Chapter 4: Telling Zoe

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After history me and Ash had chatted for a bit and we learned a lot about eachother. I told him all about Zoe and he told me about his bestfriend David.

I said bye to Ash and went to put my history books away and then Zoe walked towards me and opened the OTHER locker next to me. "Hey Zoe!" I said cheerfully. She just glanced and pulled her hood up. I looked at her, "are you ok Zoe?" I asked. She glanced over at me again and slowly nodded at me. "Zoe?" "Dont lie to me?" She just glanced again. I finally had enought and pulled the hood of her hoodie down and startled her. I looked at her and saw that she had a dark eye. "ZOE!" "What the hell happen to you!?!?" She began to cry a little and I hugged her. "Its ok Zoe, just tell me what happened?" She told me the whole story about some bully called Samuel that gave her a black eye. It was lunchtime so I decided that we would talk about it at lunch.

Time skip to lunchtime

After we bought our lunch we sat down at a small round table with four chairs. I told her all about Ash and David and how Ash said David was single. She started to blush a bit but she shook it off and stared beyond me at a tall figure coming towards us. She looked scared so I turned around and saw what she was scared of. This must've been the "Samuel" that she was talking about. I looked at her a little worried. "Is that Samuel?" She slowly nodded at me. And then Samuel sat at one of the empy chairs at our table. "Hey there good-looking?" He said to me. I was shocked, and I wanted to punch him. But instead of doing an act of anger I did an act of I dont even know. I blushed. And he winked. And Zoe got up and sat beside me (she was across) and stared at Samuel. Then I snapped out of it and glared at Samuel. He just looked at me with a smirk. Then looked at Zoe. "Well? What are you doing hanging out with this dweeb?" I looked at him and my eyes flashed with anger. "Shut up you idiot! This is my best friend!" I saw out of the corner of my eye Zoe looked up and smiled. "Well you can forget about me being your babe, sweety!" Then I snapped and punched him square in the nose. "Who would date a dick like you!" I yelled at him. He stared at me and stared and stared. Then he got up and walked away without a word.

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