Chapter 2

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Chapter 2. Lost in the dark. Misty Relives her past?

Misty's world was black. It was almost as if she was floating in an endless black abyss. Her body hurt, but the reason for her pain completely left her mind, just like the rest of her thoughts. All she knew was darkness, pain and a me, and that name was her own. She couldn't recall what happened or any thing else. There were no notable scents or sounds. She couldn't feel anything around her. She was literally in nothing.

As she floated in the dark, something finally touched her senses. A voice. Speaking. The voice that was talking seemed to stir something with in Misty's head. Misty couldn't place the voice, but she knew the voice came from some one she feared.

With out warning, Misty suddenly was thrown from the darkness and into a dimly lit room. The room was materialising as if it was made of sand. Each grain falling into place in a dizzying whirl of blurs and colours. As the room continued to materialise, she became aware that she seemed to be looking down on the room, as if she was a ghost.

Misty gazed down on the dimly lit room. The scene unfolding before her finished appearing and the whirl stopped. Misty looked around the room. The room had four cement walls, a metal cell door and one tiny barred window high on the back wall. The cement floor was stained red, pobably with blood and the walls were covered in scratches and cracks.

Misty took all this in, staring around in horror. Although Misty could not seem to find her voice, she could still think.

'What the hell is this palce?' That was the first thought to run through her head.

As Misty floated through out the room, the sound of quiet sobs reached her ears. Misty turned, her eyes searching for the source of the crying. Her eyes fell upon something she had failed to notice. There was a small child curled up crying.

The girl had black hair, dark as the night out side the small window. She was wearing a simple outfit, Just a long, oversized shirt that had blood stains splattered on it. The girl couldn't have been older than six, a young age for this type of living.

Misty thought 'The poor thing. What happened?'

Misty tried to reach out for the girl but Misty's hand passed right through her. Just as Misty pulled back from shock, the metal door was flung open, slaming the wall and causing yet another crack in the cement walls. The bang the door made was deafaning, identical to thunder. The crying girls head shot up. As Misty got a good look at her, terror rushed through Misty and she screamed, finally finding her voice.

The young girl had Violet eyes, filled with terror. The girls eyes were almost lifeless, the way they were gazing at nothing. The young girl was Misty. As Misty relised this, memories came rushing back. Who she was, her life, even the horrible memories she was reliving now.

As men in white lab coats streamed into the room, they grabed the young girl, draging her out. Screams were escaping both the young Misty's mouth and the current Misty's mouth. The young girl was thrashing, trying to get out of the men's grip but to no avail. She was crying, pleading to be let go, but the men were relentless and wouldent let go.

As the door slammed behind the men and the young Misty, a deadly silence filled the room. Nothing could be heard, not even the screams from the young Misty. Misty's eyes were wide, full of terror and tears. No tears fell, but they were there.

Misty floated in her spot, paralized by what she just had relived her past, a terrible, scarring past that tramatized her. Many, many years ago when Misty was only four, she lived far away from where she lived now. She was normal back then, she wasnt a demon weapon. Misty had lived in a small town, located in the northern hemespher. She had lived with her family. Her family was every thing to her. Her mom was a gentle woman, her father a strict, but caring man and an older brother, Named Brennen who she loved more than any one in the world.

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