Chapter 2

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(Picture of Charlie)

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(Picture of Charlie)

Authors note: 10 people so far 😊. Thank you guys, don't forget to comment and vote, more chapters are coming up soon.

As I stepped onto the bus, I discreetly turned my head in hopes of seeing my new neighbor's face again. Damn. He was hot .He had clear blue eyes, and short dirty blonde hair, just a little darker than mine.

I walked to the middle of the bus, and since he was a few feet away, I moved over, closer to the window, in hopes of him sitting next to me. Suddenly, from the back of the bus, I heard a familiar voice. It was Jennifer. She was the captain of the cheerleading team and practically the hottest chick in school, but to me she was just a pretty stuck up bitch. Jennifer's high pitched and irritating voice say:

"Oh my god! Hi! What's your name, I'm Jennifer." she screeched.

"Um...I'm Charlie," he replied.

"Hmm... Charlie," I said quietly. His name rolled off the tip of my tongue.

While Jennifer went on rambling and bombarding him with questions, Charlie looked back at me, almost helplessly. I could feel my heart beat faster than it normally was.

As Charlie was about to come closer to the middle section of the bus, where I was sitting, Jenifer wrapped her arm around his and pulled him toward her seat.

I sighed. I was almost pissed off that he decided to sit with her, but then again, no matter how hard he tried, Jennifer would've followed him until he was part of her ludicrous entourage. Maybe there was still hope for him to be my friend before he turned into brainless asshole, like the rest of Jennifer's friends. I remembered what they did to my best friend, Anna, in sophomore year.

"Come on Anna, we're right behind you," sneered Scott.

"Yeah, we promise," added Lea.

"Um... okay...fine.." said Anna timidly.

She crept towards the abandoned cabin that the group found the last time they were in the woods. Each step she took closer to the door, on the wooden stairs, creaked. She was extremely hesitant. She turned around and stared at the group in hopes of one of them to realize that this was stupid. But more than that, Anna was petrified of walking into that house.

"Jesus Christ Anna, can you just go into the damn cabin, or should I drag you in?" asked Jennifer coldly. Anna couldn't believe her closest friend would scold her like that.

"No....I'm...g..going." croaked Anna.

She quickly walked up the stairs and walked over to the door. She reached her hand for the rusty doorknob and carefully turned it until the door opened. She then stepped into cabin and looked around. There wasn't much there besides old furniture covered in plastic and cobwebs and magazines from the 70s.

As soon as Anna started to walk towards the door to leave the door closed shut. Anna started screaming hysterically.


She slid down to the floor and couldn't breathe... she was having a panic attack. She grasped for air, but the cabin was musty and humid. She tried to crawl to the door, but it was no use. Anna was so scared her heartbeat was going as fast as a humming birds... that is until it stopped.

Finally, after laughing their imbecile asses off, the group quickly stopped and  looked around at each other with a questionable look as to why it was so quiet in the cabin.

Jennifer opened the door and saw Anna on the floor.

"Anna get your ass up we know your pretending.", said Jennifer with a slight hope that Anna was indeed just pranking them.

"Anna." said Jennifer loudly. She was beginning to realize Anna wasn't going to respond.

She quickly walked over to Anna's body and turned her around. Then she placed her fingers on Anna's neck and checked for a pulse. When she couldn't find one she felt, at the pit of her stomach, like fear had consumed her. What was she going to tell the police after this happened? What was she gonna do about Anna's body? All of these thoughts drilled into Jennifer's brain.

"Is she....dead?" asked Lea.

Jennifer couldn't speak. She managed to slightly nod her head as she heard ugly sobs leave Lea's mouth. Scott threw up on the side of the cabin after finding out what happened.

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