Chapter 3: I didn't mean to

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Dawns POV

When I sat down I was already missing Zoe. She had history class. So I was on my own. I decided to try and make some new friends or it was just gonna be me and Zoe through this little "adventure." Then I noticed a familiar boy walk into the room... It was Ash.

I tried not to stare but it was hard. He was so distracting. But I forced myself to actually learn, and I focused on my teacher. After class I was walking to my locker and then I realized that Ash was walking towards me. But then he opened the locker next to mine. That must be his locker. I thought to myself. He glanced at me shyly and then mummbled "Hi." I looked at him and said hello. We introduced ourselves. And when I went to closed my locker I accidentally pushed accidentally hit it back and it hit him in the nose. "Oh my gosh Ash Im soo sorry!" I yelled. He held his nose but I heard him say: Dont worry its not the first time a girl showed there feelings physically. (Omg that sounded so fancy just by saying physically) I laughed and I felt myself blush a little. He looked and smiled at me and I swear he blushed a little too. Then I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the bell ring. We both junped but hurried to class. I looked to my right and saw him hurrying by my side. "What class do you have now Ash?" I asked him. "Uhh I have history, what about you?" I blushed a bit but answered. "I have history as well." "Cool!" He said cheerfully. I just smiled and continued to hurry to class.... With him.

Omfg so short!!!! I guess it makes up because i will make this book as long as i can before my brain explodes XD!!!!

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