My life as a Muslim Girl: Chapter 24-"Mom, Dad, I Have Something To Tell You"

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Laila's POV

I decided not to tell her parents. After Sabrina came home, she looked blankly at us.

Sabrina's mother spoke, and I could swear that Sabrina's face went white.

"Laila, can I talk to you in my room?" she asked and I of course agreed by nodding my head

"If you guys want any snacks, just come down for it" her mother said

We climbed up the stairs and went inside her room. I sat at the edge of her bed.

The environment was silent for a few seconds until she broke the silence

"Did you tell them?" she asked

"No. It didn't seem right" I told her honestly

"But Sabrina, can I just ask why?" I added

"He means a lot to me" she replied

That didn't clear anything up.

"That doesn't mean you can go around and change so quickly and hold hands with boys. What happened?" I asked

"I don't know. At the moment it felt so right. He's everything I look for in a boy, and I don't know what to do Laila" she said

I wasn't good in these kind of situations so all I did was walk up to her and hugged her.

We didn't talk for a while, but she needed to clear her head.

"If you want to obey Allah(SWT) you know what to do" I said

"Everyone is telling me that! How does anyone know how I feel? No one is in my situation" she said

I could tell that was hard for her to say.

"No I don't know how you feel, but with hardship comes ease just like Allah(SWT) promised in the Quran." I said

"What if they don't like him or they don't agree with the idea of us" she said quietly it almost came out as a whisper

"Then it was meant to be. But you can't keep sneaking around and disobeying" I told her

"I know. But I don't want to get married at this age. I want to graduate college first" she said

"Then tell your parents about him, and they could just set up times where you guys can talk the halal way." I said

"And then what?"she asked

"If they approve, they'll set up an engagement, and you guys don't have to get married right after" I continued

She sighed and looked at the window. I could tell she was thinking about the idea.

All I was trying to do was help her, and hopefully she took the idea into consideration.

After a few minutes, she looked at me, and nodded. We both knew what this meant.

We walked downstairs and I saw her parents sitting at the dining table talking among themselves.

"Are you guys hungry?" he father asked

I looked at Sabrina, and she shook her head.

"Instead, I have something to tell you guys"

She took a deep breath, and continued

"Mom, dad, I......"


Authors note!

Salam guys! (Say it back :)

Did you enjoy the chapter?

I left it with a cliffhanger, but that's always okay.

I have some special news to tell you guys in the next chapters so stay tuned!

But sadly this book is coming to an end.

It's going to end around the 30th chapter, but I'm upset about that too!

I have some ideas for the next chapters and then I will have an epilogue.

But there will probably not be a sequel.

Comment if I should have it.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!

Until next time, inshallah



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