I fell Into A Deep Nightmare

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    I ran through a maze. Red, white, and black roses were everywhere the eye could see. I stopped at a tree after I ran out of breath, as I leaned against the tree I found a hole, I leaned down to see if there was anything in it. I slipped into the hole feet first as I screamed and reached up to pull myself out off the hole. But to no avail. 

    I fell for so long I had almost fallen asleep. I landed on my soft, soothing bed. I looked around my room, knives were hanging on the walls, laying on the ground, covering my art easel, some even stabbed into my bed. I sat on a clear spot shaped like a ball, my knees to my chest and hugging myself.

I shook in fear as my hand raised. A shiny knife showed my reflection as it hovered over my arm. "Help me! I can't stop!!" I screamed, hopping some one would hear me.

I cried in pain from the multiple cuts appearing on my arm. The pain was shooting through my body like bullets. The knife moved swiftly across my arm, over and over making blood drip on the long white dress I was wearing. I screamed louder than ever.

    I shoot up from my bed. My mind screaming in pain. A tear ran down my face as I sat there, staring at the bookshelf in the room. I wiped the tear from my eye and slide my hand threw my brown hair. I looked around the room for a second, wondering "Where the hell am I?",

I flipped the fluffy navy blue covers off my legs and stood up from the bed slowly as my body was still shaking from the nightmare.

I walked around the room, looking at the posters, looking at the books on the shelf, looking at the drawing hanging on the walls, looking at the papers that were hang from the ceiling by strings. The papers were covered with short stories, quotes, and words filled with so much Love for writing .

    I looked over at the desk in front of the window. Two big stacks of books sat on the desk next to journals. I walked over to the desk and looked at all the books. I opened the book to the first page to see "Property of Blake Reper, please return if lost."

"So The Big Bad Wolf likes to read." I thought out loud with a smile on my face and a small chuckle slipped out of my lips. I placed the book down carefully and continue my journey around the room.

I looked down with wide eyes when I felt a slightly cold gust of wind hit my legs from the open window. A large red flannel that reached my mid thigh covered my body-while, most of it. My long brown hair moved, covering my face.

    'OH MY GOD. HE SAW ME-' I covered my face with my hands just to make sure no one saw me blush. Just thinking about it makes me want to puke in embarrassment. I stood there while my hands and hair covered my face and waited till I stopped blushing. I finally stopped blushing after like two minutes of standing there. I moved my hands out of my face and let them hang at my sides.

    I opened the door to the room and started to walk down the hallway. The hallway was painted white and pictures hung on the walls. There was pictures of what I am guessing is Blake and his family. I stopped as I found the stairs and I heard one of my favorite songs- C'mon by Panic! At The Disco.

I walked down the stairs as quiet as I could. I smiled as I saw Blake cooking while dancing and sing the song. I walked all the way down the stairs and started to walk over to the kitchen. Blake stopped dancing and flipped the pancake in the pan. I walked slowly behind him and hopped on the counter next to him.

    "Good morning beautiful." Blake said as he smiled and put the pancake on a plate and started to make another one. "Thank you for letting me sleep here last night." I said while my feet were swing; left, right, left, right. I was looking at my legs,staring at them to make it impossible to see me blush again.

    "How did you sleep in my bed?" Blake said as he smiled and tapped his feet to the beat of the song that has changed from the last one; the song now playing was Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie. "I had a nightmare but other then that, your bed is extremely comfortable." I said as I took the plate that Blake had handed to me.

I smiled and said "Thank you,Blake, for the food." I said as I smiled at him. "You want to go sit in the living room and eat or do you want to eat on the balcony?" Blake asked as he grabbed his plate of breakfast. "Balcony." I said as I grabbed a piece of bacon off my plate and ate it.

    Blake started to walk up the stairs and I followed. He opened a door for me and I walked out. The bright sun was rising above the forest of green behind Blake's house. The beautiful light was touching everything in sight. I sat down on the couch as I continued to keep my gaze locked on the forest.

Blake sat next to me, I put my plate on the coffee table in front of me and put my knees to my chest. The alluring image made me want to paint. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of Blake saying "It's beautiful, is it not." I looked at Blake with wide eyes "It's..." I stopped to think of the word that I could use to describe the picture. "...enchanting." I said as I stared into Blake's eyes with utter truth.

    "I know, I've always loved it here...What was your nightmare about?" Blake asked as he cut up the pancake on his plate in bit sized pieces. "N-nothin'..." I lied as I put my fork down and tucked a stray hair behind my ear. I bit my lip and looked at Blake. He looked at me with worry in his eyes; his baby blue eyes started to turn a dark blue like the deepest part of the ocean.

"Don't lie to me." Blake said as he put his left hand on my right cheek after he put his plate on the coffee table. His touch made my stomach become tied into knots. "I was in a maze and I fell down a hole by a tree. I landed in a room with a lot of knives in it. I started to-um... I'm sorry." I said while I looked at my legs then into Blake's eyes.

  His eyes began to fill with sadness and heartbreak.  Surprise ran through my body. He was crying. What do I do?! I hugged him in a split second. He hugged me back while we sat on the couch, on a balcony. We sat there for hours before we both fell asleep cuddling with each other.


I have finally finished chapter 4. That took forever, you have no idea. Chapter 5 should be posted on Sunday or before then. I am sorry for taking so long. Comment, vote, do what ever. And hey, if you read my story's I thank you for everything. I'm really bad at writing and the fact that you are reading this right now makes me really happy. :) I hope you have the most amazing day ever, and I will write to you next time.

RomanoryDark out.

*Drops mick then sits on stage and starts to read a book*

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