Chapter Four- Meet the Family

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Zach's special POV! The incident which the guys were talking about starts to unfold.

 Niall's P.O.V

I walked Zia home to meet her family. I need to get their consent if I want to take Zia out.

When we arrived at her home, I saw her dad who I haven't seen in like 4 years. He was inside, watching a football game like all other dads whose kids are football players. "Hey Zia!" I heard a deep voice come from inside the house. It was Mr.Haverford.

He came outside to meet us. He hasn't aged yet. Sure, his beard got longer but he still looks good. It's like he's still 25 -I'm not exaggerating. I guess it's in the Haverford genes. I mean just look at Zia. It's like she's a girl who's just had her sweet sixteen.

"Niall! I haven't seen you in a long time. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Mr. Haverford. Uh, I was just walking Zia home." Sometimes, you never really know when to pop the question.

"How's your dad?" He asked, giving me a pat on the back.

"Umm...He's doing fine. He retired two years ago and moved back to Ireland." I informed him. "Oh, okay. Send him my regards. Tell him we'd go watch football again sometime." He said, chuckling.

"So what brings you here? I'm sure you're not just here to walk my daughter home, or are you?"

"Uhm...I wanted to ask you and your family's permission to take her out..." It took him some time to think, and he smiled, saying, "I was just kidding when I said I'd think about it. Of course you can, boy. What time do you want her?"

I can't believe her dad actually gave his consent. "Tomorrow is fine." I told him. "Well okay my boy. Pick her up at 7 and be here at 10. Sounds like a fair deal, right?"

"Yeah sure." He replied with the happiest smile on his face, as if trying to state that he was happy his daughter was growing up.

"Good. Oh Zia, your brother's here." I turned around and saw her brother get out of his grey Mercedes Benz. "Hey dad. Hey Zia. What's up?" They both looked at me. "Niall here wants to take your sister on a date." He looked at me, as if trying to figure out if he'd meet me once before. "Niall Horan? This year's football team captain?"

"Uh yes..." I said shyly. I wanted to ask him to sign my football. Zach Haverford is one of my idols when it comes to football. He is a living legend in our school.

"So you're taking her on a date, huh?" He asked once again.

"Uhh yeah..."

"Man, don't hurt her okay? If you do, my fist is in your face." He threatened.

"I promise I won't hurt her." I was real scared of his threat. He nodded a few times. "You've passed family standards. Lucky you." He told me and smiled. "Okay. I'll leave you guys to chat." Mr.Haverford said as he went in the house.  

He invited me to play COD. I really love that game. We positioned ourselves in their gaming room. She sat on the couch while we guys played on the floor. Zia was just on the couch watching us.

"Hey, any room for a third player?" She asked.

"No. Since we just have 2 controllers." Zach argued.

"Wait, you play?!" I said in total astonishment.

"Yep. My sister learned everything she knows from me." He said, chuckling then put his hand on his chin. "Although, I really need to get her into sports. Coach tells me her PhysEd grades are kind of hanging."

"Zach!" Zia exclaimed and punched his shoulder. "Ouch!" He yelped. "Still, she punches hardly."

"Wow. It's amazing how you two get along very well. Not a lot of brother and sister type of siblings get along very well." I commented on their close relationship. "Yeah. You just have to go with it." I was really amazed by how they get along very well.

So, here I find myself playing with her brother while she comments on our game strategies. When it was her turn to have the second controller, she was so focused on the game. Not bad for a girly girl who doesn't like sports.

The day ended with Zach finally signing my football and Zia walking me out the door.

While walking on my way home, she sent me a picture of a cat holding a sign board saying, "Take care!" I smiled at the short message. I never thought two words would be able to lighten up my mood.

Zach's P.O.V

Niall seems like a decent guy. I can tell that he cares about my sister. I haven't seen her smile like that in a while. I think he's the one she's been looking for. He must be real special to her. She hasn't been this happy ever since she got Terrie, her Husky which unfortunately got hit by a car last year.

Yeah, I'm sure they'd make a good couple. I see how happy he makes her. I just hope she won't get hurt.

No, no more tears this time. She won't get hurt this time.

Her last boyfriend left her for dead after she was beaten by his gang. That incident happened two years ago. He was her first kiss, her first love. Dad hasn't trusted her with any other guy since. I'm surprised after these years that dad actually likes this guy. He must really trust Niall and his family.

Well, I guess it's story time now, huh?

Zia was a sophomore when she met Gabriel Walter, her current boy bestfriend. Gabriel, who was then a gang member introduced Zia to his gang leader, Jai Libeiro. They dated, and she eventually fell in love. Jai swore he wouldn't hurt her. Until the phase came when Zia started to wear mini-skirts and shorts. I bet Jai loved it when she wore those types of outfits.

Then it just got out of control. They were casually -I don't even know if it's the word I'd used to describe it- making out one day. God knows why they did it in an abandoned factory but I know Jai was planning something. Zia sat on his lap and the next thing you know, his hands were on her breasts. She was actually willing to give 'it' to him. She got on her senses, realized that what she was doing was wrong and like every innocent girl would do, she pulled back. And Jai, oh so desperate for sex, forced her to. But despite his strength, she was able to escape from his grasp. Not knowing what would happen to her next. The whole gang was there. Just waiting outside.

She tried to escape from them but it was no use. That's when they started to beat her up, God knows why they did it. Until Gabriel, me and my dad arrived at the scene about thirty minutes later. Gabriel was different from the gang. He actually cared about Zia. And I could see that at some point when he cared for her, he fell in love with her. Not in a romantic type of way. Just a friendly type of love. He beat up Jai, screamed out about how a bastard he was, leaving the other gang members stunned. Dad had called an ambulance and the whole gang -composed of eight members excluding Gabriel- got arrested.

Ever since, we've been closely watching her and the guys she hangs around with. Only the family knows -and her two best friends, Gabriel and Madeleine.

Now I'm actually glad Niall came along. If he's got that one thing that would actually make this nightmare fully vanish, then I might as well put my trust in him. 

I may not know what actually happened to Zia -that's her story to tell-, but I do know she's happy.

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