into two French braids. I put on a maroon headband and walk out.

"dayummmm" they all say at once. I blush and twirl around. Gilinsky walks up to me and picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"let's go." he says.

We get outside and all pile into his truck.

" can we stop by my house so I can get shoes?"

"yeah sure." he says. we start the car and go to my house and everyone gets out.

"you guys don't have to come in?" I say questioning them.

"no it's okay, I'd like to see your room, the room of the girl who gilinsky a falling for." Johnson says while kian wears a smirk. I blush and quickly roll my eyes so it seems like I don't care. once I turn around I can hear everyone play fighting, probably jack and jack. I walk inside and quickly go up the stairs the my room and grab socks and my maroon Nike shoes. I quickly slip them in and look up to all the boys admiring my room, all of them except gilinsky, he's just staring at me with a wide smile. I get up and smile and we all pile back in the car and head to school. while we are in the truck I remember I forgot to do my makeup, and I can't go to school with makeup. so I quickly pull out my on the go makeup bag and start. luckily for me it's about a 15 minute drive to the school. I quickly put on my foundation and some base and a little bit of a highlighter. I then wing my eyes with eyeliner and put on mascara and lipstick and do my eyebrows. I add a few finishing touches. once I put everything up I realize the car had stopped and everybody had watched me do my makeup.

"what?" I ask, looking around at everyone.

"nothing. it was just... fascinating" gilinsky says.

"I would kiss you right now but I just did my makeup." I say while giggling. He chuckles a little and then continues driving. We soon arrive at school and we all walk in. I see Hannah and ruby and smile at them. at first they have a confused look on their faces but quickly subside it and wave me over. I look over at gilinsky and get up on my tippy toes and kiss him on the cheek.

"bye jack." I say smiling.

"wait!" he says. he quickly picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. I smile, and then we kiss, and although it was in front of more than 100 kids it was still very surprising and.. passionate.i pull back after and look into his eyes. I hug him before he lets me go and I run over to my friends.

"what was that all about?" Hannah says raising her eyebrows at me.

"it's nothing... just i don't know, we may or may not be dating, it's complicated, like he has a reputation he has to hold on too but he also told me he was falling for me and Ido t really know, it's just confusing." I let out a nervous laugh after my whole ramble.

"I understand." ruby says.


as I walk into gym with ruby and Hannah I see gilinsky and he flashes me a wide smile. and then I see a hot new boy, and he also flashes me a smile. I quickly blush and then look back at jack who gives me a confusing look and looks to where I was looking. his expression immediately changes and his eyes look disappointed. I give him a confused reassuring look because I'm confused as to why he cares so much about a smile. I quickly change into my gym outfit and walk out. I sit down next to jack and Hannah ruby and jack picks me up and puts me on his lap. he then gives the new kid a death glare and I laugh a little.

"today we are running the mile!" the gym teacher yells. everyone groans and a wave of disappointment is rushed over everyone.

"I'm assigning running buddy's so people we actually run and keep up with someone." he says. and another wave of groans is washed over everyone.

"alright I'm gonna go ahead and name of the partners." the coach says smirking a deceiving smile.

"alright so here it is.
Jack j and Anne
Jack g. and Molly
Kian and Hannah
Corbin and ruby
Luke and Mary
autumn and Myra
Derek and Jacob
and lastly Sam and Maddison." he says slowly. "all right go find your partners."

I turn around to look at jack and his face is expressed with complete anger.

"hey it's okay, I'll be back in less than ten minutes, I promise." I smile trying to reassure him.

"alright, find. bye babe."

"bye." I smile. I get up and watch everyone pairing up and try to search for my partner. soon I see the cute new boy who smiled at me walking towards me.

"I'm Sam, you're Maddison right?"

"hey! and yeah that's me." I smile at him.

"alrighty." he says flashing me the same smile from earlier. "you can call me Sammy, if you want, my real name is Sam Wilkinson though." he says.

"okay." I say smiling at him again.

"ready to go run a mile?" he says with fake enthusiasm.

"yeah, definitely not!" I say laughing.

"well too bad!" he says while throwing me over his shoulder. I laugh while he runs out of the gym and towards the track/ football field. I'm laughing the whole time until I look up to see Gilinsky with a look of hurt on his face. my smile that I had at first quickly turns into a frown. this isn't gonna be good.

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