Chapter 9 - Important Chats!

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Melody woke Charlie up at 8am stating that she wanted to have a girly chat with her. They both went downstairs in their PJ's and sat on the sofa ready to talk.

“so what did you want to talk about” Charlie asked with curiosity.

“it's been so long since we had a chat like this I just wanted one” She admitted

“you wouldn't have woke me up this early if you didn't have something to talk about” Charlie mocked.


“just spit it out” Charlie shouted “you know you can tell me anything” Melody took a deep breathe before telling her little sister something that had been on her mind for a while.

“i like Phil” she bluntly blurted out.

“well of course you do, you two have been spending a lot of time together recently” Charlie said totally missing the point.

“No” started Melody “ I LIKE PHIL”. Charlie finally understood what Melody was trying to tell her and she couldn't be more happy. Charlie lunged across the sofa and gave her sister a massive hug.

“I knew you liked him it was so obvious, you two are perfect for each other” Charlie admitted getting quiet giddy, it was clear that she was very happy for her sister. “when are you going to tell him”

“i'm not” Melody bluntly said.

“what do you mean you're not, YOU HAVE TO TELL HIM” Charlie shouted.

“i don't want to risk it. We have a great friendship and I don't want to ruin it if he doesn't feel the same way”

“he will feel the same way” Charlie reassured her. Melody gave in she knew there was no way in arguing with Charlie. What harm could it do to tell him the truth.

“seems as we have having this chat” Charlie started “there's someone that I like at the moment”

“what who” Melody said she expected Charlie to say Dan they were made for each other Charlie just needed to figure it out.

“PJ” Charlie said. She never had any difficulty with telling her sister anything it was just admitting her feeling to boys she had problems with. Melody looked shocked but also at the same time happy for Charlie. She wanted her sister to be happy but she couldn't help but think about Dan. Melody really believed that Dan would be the making Charlie but if Charlie had feelings for someone else there was nothing she could do about it.

“thats really cute” Melody said not being about to find the correct word for what she was feeling. Disappointed that Charlie had not picked Dan. Upset for Dan because she knew how much he liked her or happiness because she wanted her sister to be happy.

~time skip~

Melody was stood outside of Dan and Phils apartment. She was ready to tell Phil how she felt but also not ready. She wanted to know how he felt and how he would react. Without a second thought she knocked on the door. She was thinking of running away but didn't get the chance because Phil was already standing in the door frame.

“Hi” he greeted full of happiness like he usually was.

“Hi, erm.. would it be ok if I had a word with you in private” she said looking at Dan who was stood behind him.

“yea, of course” Dan said grabbing his coat and walking out of his apartment. He knew they would want there privacy Charlie had texted him earlier to tell him what was going to happen. Melody walking in and sat on the sofa.

“do you want some tea” Phil asked politely.

“no thank you” she was to nervous to drink or eat anything, she felt like she was going to throw up any second. “Phil there is something I have to tell you” Phil faced turned into a mix of shock and worry. “don't worry it's nothing bad, I hope”

“what is it” Phil asked sitting down next to her. Melody's heart stared to beat twice as fast. She decided to just come out and say it to get it over and done with.

“I-I-I LIKE YOU” She blurted out. There was a couple of minutes of silence until Phil spoke up.

“i would hope so, I mean we are frie-”

“in more then a friend way” she interrupted as she closed her eyes not wanting to see the reaction of Phils face. He was shocked but happy. All of a sudden an urge came across him and he grabbed hold of her shoulders and kissed her on the lips without any warning. The kiss was the best Melody had ever had and she lost herself in it. Unfortunately they had to pull apart for breath. As they did they looked into each others eyes.

“I love you to” Phil said as he went in for another amazing kiss full of passion.

Ok so this chapter is a bit longer to make up for the last one. once again sorry about that also i said that this chapter would be up the day after chapter 8 but drama and stuff, a lot of drama,so sorry about that. 

please vote if it was worthy and tell me what you think down in the commets thank you for reading <3 

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