Prologue 1

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Prologue 1:

Misty and Gage. Breathing hard, the young man came to a skidding stop just out side of a tree line. He gripped the katana in his hands with a death grip as thunder boomed above. His dark brown hair that almost looked black hair was dripping wet with rain and it was falling in his grey eyes. As lightning illuminated the sky, the young mans pursuer came around the buildings corner. The young man with the katana turned and ran, leading his pursuer on as the rain started to fall.  

The thing following him wasn't human. The creature was dark, demonic. Its black hair was greasy and his blood red eyes where wiled. It had sharp claws on his fingers and was hissing as it followed the young man. Each step the demon took shook the very earth beneath the young man's feet. As he ran, the young man spoke with stuttered breath.

"Misty... is this really the man we are after?" He panted.

From no where, a voice answered. The voice was soft and rang in the young mans ears.

"Yes it is Gage. This is the kishin egg we are here to collect. This man has strayed from the path of good. He has been killing innocent humans and devouring there souls. Now get to it! I'm getting bored!" The voice said.

Gage nodded and slid to a stop, spinning to face the demon.

"You foul beast! You have killed and eaten countless human souls! To bad for you, you won't become a kishin. I'm gunna take your soul!" Gage taunted.

The demon became enraged. The thing rushed forwards and with a simple slash of the young mans katana, the beast was finished. It let out a defining roar before evaporating into nothing. All that was left was a glowing red ball about the size of a baseball. The rain finally let up and the clouds parted, reveling a full moon.

"Took you long enough." The female voice rang out.

The katana in Gage's hand became enveloped with smoke and with a small flash of purple light, a girl began to materialize as the katana disappeared. She stood gazing at him, smiling wide.

"Yeah yeah... just take the soul." Gage grumbled leaning back on the tree.

Misty walked towards the glowing ball. She smiled and flipped back her long black hair. The way the moon shone made her hair glow. Gage stood mesmerized by the girls beauty. She grabbed the red ball.

"This is kishin soul number twenty eight..." she states holding up the glowing ball.

In one swift movement, she places the kishin egg to her forehead and absorbs the soul. She breaths out a sigh before looking back at Gage with her glowing violet eyes. She heads back over to him, weaving through the trees.

"We are over a quarter of the way to getting out ninety nine kishin souls and one witch. We will be there in no time Misty." Gage declares smiling. "Shall I call lord death?"

Misty nods and pulls out a small mirror. She tosses it to Gage and he catches it gracefully. He breaths on the glass causing fog before using his fingers to write in a number. As he went he said the words students used to memorise the number.

"42-42-564 when ever you wanna, knock on deaths door." He mumbles.

The mirror ripples for a moment before a person appears. The man on mirror is wearing a black cloak and a white mask.

"Heya hiya how's it going?" The masked man said in a sing song voice.

Gage rolled his eyes as Misty wanders around.

"Lord Death. This is shadow blade Wielder Gage Hawthorn. I am calling to report that my weapon Misty Ryder and I have just collected our twenty eighth soul."

Lord death clapped his white gloved hands. "Excellent! Well done! You two really are an incredible team. Keep up the good work. So long!"

With that the mirror went back to normal. All that could be seen was the reflection on Gage's grey eyes. He tosses the mirror at his weapon, Misty, but she misses and drops it. It shatters against the ground and Misty growls at Gage.

"You dummy! That was a good mirror! Just because you are seventeen and a year older doesn't mean you can break my stuff." She snaps, Her violet eyes flaring with anger.

Gage simply rolls his eyes before wandering off into the trees to head back to there apartment.

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