Chapter Two- Jealousy

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*One week later...

 Ziandra's P.O.V

I'm hanging out with my boy best friend, Gabriel after school. We are like the worst badasses ever. We like to play pranks especially on the sluts. They are so over reactive. I finished everything to be done in school and I grabbed my books and went to my locker. I opened it, put some of my books in and got our toolbox -which contains our tools for the most epic pranks ever- which we bought last Christmas. I don't know why, but I'm closer to guys than I am to girls.

"Boo!!" I jumped to the voice of Gabriel. "What the hell Gabe?!" I reacted, hitting him in the arm. "Nothin'. I just noticed the blonde haired dude staring at you ever since you got to your locker." I looked back and thought, pssh, what a stalker. "Oh, he's just a classmate in Arts class, Niall Horan." I assured him. "Well just promise me, if he ever does anything to hurt you, tell me and his face gets a bruise. You don't want that incident to repeat itself, do we?" God, why does everyone want to ruin my day. "Okay, Gabe. Just stop bringing up the topic on that incident." 

"So, whose the lucky victim?" I asked him and raised a brow. "I was thinking Helen Lanter." He smirked while eyeing her devilishly. "Going for the cheerleaders now, huh? Aren't we getting cocky?" He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "I get it. You want to take revenge from her because she told Lorelei to break up with you." Tss, what a kid. Can't he just let the issue go? "She didn't just do that. She humiliated my ego."

"What are you thinking?" I asked him for his plan. "I was thinking a few spiders in the ladies' room and switching her hairspray to blue slushies will teach her a lesson." I rolled my eyes. Wasn't that a bit harsh? "Whatever pleases you." We set all the things and I entered the ladies' room.

I placed the spider beside the sink where Helen always does her make-up. She arrived a minute later. "Hi Helen." I greeted. "Hey Zia." She replied, bringing out her can of hairspray. Before she could spray it on her hair, I immediately alerted her of the spider. I switched the hairspray with the can of slushies while she exclaimed and screamed about how disgusting spiders are. She grabbed the can and ran out. I finally cracked up when I heard her spray the can on her hair. I peeked out and saw her new blue colored hair. She didn't even notice it. She's lucky no one was there. Little did she know, I recorded everything on my phone.

I ran out to meet Gabe who was pacing back and forth. "So, how was it?" He eagerly asked. "I love her new hair color." I showed him a picture of Helen walking down the hall. "And the spiders?" I showed him the video and he started laughing his ass off. 

My phone rang. "Yeah? Okay... Yeah... Alright... Fine... See ya captain." Guess who called. Yup it was Zach. Just as planned the three of us would go to see a movie: The Conjuring. I really like horror movies the most. "Hey dipsh¡t! Zach just called. Let's go pick him up." I really have a bad mouth. "Okay", was all he managed to say after drying his tears from laughing.

We passed down the hall. We could hear faint screams, probably Helen and her friends. All we could do was laugh once again. Just thank God that people weren't here, because we'd have been placed in a mental institute by then.

We got to my car. I started to drive and I saw Niall looking at us err me. Well I just ignored him. Again. We picked my brother up at his school and we went to the movie theatre. The guys ate like there was no tomorrow. Then again, there's no blaming them. I myself have food as my middle name.






After we finished the movie, Zach told us he was busy on some project and that he'd leave us to enjoy. I offered him a ride home but he'd already taken a cab. It was just me and Gabe. A few moments later, Gabe felt the urge to pee. So I had to wait for him outside the restroom.

"Hey." Someone called me from behind. Two words: Irish jock. Yup it was definitely Niall. "What are you doing here, babe?" He asked, winking at me. For God's sake, when is he gonna leave me alone and stop calling me that word? I still can't forgive him for what he did last week. "Oh, I'm waiting for my best friend Gabriel." He cocked an eyebrow. "Boy best friend? That's unusual." He's getting on my last nerve. "No it isn't." I stayed quiet as I waited. 

 Niall's P.O.V

Why did she stop talking? Was it something I said? Well if she knows I'm jelous it is definitely not my fault.

"Zia!" I heard a voice call out to her. It was this guy named Gabriel. "He bothering you again?" He put a protective arm on her. "No he's okay." She said, brushing off his arm. This Gabriel guy had some nerve. As they were walking away, "Bye, Nialler" I heard her whisper in to my ear. I had a sudden blush for a moment. She was real gorgeous. I wanted her. I needed to have her. One way or another, she was gonna be mine.

Meh, nothing to do here, I thought. I grabbed my keys and approached my car. Just then, I saw Zia part from the Gabriel guy she was with. He was walking towards my direction and I grabbed him and covered his mouth. I threw him into my car and shut the doors. For a jock, he sure was light. What sports does this douche play anyway?

"The fu*k was that for?!" He screamed as soon as I let go of him. "Scream and you get a black eye." I threatened. "What do you need Horan? Can't you see you've caused enough trouble for my best friend?!" He said and punched my shoulder. He hits... like a girl. "It hasn't been a month and you're telling me that I've already caused damage?" I sarcastically stated. "Listen, I need you to convince her that I'm good for her. You know, that you want her to date me." 

He looke at me suspiciously and chuckled. "Sorry, I don't do favors for strangers, especially when it comes to Zia. After that incident, I'm not trusting her to anyone else. She's been through more than you know." He shrugged. What incident is he talking about?

"Please." I begged him desperately. "Look mate, you're a quarterback. Girls like to drool over you. But not Zia. So you'll just have to get over yourself." He said, about to get out of my car. "Wait! I have a deal for you!" What I said made him stop in his tracks and sit back down. "I don't know why I'm bothering to listen to you, but you sound convincing."

"Whatever that incident is, I'll make her forget it. I'll make her the happy. That's what you want, right?"

I heard him chuckle. "Sorry, but you don't fit my standards. I don't think Zia would be happy with you. You're just as cocky as her last guy was."

"You better do it or else I'd be thinking you have a crush on me. And that you're actually gay." I teased, making him furrow his eyebrows. He punched me, harder this time. "As much as I love Zia, I still care for my pride, you understand me Horan?! But hurt her once, I swear you'll get something worse than a punch!" He said and got out.

Hmm... I guess he's not gay. He just lacks training. How weak.

 Now, what incident was the bastard talking about?


A/N: So, the second chapter is out. I hope you liked it. :D

Ya'll are gorgeous.


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