Prologue 3

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Prologue 3: Ryuuki and Zankokuna (Zan) As the pounding footsteps approached him, a twisted smile played onto his lips. The moments of the chase were what excited him. He flew down the corridor of the empty school and blindly sought the exit. It was dark, no moon light to illuminate his path, just the occasional flash of lightning.

The woman following him was not human. He knew this for sure. Her soul gave her away. His red hair falls in front of his brown eyes and he hurriedly brushed it away. His combat boot made soft thuds against the tiled floor.   He stumbled but righted himself and continued on. As he flew past a few more lockers, he ran straight through the doors. He slid to a halt on the muddy field, his heavy breath puffing out in front of him. He turned and faced the woman as she followed him out side. He clenched his fists, the chain scythe in his hand clinking.

"You ready Zan?" A feminine voice calls.

"Yes Ryuuki... I am.." Zan replied.

As he straightened and began to spin the chain, the woman standing before him growls, showing rigid pointy teeth. Her hair was almost all gone, her skin covered with soars.

"Nurse of Weslong high! I'm here for your soul!" Zan calls out, the chain scythe spinning faster.

The lady cackles and rushed towards him, a rusty knife in her hand. Zan blocks her first lunge, catching the blade in the chain of his scythe. He pulls on the chain, sending the knife flying into the near by wall. He runs around her, catching the chain on her neck. With a sharp tug the woman's neck snaps and she falls down lifeless. As a gust of wind blows, the body is whisked away in a cloud of dust. Nothing is left, except for the glowing red soul.

It hovers above the ground, an ominous glow radiating from it. Zan walked towards the soul. He stabbed the soul with the point of the scythe and the soul was absorbed. As Ryuuki changes back into human form she smiles. Ryuuki's long chestnut hair cascades down her back and her matching brow eyes glow.

"Thanks Zan. There is number 34." Ryuuki coos.

Zan nods and stuffs his hands in his suit pockets. As Ryuuki makes her way to him, the rain stops, the sky clears and a beautiful full moon appears in the sky.

"Come on, let's go Ryu." Zan said, exhaustion clear in his voice.

Ryuuki smiled and nodded, leading the way back to Zan's car. Zan was the oldest of the two. He was seventeen and his birthday had just pasted, on April fourth to be exact. Where Ryuuki was only sixteen. The current date was Sunday, April the tenth. It was always rainy lately. After all, it was spring.

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