Chapter 1

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Chapter one. A new student. Misty and gage almost defeated?

As morning dawned on death city, Misty rolled over in her large bed. The violet silken sheets smooth against the bare skin of her shoulders. Dawn light slanted in from the blue curtains hanging on her window. Misty sat up, a yawn escaping her mouth. As she got out of bed, she pulled on her black fuzzy house coat and matching slippers. She yanks her curtains open and smiled out the window.

She slowly went around her large room, opening the curtains on all four of the windows. As she reached the final one, which was across from her bed, she smiled and sat on the window seat, smiling softly. Her black hair is a tangled mess, for she had a troubled sleep. As she smiled and waved at the young boy across the street sitting in his window, there was a soft knock at the door.

"Hey you up?" Gage called.

Misty smiled. She leapt off the window seat and went to the red door. She opened it and smiled at Gage. He was still in his pajamas and he was shirtless. It didn't really bother her, seeing as they had lived together since they became partners three years ago.

Misty smiled. Monday was her day to cook breakfast. She walked past him, there skin brushing. She began to rummage in the large kitchen.

They lived on a single floor apartment in death city, decently close to the Death Weapon Meister Academy. Or DWMA for short. Its where demon weapons, humans that can turn into weapons, and meisters, the weapons users, attended school. At this school, they learned to fight, learned about souls and a variety of other subjects.

Misty began to prepare some breakfast for herself and her meister. School began at seven am. It was only six am.

Meanwhile, across the city, in a two floor house surrounded by trees, demon weapon Ryuuki CrossStar was just waking up after a peaceful sleep. For her, every morning was the same thing. Ryuuki wakes up at five thirty and makes breakfast. At six, she gets Zankokuna, her meister, up and they eat there food at the marble table. Then, at six thirty, Zan and Ryuuki drive to school.

Today how ever, did not follow there usual schedule. When Ryuuki woke up, the smell of bacon and eggs reached her nose. She sat up in her bed, the shoulder of her orange night gown falling down. Ryuuki stood up, curious. She walked through the double doors of her room and down the long hallway. The hallway was lined with pictures, all taken by her. She was a photographer. The hall way was where she hung her photos, all of them ones that she hand picked herself. Ryuuki loved to take pictures, to capture life in its moments of beauty. This was her talent, just as the others had there's.

As she reached the end of the hall and approached the main stair case, she paused. A voice carried up the stairs, a voice she knew well. It was Zan. He was cursing. Clearly pissed at something and was attempting to fix it. Ryuuki smiled, a laugh escaping her lips.

Zan was clumsy, but also hot headed. Him and Misty's partner, Gage, were always getting into fights. Misty usually stopped them, by giving them each a good kick in the ass. Some times though, there fights would get out of hand and they would be stopped by a teacher. The only thing is, the difference in Gage and zan's power level was to great. Gage was very powerful and Zan was no match in a one on one fight. But if Zan and Ryuuki fought together, they stood a chance. If Misty joined in, well, then it would be over. She is very strong and can beat them with a simple punch in the face.

As Ryuuki reached the kitchen, she walking in on Zan. He was in his PJ pants and sweater and he was sweeping up a broken plate. "What did you do?" Ryuuki asked as she took a seat at the table.

Zan sighed. "I was making breakfast and I dropped a plate."

Ryuuki rolled her eyes and a few minutes later, Zan had prepared them breakfast. It wasn't the best food Ryuuki had ever had, but it was a nice gesture. They ate in silence the sun outside grew fainter. Gray clouds were covering the sky and it was clear another thunderstorm was on the way. As they got ready to go to school, they got there school books and went out of the door. They walked towards the school, Keeping a fast pace so they wouldn't be late.

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