Chapter 21

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Author's Note: Hey guys! Most of you might have given up on me and this book, and I probably deserve it

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Author's Note: Hey guys! Most of you might have given up on me and this book, and I probably deserve it. I feel so bad for not writing in such a long time. But in all honesty, there was just so many things I had to take care of that screwed me up so bad. I had a nervous breakdown because the workload I got from school was so much. At one point I got a total of 8 hours a sleep for 1 WEEK. I am going to try to make some time for writing because this book is important to me and I am so appreciative of all the continuous support you guys are giving me. Thank you! Don't forget to comment and vote. 💕💕
Allison POV-

Liam's eyebrows furrowed and his face instantly frowned in anger.

"HE WHAT?!" shouted Liam.

Kira tried calming him down, but he was only walking toward Scott's direction.

Now only a few feet away from him, Liam took off his mask. Kira let go of him, because no matter how much she tried to calm him down, Scott was still going to get his ass whooped.

"How dare you touch her! You fucking ass wipe!" screamed Liam right into Scott's face.

Left and right Liam began launching punches at Scott's face. It wasn't long until Charlie and another football player, pulled the two away from each other. Luckily the teachers were on the far end of gym and didn't notice the fight.

"What the hell?" groaned Scott .

"If I ever see you around Kira ever again, I will make sure I beat your ass until you can't breathe. And know this, I won't rest until you're expelled you disgusting piece of shit."

Scott immediately tried throwing himself at Liam, but Charlie's grip on him made sure to keep him under control.

From the other side of the room I heard the little clicks of heels running towards us. Lea and Jennifer were both dressed in slutty bunny costumes that made them look like cheaper versions of Playboy Bunnies.

"Scott!?! What the hell did they do to you?! Get off him, NOW!" screamed Jennifer.

Charlie slowly released his grip on Scott, and walked over to me. He stood slightly in front of me, making sure Scott was at least a good 5 feet away from me. We locked our hands together and watched Jennifer try to help Scott out.

"This is all of your fault." scolded Jennifer, as she looked over to Kira.

"How dare you make up some story about how Scott raped you. Are you really that much of an attention whore?" scoffed Jennifer.

"He did! Scott said that if I told anyone he'd... he said he'd kill me." said Kira.

"What?..." said Jennifer before she replied ,"That is such bullshit. You manipulative bitch."

"Jesus Christ! Why do you hate her so much. For God's sake, she got raped! Do you have any compassion in yourself?! Or are you just completely that heartless?" I shouted.

"Oh really... You wanna talk about compassion? How funny considering you just throw yourself at Charlie and Gabe whenever you want to. Or is it just when you get bored with one, you mess around with the other?" sneered Jennifer.

Instantly, Charlie stepped back, let go of my hand and turned to me.

"What is she talking about?" asked Charlie is a quiet voice.

"I was ju-" I began to say before Jennifer cut me off.

"Oh didn't you know? Allison and Gabriel had their own little rendezvous at the beach. It was so romantic according to the both of them, you know with all the kissing and making out. I might even be jealous. Wouldn't you say so Le?"

Not a minute later, Lea pulled out her phone and started playing a video of Gabriel and I at Dunkin Donuts. Suddenly, it hit me... Lea was the girl with the black aviators at Dunkin Donuts. Shit.

Charlie's eyes began watering as he watched Lea play the video over and over again.

"When did this happen?" said Charlie in a deep, serious voice.

"Charlie I can expla-"

"Tell me when the fuck this happened!" he said, more aggressively.

"It happened the day she slept over our house and you had to go to work. I felt bad for her so I took her to the beach house. We never did anything more than kiss." said Gabriel shamefully as he walked forwards to Charlie.

"It was a big mista-" began Gabriel until Charlie threw a punch straight to his jaw.

Gabriel stumbled backwards as the punch hit him hard, but Charlie wasn't remotely finished.

"How dare you? How fucking dare you!" You know, I hoped you would finally learn not to take what isn't yours, but apparently that will never get through your God damned head. As for you," said Charlie turning to me,"I thought I could trust you. I thought you knew how it felt when someone cheats on you. But I guess that doesn't really matter because all of you are just lying bastards."

Before Charlie made his way to the exit of the party, he said,"We're done. I don't want you to text me. I don't want you to talk to me. I don't want anything to do with you, you slut."

I ran up to him and tried to make him look at me.


"Leave me alone."

"No, we can fix this, we can fix everything, please just give me one more chance! Charlie I love you!" I screamed.

"Really? You really love me? You know what it's fine. I'll just set up a schedule for every week what days you could fuck around with me, and which days you could fuck around with Gabe." replied Charlie as he was almost at the door of the exit.

"Charlie please! I'm sorry! God I am so sorry, but please! Don't you dare give up on me! I'll do anything, but please don't give up on me. I need you!"

But before I could say more, Charlie kept walking forwards, and shut the door behind him carelessly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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