Chapter 7: You.... You do?

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Hello I just wanna know if you think In doing a fab job at this!!! I dont know!!!
Ashdubhs POV

"I feel soo bad for Dawn! Her mom died yesterday!" I told David on the bus. He stared down at his hands and didn't speak. "David? You ok buddy?" I asked concerned. "Huh? Oh uh yeah Im good Ash!" He said quickly. Ok? "I know your lying, whats up?" I asked. "Well uh you know Dawns bestfriend Zoe? He asked me. "Yeah what about her?" I answered. "Well I sorta, ummm have a tiny itty bitty crush on her..." He mummbled. "I KNEW IT!!" I yelled. He looked at me with a "I wasn't finished" face and I calmed down and told him to continue. "Yeah I do, and I want to tell her." I stared at him, "Do it buddy!" He stared back in confusion. "Do it!" I repeated. "Really?" He said."Yeah she is totally crushing on you too!" "Ok thanks Ash!" And we got off the bus and walked into school.

Dawns POV

What am I gonna say to Zoe! She is gonna be so curious. I guess I gotta tell her... I mean she is my bestfriend. I decided to tell her the truth. When I got to my locker Ash was rummaging through his locker. "Hey Ash!" I said. "Huh? Oh hey Dawn!" He cheerfully greeted. Then I remembered what he said on the phone yesterday. I guess he did too because he immediately went back to his locker and pulled out a box. "Whats that Ash?" He started blushing, and handed me the box. I felt myself blush as well. I looked at the box and smiled. It was blue and pink with a perfect golden bow at the top. I took off the lid and my eyes went wide. It was a gold chain with a heart shaped diamond charm. "Is.... Is that a real diamond?" I asked stunned. " is it too much?" He asked me shyly. I just stared at him. " No! It's beautiful Ash! Thank you so much!" He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Why did you get me this?" I asked him. He stared at me with care in his crystal blue eyes. Then he spoke words I've always wanted to here. " Because I love you Dawn!" Before I could speak he kissed me on the lips. I was so stunned by this but after a couple senconds, I kissed back. Then I looked at him and said: "I love you too Ash!"

Omg Im proud of myself for this chapter! I left on such an adorable note! Comment on what you think plz!


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