Chapter 13 - why are you ignoring me?

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/Why aren't you answering me? Dan x/

/if its about what happened yesterday we can't just ignore it. Dan x/

/please stop ignoring me we need to talk about this. Dan x/

Charlie couldn't face it, she knew that she would have t talk to Dan eventually but she was going to try and do her best to put it off to as late as possible. She didn't know how she felt about the kiss. She knew that Dan was happy though. That's why she was ignoring him, she didn't want to hurt him by telling him she doesn't know how she feels. While they were kissing she felt like she was in heaven and she felt like she belonged in Dan's arms. But afterwards she suddenly felt really guilty. She had just kissed someone that she knows has strong feelings for her when she doesn't know how she feels about him. She was snapped from her thoughts when her phone beeped from beside her. She picked it up and read the message.

/if you dont answer me I will have to go over there, please I just want to talk about it. Dan x/

Once again she found her self ignoring his text. She wanted to talk to him she just couldn't find the right words. Melody was at Dan and Phil's so Charlie had the whole house to herself to think without interruptions. She hadn't told anyone about the kiss but she didn't know if Dan had told anyone as far as she knew they were the only two that knew. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Charlie already knew who it was and didn't leave the sofa.

“please let me in we really need to talk” She heard Dan shout from outside. “i'm not leaving until we have talked”

She knew that he was telling the truth so she got up and slowly opened the door to reveal Dan in his laser cat top and Black skinny jeans. She let him in and they both sat down on the sofa. There was an awkward silence for about 10 minutes before Dan spoke up.

“about the kiss” He started “How do you feel about it, honestly”

“I don't know” she managed to say. They both sat in silence for another 5 minutes before Charlie broke it. “I'm not sure how I feel about you, sometimes I feel like your are a brother to me and the fact of liking you in that way is weird and other times...” She went silent.

“and other times..” Dan repeated.

“i feel like I really do have feelings for you and when I do they are strong” She admitted Dan was shocked by this. He never thought for one second that she would ever have feelings for him he thought that she thought of him as a friend and nothing else. Charlie had to make a decision about how she honestly felt about Dan she didn't want to make it look like she was stringing him along. As she was decided Dan spoke up.

“well let me tell you how I feel” he started “ I have feelings for you, plain and simple and since the day I met you I have had feelings for you. You haven't always seen it but when you were around PJ I got really jealous because of how strongly you felt for him and I wish that was me. When we kissed I felt like I was on cloud nine that was all I ever dreamt about. And it hurts me to see you so conflicted and upset. When you were in that hospital bed I was so worried and the fact that it was my fault made it even worse”

“Dan..” she tried to interrupt him.

“the truth is Charlie no matter what decision you make..” he paused for a second. “ I love you!”

Everything that Dan just said came straight from the heart and Charlie could tell this was the part of him that made her feel butterflies. This made up her mind for her. If you didn't do what her heart said then she would regret it for the rest of her life and she knew it. Suddenly she ran straight into Dan and tackled him with a hug and spoke into his chest

“I love you to” Dan was so shocked that he held her shoulders and looked into her eyes. As he did so Charlie got on her tip toes and pecked him on the lips. They stared at each other for a couple of seconds before Dan engulfed her in another tight hug.

Dan and Charlie decided to go back to Dan and Phils apartment for a while. When they got there, there was no sign of Melody or Phil so Charlie and Dan sat down and watch some TV.

~time skip~

Its was 9 pm now and Phil arrived back at the apartment When he walked into the living room her saw Dan and Charlie had fell asleep together on the sofa. Without making a noise Phil got a blanket and placed it over the two and informed Melody that Charlie would be staying there for the night.

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