Thirty six.

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I had never seen her so angry and too be honest it scared me because she had always seem so strong even through everything I put her through and I never stopped to think that she could do something like this, that she could break.

The moment she walked to her keyboard and opened a window, I was just stunned in disbelief, I mean she wouldn't throw out her keyboard right but I was wrong. She didn't say a thing, she just picked that thing up and threw it out and I know I should've stopped her but I couldn't.

I mean I saw the girl in front of me break and here I was watching her do it. Next thing I know she throws out her sheet music and her college stuff and I can only stare at the girl who I broke. This was my fault for pushing her to far, it was like she had given up and there was nothing I could do about it, she than threw her laptop out of the window, which was full of personal stuff, I was happy that I had this house under surveillance because this meant that I didn't have to worry about the stuff she threw out of the window.

I finally clicked with my brains and I walked towards the girl who was losing her mind and just pulled her away from the window and next thing I know she crashes her lips against mine and I know I should've stopped it there but this proved she needed me and if I could offer her some comfort in any form, I couldn't deny her that.

She started to cry when I turned us around so that she was straddling me and I know it was due to the fact that she didn't know how to process it anymore and that she needed me didn't make it any better, the only thing I could do was say sorry and that was exactly what I did. If I learned one thing from being with her that the tough way doesn't work with her so I kept us connected and kept moving in and out till she reached her peak and I followed soon after.

I didn't move her off of me and soon see fell asleep completely exhausted and the thing that made my heart break a little bit is that she didn't stop crying and it was all my fault. I had to make this up to her, I just didn't know how to do that, as I am stealing her freedom again and that was the one thing she never wanted to give up and here I am being a bastard, as I made her give that up in the sake of the gang but there was just no other way, not with that detective luring around and Bradley who can be everywhere.

After awhile I pulled out of her and I tucked her in after pulling a shirt over her head, as it was still cold outside, I didn't want to get her sick on top of everything.

I quickly took a shower and got dressed as I had a meeting in town with Liam to discus how business went and to see if we could stop, while I was away and I had to talk to him about Anna because he usually knew what I had to do to fix things, as he had been in a relationship himself for a really long time.

But Bradley was the priority because while he was still walking on this damn earth no one was safe and even though I was a dick, it didn't mean I was bad to anyone except for when they were disrespectful but otherwise I was usually nice.

Before I left the apartment, I checked on Anna, who was hugging my pillow but luckily she was still fast asleep. I left her and I made sure the door was locked as I made my way to the little pub. I checked if the coast was clear just to make sure that Anna wasn't in any danger, when I spotted Niall leaning against a wall but he wasn't alone and with him was that Julie girl.

I quickly made my way to them and the moment Niall spotted me, he let go of the girl and took a few steps back but he shielded her from me, which was understandable. "What's this Niall?" I asked him impatiently but he just smirked at me. "this is Julia and yes I told her about us but she doesn't mind." I looked at her but there was still something fishy about her and I didn't trust her at all.

"Niall can I talk to you for a second?" I asked nicely and this threw him of but he still excused himself. "What Harry?" he was definitely annoyed with me at this point but I didn't really care about his feelings, not after what he did. "I don't trust her and I just want to know what you told her?" I asked him and I saw the anger flashing through his eyes but he kept it under control. "I haven't told her anything that could harm any of us and I wont." He said through clenched teeth but I did believe him. He wouldn't stoop so low but just to be sure. "Just think that if we go down, you go down with us." I threatened him and I felt bad about this but I had to do this with everyone, I even did this with Anna.

"I know." He than turned around and walked back to Julia and kissed her on her cheek which made her giggle and it immediately clicked why Anna would be attracted to someone like him. He was the light and who wouldn't be attracted to that and I'm darkness and really alluring but light always ends on top but maybe this time it wouldn't. I shook it off because I really should keep my head in the game and I quickly continued my way to meet Liam.

The moment I walked into the pub, it felt like old days, when we didn't have to worry about assassinating other people. "Liam!" I yelled through the pub and Liam turned around as he was at the bar getting us some whisky, he smiled when he saw me and that felt good as he was my closest friend. Liam was like a brother to me and I know he felt the same way and he would always have my back.

"He, so I ordered us some whisky." He came walking to our table and put the drinks in front of us. "Nice, so let's get started shall we." I waved to the laptop and papers in front of us.

"Ah yes, well I happy to let you know, that we haven't lost any customers to Bradley in your absence and I even had the chance to raise the prices. He let me see some numbers and that's when the old feeling of power came rushing back. This was something I liked the most about dealing, the money that came flowing in. "Thanks for this Liam, I mean you didn't have to do this." Liam nodded as if it was nothing but without him, this would not even be possible.

"I really appreciate your praise but this must not why you wanted to meet." Liam wasn't fooled for one bit and he was right, I should just say it. "Liam, I want to stop dealing drugs and have a shot at a normal life." The smile never left Liam's face and that freaked me out a little because I thought he would try to convince me not to give it all up but there he was just supporting my decision like he always does.

"I have been waiting for this, since the day you saw Anna, walk up to her door." Liam said with warmth in his voice and that surprised me because I didn't know he was so observant.

"You have, why didn't you ever told me something?" I asked him but he just shrugged. "You had to find out for yourself and to be honest I do value my life." He joked and he had a point because I wasn't at my best when Anna came into my life, I wasn't taking my medication to temper my emotions so I was really unpredictable.

"Fair enough but we can't stop till we get rid of Bradley, you know that right?" I asked him and he nodded. "I know Harry." He took a sip from his whisky and pulled out a blue print. "That's why I have this with me." He unfolded it on the table and in front of me lay everything we needed to know to bring Bradley down.

"Where did you get this?" I was a bit suspicious but he just smiled reassuring "Julia" he nodded to someone behind me. I turned and there was Julia standing with a smirk on her face. I got up quickly and had my hand already on the gun.

"Don't worry Harry, I'm actually on your side." She quickly said after exchanging looks with Liam, who probably warned her that I would shoot her if she didn't explain it to me fast.

"Look I was working for Bradley but I got sick of it, as he is losing his mind. He is obsessed with Anna and you but at first I thought he wanted you two to join him but lately he is planning to kill you both but not in a normal manner but in the worst way possible." She told us in one breath and this made me put away my gun. "I couldn't do that, I'm not a killer and after I met her, I really grow to like her and that's when I made up my mind and got out." She was telling the truth and I actually felt bad for her and a bit ashamed for myself, for treating her like dirt.

"I'm sorry." Was the first thing I said to her and she gave me a smile and a shrug to tell me it was alright. "Alright well let's get settled into that mansion first and then we will discuss plans to bring him down and Julia." She looked up curiously but I just smiled at her.


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