Chapter 10: Is he gonna be ok?!?!

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Dawns POV

Ash decided he wanted to take me on a first date and dad said anything that will make me happy. So I dressed in blue jeans, a long, wavy pink tank top with a cupcake wearing sunglasses. Some high heels. And a navy blue beanie. I waited outside my door, Ash was supposed to pick me up at 8. Then my dad called me inside for a second. "Sweety? I just got a call from the hospital." He told me. "Ash was in a car accident.." (So many car accidents) He said. All I could do was fall to the ground and cry, and cry, and cry. My dad drove me to the hospital and we found Ash's room. He was unconscious and breathing normally. Thats a good sign. I though to myself. Then I sat next to Ash's bed and held his hand. I cried on his shoulder until my eyes were sore from it. It was 10:00 now so I had to go home, I begged my dad if I could stay but he wouldn't let me. I kissed Ash on his soft lips and left. What I didn't know was when I got into that car.... He woke up.

Ashdubhs POV

Where am I? Am I i the hospital? Am I dead? Am I dieing?  All I can hear is myself. I try to scream for help but it wont come. Then I see all this doctors coming towards me. Theres a beeping sound. Am I waking up? Yes! Im waking up!

Davids POV

Ash is in the hospital. Dawn is not herself. Zoe tries to comfort her. Them Samuel walks up to Zoe.....

Samuel's POV

I dont want to break up David and Zoe. Never would I dream of that! I just want to kiss her or hug her! I just want to feel her touch..... (Thats a little creepy XD) I walked up to her at lunch and kissed her. Then I blackout.
David knocked me out......

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