Chapter 9: He loves me (Dawn edition)

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Dawns POV

After the kiss, my day was perfect. No one bothered me. No one was mean to me. And it was all because of Ash❤️.

Ashdubhs POV

Throughout the day, I wouldn't let anybody hurt Dawn. Samuel tried to flirt with her even after the incident and before he could do anything I got in front of her. Then I realized what I did and I felt proud of myself. I turned around and pecked her cheek. "I love you❤️." I told her. "I love you too Ash❤️." Then we walked to class.

Zoe's POV

When David told me he loved me, I was elated. We never left eachothers side, and Samuel doesn't even both coming towards me when he's with me.

Time skip to the next day(I know its longXD)


After History me and Dawn met up at the lockers. And it was so awesome that the locker on the other side of me.... Was Davids! David and Ash said they were gonna go to starbucks for lunch. (I know you probably cant do that but Idc) We kissed them goodbye with ne kissing David and Dawn kissing Ash (obviously). And me and her went to lunch. Dawn went to the bathroom so it was just me for now at our table. I pulled out my phone and looked through twitter. Then a strange person came towards me. I didn't look up from my phone until he grabbed it and threw it across the cafeteria. Ohhh now I was mad and I realized it was Samuel. I didn't care I glared and him with my eyes red. Then I punched him repeatedly. Few times he tried to punch back but I stopped him. Before I could throw another punch I was grabbed by Dawn. She held me back from another punch and another and another, before I got super tired. I looked down at Samuel he looked beat pretty badly. I felt really bad so I help him up. "Oh my gosh Samuel Im so sorry. I.... I dont know what came over me!" I helped him to the nurse. "A lot of cuts and bruises but nothing severe." She told us. "How did this happen Samuel?" I looked at him and he looked back. "I uhh I got into a fight with some 11th graders." He lied. "And then Zoe came and helped me." She punched one and they ran off not wanting to hurt her." He lied again. I looked at him stunned. He was protecting me? After what I put him through? After beating him up?

Samuels POV

I love her. She's so pretty and smart but I blew it when I gave her a black eye. I thought to myself. Thats why I protected her back there. But she's dating David. I went to my locker and turned around. I couldn't belive what I saw? It was Zoe? She was at a locker? It must be hers. I thought again. Then Dawn opened the locker beside her. Then Ash opened the locker beside Dawn. But then, David opened the locker next to Zoe.

Time skip

Ashdubhs POV

After lunch at starbucks, Dawn texted me that Zoe had gotten into a fight with Sam.
D= Dawn
A= Ashdubh
D- Omg Zoe beat up Samuel!!
A- Wtf she's brave as hell!!!
D- Ikr
A- Love you pulling into school now (brought you and Zoe frappés!)
D- Omg luvs it ❤️ (and you)
A- 😍

We went into study hall and I gave Zoe and Dawn their frappés. I kissed Dawn on the cheek and David inspected Zoe's hand, which I guess was pretty bad since she punched Sam a lot. Then we all did homework and went home. Not sure if it was a good or bad day? But I dont care. Because it was full of Dawn❤️

Omg now thats a long chapter!! 644 words!! (Not including these)
Comment on what u think plz!


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