You're just so cute, Shrimp.

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What mickey looks like now with the new hair color and piercing. 

Mickey's outfit

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Mickey's outfit

Mickey's outfit

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I slowly woke up but didn't open my eyes. I snuggled into Blake's chest and Blake help me close to his chest as our legs intertwined and wrapped together. My body laid on his chest with my arms lay beside me and my head was buried into his neck. One of Blake's hands laid on my hand and the other laid in the middle of my back. Blake smelled really nice. He smelled like coffee and pages of books. I took a deep breath through my nose to smell the glories scent.

I smiled and Blake started to rub my back lightly with his fingers. "Good morning, Shrimp..." He yawned "Sleep well?" He asked while he continued to rub my back. "I slept very well, thank you. You know, you're very comfortable." He chuckled a little then took my hand that was lying chest and kissed it. I smiled again and snuggled closer to his neck. I kissed his neck softly, I held my lips there for a minute before I stopped.

"Do we really have to go to town? Why can't we just stay here forever?" I said as I played with Blake's Yin necklace. "You're the one that wanted to get her hair done and get piercings." I frowned because he was right. "Come on, get up. We have to get ready." I started to get up and I smirked when I thought of an idea. I sat on his chest while I startled his torso. I started to tickle his rock hard abs.

"Shrimp...Stop!!" He said with a big smile and the cutest yet manliest laugh slipped through his teeth. I stopped and smiled at him while he put his hands on my hips. I leaned down to his face and kissed him slowly. He held my hips softly while we started a small make out section.(OH MY GOD, Mickey. When did you become so outgoing but back to the story. That's what all you people are here for.) We stopped making out and I got off of Blake. My buttons on my red long sleeve flannel were lopsided and the top four buttons were undone.

I grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom. I changed into my gray shirt and a light green really big sweater, with a pair of light blue shorts and black mostly untied boots. I decided to put on makeup and I choose my trusty black beanie to wear today and a black choker to go with it. I put my phone in the sweater pocket before leaving the bathroom. Blake was sitting in the chair, reading his book because he had already changed into his black skinny jeans, red converse, Batman sweater, and a black beanie to top it off.

I walked over to him, making loud noises so I could see if he was paying attention. I made it all the way over there and stopped in front of him. He turned the page and I smiled. I clapped really loud and Blake jumped, put his book mark on his page, then stood up. I started to laugh at him when he started to itch the back of his neck in embarrassment. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him on the cheek. "God, you're adorable.." I said then grabbed his hand and started to walk to his car.

We drove long enough to listen to four song so I was happy. First we went to the hair salon. I got my hair dyed white with dark gray highlight and black tips. That took around an hour that I spent talking to Blake. Then we went to the tattoo place where they did tattoos and piercing, I mean what else would they do. I talked to the guy piercing me, Jonathan was his name, and I talked to Blake about the size that I wanted to gauge my ears while Jonathan pierced my face. I got the right side of my nose done and I got the bull piercing.(I want that piercing but I can't remember the name for it.)

After I got my piercing Blake and I walked down to the beach. While we walked there I squeezed the pain from the piercing out on Blake's hand. We made it to the beach where we sat down on a bench. Blake sat on the bench while I sat on the ground, in between his legs. Blake took off my beanie and brushed my hair with his fingers. He did a loose french braid with my hair then he took a picture for me to see it. I put my beanie back on then sat on his lap.

Blake showed me the picture of the braid and I said "You're really good at that!" We smiled at each other "Thank you.." Blake said then put his phone back in his pocket. Blake had his hands laying on my lap while my hands pulled him close by the collar of his shirt. I could feel Blake smiled into the kiss. I pulled back and Blake kissed my forehead. I let go of Blake's collar and laid my hands on my lap.

I pulled out my phone and went to my camera. I held my arm out in the air and kissed Blake on the lips. We smiled into the kiss as we heard the camera click. We pulled away and lend our foreheads together. I took another picture before I pulled my phone back and looked at the pictures. I smiled at the pictures then set the one of us kissing as my background on my phone. I looked at Blake who was chuckling. "What's so funny, asshole. Is it funny that I love that picture of us!" I said a little angry.

Blake laid his head on my shoulder while he laughed. "You're just so cute, Shrimp." He said then kissed my neck. I stopped laughing then pulled his head up. I stood up then held my hand out for Blake to take. Blake looked confused. "I want to go back to the cabin and snuggle because I am not going to cuddle here." Blake stood up on his own and walked in front of Mickey. "Get on my back so we can ran to the car." Mickey hopped on Blake's back and he ran to the car.

We got home and I looked at the time. It was 4:21 and Lexie and James were watching television. Blake and I ran up to his room and we changed. I took off my jacket, boots, hat, and I changed into black short shorts. Blake changed into basketball shorts. Blake and I snuggled the same way we did this morning and Blake fell asleep while rubbing my back with his fingers. Before I fell asleep I buried my face into his neck. I took a deep breath and smiled. I fell into a dream of Coffee and The Pages of a book.  


The braid Blake did to Mickey's hair.

HEYYYY, sorry it took so long but that was chapter 13

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HEYYYY, sorry it took so long but that was chapter 13. I hope you like Mickey's new look because I do. This chapter was more of a filler so you guys would know what Mickey's new look was and stuff. I also hope you liked the phone background part because I thought it was so cute. But please comment, vote, do what ever. And hey, if you read my story's I thank you for everything. I'm really bad at writing and the fact that you are reading this right now makes me really happy. :) I hope you have the most amazing day ever!!

I will write to you next time,


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