Chapter 20

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Author's note: Hi guys! Thank you to everyone who is voting on the chapters, I will try my best to update as soon as possible. Don't forget to comment + vote. ✌💜
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Allison POV-

* 1 week later *

With the Halloween Dance approaching, I grew more and more excited. Charlie and I were going to spend the entire weekend with each other again, and now that I made things clear with Gabriel, I was going to finally be able to spend time with my boyfriend. Boyfriend. The word rolled off my tongue. I never imagined I'd find someone, especially not as amazing as Charlie. A voice I grew too familiar with, interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey beautiful." said Charlie with a smile across his face.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Hey." I giggled.

We walked to the math room together, and talked about the dance. Few minutes later, I decided to bring up my conversation with Kira.

"Kira talked to me, not that long ago."

Charlie gave me a questionable look as he raised his eyebrow.

"She was scared. I don't know why, but she was crying and freaking out. She said she couldn't tell me why, at least not then." I said answering Charlie's indirect question.

"Did you try talking to her again lately?" he asked.

I shook my head. I wanted to give her some time to think and calm down before I go rampaging her with questions about everything.
__ __ __

Our classes ended soon after that. When I got home I laid out the costume for the dance the following night. It came with a fake gun, that I was about 75% sure was not going to be allowed into the huge gym, where the dance was being held. In addition, a dark maroon colored 1920-30s outfit came in the costume bag that fit perfectly on me. I had my own pumps to pair it with. Lastly, I grabbed the head piece and laid it down on the chair along with the other components of the costume on my fluffy white chair that faced my desk.
__ __ __

The next morning I woke up, and quickly threw on an outfit. We weren't allowed to wear our costumes during school hours, but I still managed to look cute. On me, I wore a pair of long faded jeans, a white Henley long sleeved shirt, and a necklace. To tie the outfit all together I wore some ankle boots with lace. In the bathroom, I began to curl my hair, giving it the blowout look. I did my makeup, which consisted of eyeshadow, mascara, a light shade of lipstick, and some eyeliner. When I was done, I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself. I felt beautiful. Even though it was like any other day, I had a good feeling about today.

When I walked outside, rather than seeing a bus, Charlie was parked in front of my house, waiting for me to hop into his Mercedes Benz. Most of the kids in my school had them, considering their parents were either surgeons, doctors, bankers, or owned a big company.

"Hey Alli...son" said Charlie as his jaw dropped at the sight of me. I giggled and buckled myself in the car seat.

"Morning, Charlie." I replied.

"You look amazing." he whispered into my ear before he started the engine to the car.

I felt the heat rush up to my cheeks, making me blush. I loved how he was one of the few people who could do that.

When we got to school we waited in homeroom for the other students. Kira walked in with a sulken look on her face. For a while now, she's been acting weirdly, as if she has depression. However, if it were the case, I wouldn't have a clue what triggered it. She walked over and motioned me to come out to the hall with her. I gave Charlie a shy smile and walked over to her.

"I'll tell you tonight." she said in a low voice. I nodded my head, wondering why she didn't tell me anything g earlier though.

"Are you okay? I know things might've changed, but I still want to help you. Is it about the bathroom incident?" I asked.

She shook her head and tried to hold back her tears.

"No. It's... It's something that happened a few weeks ago, at Jennifer's party. Sco-"

"Hey! There you are, I was looking for you." said Scott. I remember him, he was one of the assholes that was with Anna the night she died. Scott

Kira's face turned white as came over. I gave her a questionable look, but she didn't move.

She nodded her head quickly and ran to her seat. I went back soon after, and sat in the my assigned seat which was right next to Charlie.
__ __ __

When I got home, I quickly pulled out my homework and began to work on it until I heard a knock on the front door.

"Allison! It's for you!" my mom shouted from down stairs.

I sighed and left my desk, to go downstairs.

"Who is i-" I began until I saw Gabe staring at me.

"I'll leave you two." said my mother as she walked upstairs.

I looked back at Gabe who's eyes were starting to tear up.

"I'm so-"

"Don't. Just don't say it. I know your sorry, I know you care. I know..." I said.

"Then why won't you believe me when I say Jennifer was nothing but a mistake?" he asked.

"You know what, I do believe you. I just don't care. I don't care about you or her or what happened to us. It was a stupid mistake." I blurted out. As if by instinct I put my hand over my mouth and covered it.

"I was a mistake?" asked Gabriel in an aggravated voice.

"No. I didn't mean-"

"No. It's fine. I leave you alone your highness." scoffed Gabriel in response.

__ __ __ __ __ __

With the dance tonight, I slipped into my costume. The dark maroon color correlated perfectly with my hair and makeup. Pretty soon I was ready for the dance. I quickly walked over to Charlie's and rang the doorbell, filled with excitement. When Charlie opened the door I glanced at him from head to toe, admiring him in his costume.

Charlie wasn't hesitant to greet me with a long, hard kiss. I felt his hand trail down my back as we deepened the kiss. Slowly, I managed to pull away from the kiss, although it was certainly appreciated, and grabbed his hand.

Within five minutes, we arrived at the school. Outside, the music was booming and the flash of lights from inside the gym appeared in the night sky. Hand in hand, we walked into the gym. The bouquets of balloons intertwined around the banner, in the entrance.

"Allison! Charlie!" shouted Liam from across the gym. His hand was around Kira's waist.

Finally, I thought to myself. We all expected Liam and Kira to become a couple, but we never anticipated when they'd actually be together.

"Awe you guys are together?" I teased when we walked over to the couple.

Kira shyly nodded as Liam pulled her in closer. He was dressed up as the Flash, while Kira was dressed up in a Poison Ivy costume. Although their storylines didn't quite add up, they looked adorable.

The music started to get louder as more and more students came. We all started dancing and singing even though most of it was excruciatingly cringey.

Suddenly, Kira grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side when the guys weren't looking.

"I need to talk to you. It's bad." whispered Kira.

"What happened?"

"It was at Jennifer's party. Scott pulled me over to the side and started kissing me." replied Kira.

"Wait, you cheated on Liam?"

"What?! No! It was before we started dating. Anyway Scott started getting aggressive and I tried to get away but..."

"Scott raped you?!" I said in shock.

Kira nodded her head, and right behind us stood Liam, with his mouth wide open.

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