Chapter 7

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Chapter 7. Why are those lips so addicting?

The sound of shoes hitting pavement. That's all that was heard other then the low wind sweeping through the city. Step after step. Misty stormed towards the train station with the two males behind her. She was pissed. Misty was aimlessly muttering curse words and other foul things in her anger.

As the group rounded a corner, Aidan and Nadia came into view. A look of confusion passes over the twins faces. Aidan and Nadia gazed at Misty as her pace slowed and she approached the two. The wind blew and scattered hair and ruffled clothes.

"What happened?" Aidan asked in a slow voice.

Misty let out a low growl and Aidan immediately shrunk back. Misty's eyes flared with anger and Gage and Zan caught up to her. She took a deep breath before speaking in a dark tone.

"Ryuuki was taken." She stated.

Nadia gasped softly and Aidan's eyes widened. The twins couldn't help but become very concerned. What if she was hurt? Why? Where did they take her?

"Wait, who took her?" Nadia asked hurriedly.

Misty let out a dark chuckle that Gage had heard before. She pushed her hair back and let out a sigh. Her violet eyes seemed clouded and her mind seem to be reeling.

"The same bastards that tortured me for years. Those dam keishen scientists or what ever the hell they are." Misty rambled and started walking again.

"We are gong to save her. You guys coming?" She called over her shoulder.

Aidan and Nadia glanced at each other before the two followed after her, Gage and Zan.

Every step closer to the train station, Misty felt her anger grow and mix with the fear stirring in her stomach. 'Am I really going back there?' She thought. Misty shook her head and approached the ticket station. She walked up to the window and gazed at the man behind the glass.

"Five going to ActonOntario in Canada." Misty stated simply.

The man shuffled through papers. "Um sorry but there is no mission there so I cant send a-" He was cut of by Misty slamming a fist into the glass.

The glass didn't break, but a crack formed. The man jumped and Gage looked at her with wide eyes.

"I said, five for ActonOntario, Canada." She repeated in a dark tone.

The man nodded and hurriedly tapped a few buttons on his computer and soon a train whistle resonated through the air. Gage walked up to Misty and gripped her arm tightly.

"Misty you need to calm down. You nearly scared that man shitless." Gage said and glared at her.

"Gage I cant calm do-" Gage cut her off by placing a finger to her lips.

"Misty. relax. We are going to get her back. There is no need to take your anger out on any one." Gage said in a soothing voice.

Zan, Aidan and Nadia watched Gage with surprised gazes. No one had ever silenced Misty that easily. Zan turned and Aidan and Nadia climbed on the train. Moments later, Misty climbed on the train followed by Gage. They took a seat in a booth across from the other three. Zan looked at the two and smiled softly.

"Thanks for helping me guys." Zan said in a grateful tone.

Misty nodded and smiled back. The train gave a lurch as it pulled out of the station.

"You're welcome. We will get her back." Misty said reassuringly.

Zan nodded.

Hours later, the train clattered along in the dark of the evening that was falling. The train was silent other then a few soft snores coming from the others. Every one but Misty and Gage were asleep. Misty sat curled up, gazing out the window at the burred scenery. She looked down and pulled the silver locket from her pocket. Clicking it open, she gazed at the pictures. Two small photos. A small smile was brought to her lips. The first picture was of a younger her and the second was of Gage and her standing in front of the DWMA smiling and waving.

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