waking up

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madison pov

i wake up to the quiet murmur of the television running a show that i do not know. i look around to see if anyone is here with me- for me. of course no one is here. what should i expect. no one loves me. no one. then the door opens. and he- jack gilinsky interrupts my thoughts by giving my a small- very small smile- almost as if it hurts him to smile. my face lights up with excitement without me even telling it to. yes i know. he hurt me. but i love him and we can fix it. i know we can.

"madison i'm so -" he starts before i butt in

"it's okay jack. i forgive you. and i love you. i just want to know why. that's all. why was i not enough"

"i want you to understand something. before i ever met you.. i didn't fall in love with anyone. i didn't even having feelings for anyone. justs sexual tendencies. that was my first time showing up to a party with a girl that means something to me. and i'm not used to that. i got waisted and i made a stupid decision and it cost you your best friend and your boyfriend. you don't know how sorry i am baby. but i love you. and i always will." he says as he inches closer and closer until he sits and my bed and ends his rant.

"i love you too. forever and always"

"good. good." he says with a slight smile that doesn't look as painful as his last few smiles. " your aunt had to go back to new york. i'm sorry. but she'll be back in a month. she left you a note" he says handing me and thin, pink piece of paper.

hey sweetie. i'm so sorry. i had to back to new york. but i left you 500$ on the counter at the house just for groceries and stuff. if you need anything else. don't be afraid to ask me. be careful with jack honey. i can tell he's a good boy and he just made a mistake but try not to get hurt again. also don't do anything stupid. love you! -aunt jenny

i read the note silently as jack sits on the edge of my bed and looks at me with his longing enticing beautiful engulfing green eyes. i could drown in his eyes. and yet every time i look in them i don't drown. but i do get lost. i blank out and notice every little thing about him. his eyes may give off the idea that he is happy. but i can tell he isn't. but i can fix that. i will make him happy. and he will make me happy.

"when do i get discharged?" i say breaking the silence- not an awkward silence. a beautiful silence that only him and i can achieve.

"i believe you get discharged tonight. you've been here for five days so. you have a broken arm and a broken leg but besides that ur okay" he says while looking at my arm and leg. a tear falls down his cheek. seeing him sad makes me sad. i slowly lean up in the bed and caress his face.

"what's wrong jack?" i say, my voice filled with sorrow

"this is my fault. if i would've never cheated on you, you would have never gotten into this accident." he says scratching the back of his neck as more tears find there way out of his deep beautiful green eyes.

my lips find their way to his lips and we kiss, a long passionate kiss. i can feel a tear fall into my cheek. not one of mine- but his. and i smile. i smile not at the fact that he is crying but at the thought that he actually cares for me.. and feels bad for what he did to me. he pulls apart with a wide smile on his face.

"what's so funny?" he says looking at me smiling still.

"nothing. nothing at all" i say leaning back into him and connecting our foreheads together. i don't know how long we sit like that. time passes i know that for sure but i don't feel the time passing. but i do know it passed because there is a knock on the door and we unconnect our foreheads and my back aches. jack gets up and opens the door. a nurse strolls in with medicine in her hand and a couple of papers.

"this is your medication", she says holding up 3 different bottles, one is for pain, another for sleeping, and another for something that i don't know due to her not explaining it. she starts talking again but i zone out and nod my head every now and then hoping that jack is actually listening to her. i hear a faint laugh and it snaps me out of whatever trance i was in. the nurse then walks out of the room after putting the papers that i need to sign on the night stand.

"what was so funny?" i say giggling a little.

"she asked if you understood everything and if you have any questions and you just nodded your head" he says laughing

"oops" i say laughing as well. i grab the papers and start singing wherever it indicates ignoring all the words in between. once i'm done jack leaves for a minute and gives them the paper. once he comes back he strolls in with a wheel chair. great i think mentally rolling my eyes. i slowly get up with jacks assistance and sit down in the chair. he grabs the suitcase that my aunt brought. she probably thought i was staying longer than what i did but oh well.

"you're staying with me okay? and i'm buying you a new phone." he says without an expression. i try to argue but nothing comes to mind. jack pushes me down the hallway till we get to the elevator. we walk out of the hospital together. unlike how we both entered. but it's okay. we c an resolve this. we love each other. i know we do.

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