Chapter 11: David! No!

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Zoe's POV

It was all so fast! He kissed. He punched. I screamed. Blood. More bruises. Then I blackout too. I.... fainted?

Dawns POV

I didn't go to school the next day. After David punched Samuel, Zoe passed out and so did Samuel. I just sat in my bed the whole day. I cried every now and then. And I fell asleep.

Ash! No! Dont die Ash please!
*drops to knees and cries*
Ash...... Dont die please.
*doctors rush in and rush me out*
Then he walks up to me...... WAIT NO NO NO NO NO N---
       *Dream Over*

I wake up and scream and cry until I can't anymore. My dad rushes in and hugs me. "Dawn! Whats wrong!?!?" He asks me. I tell him all about the dream and about how Zoe and Samuel are in the hospital. He looks at me. "Shhhh.... Sweety its gonna be ok thats not gonna happen..." Then I fell asleep in his arms.

Davids POV

I dont know what happened? Why did Samuel kiss Zoe? Does he love her? OF COURSE HE DOES DAVID DONT BE SUCH AN IDIOT! I decide to have my mom pick me up early. I asked if we can grab some lunch and we got McDonalds. I slowly eat my food. "Ok David whats the matter?" She asks me. "Nothing mom Im fine." I tell her. She looks at me with a "I know your not so spill" face and I did. I told her about Ash, Samuel and Zoe being in the hospital and Samuel and Zoe are in the hospital because of me. "David dont say that its not your fault there in the hospital." Then I tell her that it was me who punched Samuel and then Zoe fainted. I began to cry but we pulled into my driveway. I saw Dawns dads (lol alliteration) car and I looked in the window. Dawn was in there. And she just looked at me and cried.

Sorry for another short chapter me just woke up so me tired...
Comment on what u think! Thanks!

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