Chapter 29. Nova...

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The cold house sat there as I slowly draped my fingers across the wall. As I slowly carried my tired body upstairs. As I slowly got changed. Lydia soon decided to come in with all the bags as she started unpacking everything.

"Here's your bag..."

I catches the bag finding stuff from last night. I took it all out as I found one of Kendall's jumper in there. I grabbed it as I placed it on my half naked body. But in the pockets I found a note. It said...

Meet me at the bay park...

I picked up mg leggings as I headed outside running towards the park but,when I got there I couldn't find him. All of a sudden from the corner I felt a warmth around me a familiar warmth I turned around finding Kendall. He grabbed me in the air as he softly kissed me.

"Why did you want me here?"

Before I could let him say anything else there I found Becky and Tyler. Tyler came running up as he kissed me on the hand.

"My lady Nara!"

"Get off her she's mine!"

"Ok dad calm down."

Becky slowly nudging me. As they all start laughing something about it makes me feel as if its not right. Pretending to laugh I back away as Becky's eyes lock into mine as she becomes serious. She grabs me closer to close for once.


"Lets have a night out us four!"


"Yeah come on here is your slutty dress!!"


"Hey they are my friends too come on!!"

I feel Kendall Holding me closer than ever as if he was protecting me from something.

"You don't have to go..."

I can see in his eyes he doesn't believe I would do this.

"Ok lets do it!"

Not realising what I just got myself into... Something about Becky being around then so much made me smell something fishy. She threw the me a top as I tried to hide since I was wearing the jumper and nothing under. Soon heading into Tyler's car. The party was like the last as I Kendall held me close. Soon losing the rest of them lot. But I something about this party made me want to leave the minute I saw it. I just didn't want to be here. People were gathered around us. All sweaty and sticky and mostly drunk. I smelt like weed too. I decided to stick near Kendall as he didn't let me out of his sight. I wanted to leave but I couldn't say anything. I stayed as he had what I thought he was having "fun."

"Hey,your Nara aren't you?!"

"Um yeah and you are?"

"Oops sorry I am Nova!"

"Oh right um nice to meet you."

Soon Kendall turns finding me talking to Nova I see his face turn pale as she smirks at him. She was gorgeous blonde and very tall. I fell in love with her.

"'ve met Nova..."

"Yeah she is and she obviously loves me!!!"


"I am an old friend of Kendall's don't mind me lovebirds."

She walks away smacking my ass on the way! Making me jump!

"Wow...she is..."

"Outgoing...confident yeah that's sounds like Nova!"

"How do you like..."

"We used to fling around at parties just for fun ,but that was ages ago like high school..."


That'd all you can say. I didn't know what else. But it made me kind of hate her but, I don't why?

Soon they all came back and Becky was definitely drunk I don't know about me I had a few drinks but I don't think I was there yet...

Nova came running towards everyone as she kissed Becky in the cheeks and hugged me out of nowhere.

"Wow you are so sexy! Your boobs are goals!"

"Oh well thanks!"

She fakely smiles heading straight to my lover and her ex sex buddy! My jaw clenches my eyes widen as I turn red. But I keep myself contain. As she starts talking to him I feel my anger go up as I grab my cup drinking quicker and quicker.

"Woah Nara calm down babe!" Becky shouts at me.

As I look back I see Kendall grab the cup.

"Babe to much..."

I smile as I get happy as he is with me. But Nova comes up quickly wrapping her hands around him clutching him closer and he let her! I decide to go to the bathroom. As I let Kendall go with Nova slowly hating her even more.

Soon after freshening up I calm down as I laugh at myself for jealousy taking over me. I head out happy walking closer. They were over nothing was gonna happen she was just his sex buddy no feeling plus they are over.

I get stopped as I feel a strong pain inside of me that I haven't felt in a long time. My heart stops as I am glued on to the scene in front of me. My eyes burn as what I see is... Nova wrapped around Kendall slowly kissing him. Before I realise I am drop dead in the middle of the room. His eyes soon find me as it glues onto my bloodshot hurt eyes. As his face turns red. I couldn't think...


He grabs me as I slap him away. As I realise I am crying now. Nova sitting there casually as if nothing happened soon as she realises she comes up hugging me.

"What happened!"

I couldn't take it anymore. Why on earth did I think I could be loved or trust anyone. I am always temporary and used. I run as fast as I can out of there run and run I couldn't think as I was half drunk on the way. I am such a dick. I let people in to quickly. I call a taxi as it takes me back home. Where I head straight in bed not looking back. I trusted him... I guess I have been hurt so much and used I am used to let people in and hurt me. Who would want to be there for me. He was just another. Nara why?

A/N Nova well...its Hailey Baldwin!? Haha lol. I don't hate she is gorgeous bit jelena. Comment and vote and tell me what you guys think? Ilysm

: '



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