I painted and painted

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So I started to edit this chapter and I hope it's better then it was. I would appreciated it if you would reread the book after I finish editing the chapters. Thank you.


I opened my eyes slowly, trying to adjust them to the bright sunlight coming through the window. I flipped from my side to my back on my bed and stared at the black and white ceiling, trying to make time fly while I waited for my alarm to go off. I turned my gaze to the lip painting I worked on all night.

 I turned my gaze to the lip painting I worked on all night

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But it was worth all two hours of sleep I got last night. I jumped a little when my alarm went off and I rolled my eyes and grunted, pulled the warm,fluffy covers up, and guarded my face from the harsh world. I pulled my arm out from under the covers and struggled to turned off the alarm. I flipped the covers off of me and got out of bed to do my girly stuff in the bathroom.

After about an hour I was done with everything and I still had 20 minutes before I had to start walking to school. Yep, I need to get my drivers license. I know, I know shut up. I don't live that far away from school, only about 30 minutes when you drive. But hey, i'm not going to ask my parents that are never here and treat me like shit because I actually want to do something with my life, unlike them.

So i'll just walk till then. I got up from my bed and swung my school bag over my shoulder and walked out of my room- the attic- and walked down the stairs. I walked out the front door and locked the door. I left early for school because if I get there early I can work on some of my drawings.

I walked for an hour and I finally made it to the high school-Drewer Mill high school. I walked to the side door where Tim- the gym teacher- lets me in early so I don't feel lonely outside. I knocked on the door and Tim let me in. "You're here early, come to draw some stuff before school?" Tim asked while holding the door for me. "Yup, what are we doing in gym today?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Everyone, except you, is doing weight lifting, but you are going to the art room to paint. I don't know anything about art but You have talent and you need to share it with the world." Tim said while we walked through the halls. "Thank you, Tim." I said when we stopped in front of the art room door. He turned and waved goodbye. I smiled and walked into the room. I put my bag down on the floor by the art easel and took out my phone and headphones, so I could listen to music while I paint.

I painted and painted for an hour-I think- while I tapped my foot to the beat of every song that played. I finished the painting and I backed up to take a good look at my masterpiece. I took out my headphones and put my hands on my hips and smiled. I jumped at the sound of claps and I stood there wide eyed, scared to turn around because I thought I was in trouble. More claps acoed through my hearing and I turned around to see who was there.

 More claps acoed through my hearing and I turned around to see who was there

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My whole art class was staring at my painting, they clapped slowly. Shmit walked up to me with a smile on his face while he clapped as well. "That's beautiful Mickey, where did you come up with the idea for this painting?" Shmit asked in a happy voice. "I don't know, I just did it," I said while I shrugged my shoulder and scratched the back of my head in embarrassment.

The class looked at me wide eyed like I was lying. I looked at the time to see that it was in the 6th hour of school. "I've been painting for 6 hours?! I missed class, oh no, what am I going to do?" I said while I went to grab my bag. "Oh, don't worry I got you covered," Shmit said then winked at me.

"Thanks Shmit, what can I do to repay y-" I said but he cut me off. "Teach my class how to paint because what I've seen, they need some help but they won't listen to me, so you're the new teacher," Shmit said and smiled even bigger. I looked at him and gave in "Fine~," I said as I gathered my stuff and put it in my bag. "I'll start tomorrow but i'm only doing normal art class today," I said then sat in my set. Shmit started teaching after.

* *
"Why do you always wear long sleeves? I mean, you're beautiful. Why don't you show anyone that?" A boy whispered to me in my art class. I looked at him wondering why he was talking to me. He is the first person to talk to me other than the teachers since school started a week ago. But I've spent most of my time with my best friend, my painting.

God, why is he so gorgeous? I mean look at him, the way his black hair covers his face, the way his baby blue eyes look so caring and loving. The way his black V-neck showed a little bit of his chest. His V-neck was tight but fit his toned body perfectly.

"Hey, Mickey, you okay in there? You were staring off into space." He asked. "Oh shit, sorry. I got lost in my mind. Wait how do you know my name?" I asked. I don't remember ever telling him my name? He smirked at me then winked before turned back to the board and continued his not-as-bad-as-everyone-else drawing.

Class flew by and the last bell rang. Everyone raced out to go home and do stuff that I really don't care about. I went to talk to Shmit about the small drawing I did during class and I turned around after we finished talking and the cute guy was gone. I said bye to Shmit then ran out of the room to investigate on how that cute, handsome, breathtak- shut up, brain.. that dude knew my name. I finally found him by his locker, laughing.

"What are you laughing about, weirdo?" I asked with a little bit of sass. "You're so slow you know."

I blushed at his statement. I shock my head to make my face cool. "Whatever, how do you know my name?" I asked, again but with more iteration, while crossing my arms. He looked at me and took a few steps towards me. We were one foot away from each other and he leaned down.

His hot breath blowing on my ear, causing me to blush and lean away from him a little. He whispered in my ear, causing a shiver to run down my spine at his low and sexy voice, "I have never meet someone so beautiful. I will always remember your name. And by the way, Mickey Rose, my name's Blake Reper."

I blushes even brighter then before. I looked away from his gourgeus eyes, trying to focus on anything but him.

God he is really tall compared to me. I'm 5'2 and he looks around 6'3?

"How tall are you?" I asked, jumping to a different topic as I looked away from him to his my blushing face and walked to my locker.

"I'm 6'5, unlike you, short stack," He said then laid his arm on my shoulder and smiled. "Hey, I'm 5'2 so shut up," I said and shoved my homework in my school bag. "Do you have a ride home, Eve?"

I looked over at him after I closed my locker a little too hard. I started to walk away from him, my normal resting bitch face still on.

"Is it okay if I call you that. I hope you don't mind," he said then turned me around to face him. "Do you care, I won-" he said but I put my hand up to stop him.

"I like it," I turned around so he wouldn't see me blush, again, "And why should I care? It's my name."

Blake caught up to me and I asked him "Is that ride still up for dibs?" then looked at him. "Always," Blake said then we both smiled and walked to his car.

We talked on the way there and it's almost not okay how perfect he is. He loves all the same kinds of music as me, he loves to watch movies, he loves cats, he loves art, his favorite actor is Robin Williams, and he loves star wars! And that's only some of the thing about him that are amazing.

We made it to my house and I sat in the car staring at the empty house. "We should hang out tomorrow, Blake, at your house." I stated. "Yea, let's do it, we'll go after school tomorrow." I looked at Blake and smiled. He smiled back and I opened the car door and started to walk to the door. I turned around in front of the door and waved goodbye. He winked at me then left. I opened the door and ran to my room and started painting a picture of...


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