Chapter 9: I Promise

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(Tony's POV)

Wow! I just got asked to join a band and move with them to California at the end of this school year. I was so happy that I wanted to tell Liz my true feelings for her. Feelings that I've had for a very long time. I turned around and she started crying. I went to grab her hand, but she pulled it away from me. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME, YOU ASSHOLE!!" She screamed. Then, she ran up to her room and slammed the door shut. I started to go after her, but Jaime held me back and said, "Just give her a few minutes to cool down." I nodded and continued celebrating.

Some 5-10 minutes passed and I decided that I would go check on Elizabeth. "I'll be right back." I told everyone. I went upstairs and made it to Liz's room. I knocked on the door. "Liz, please open up. Can we talk?" I said, but there was no answer. I tried to open the door, but there was something in the way, preventing me from doing so. I pushed it as hard as I could and managed to squeeze through the tiny opening. I didn't see Elizabeth though. Maybe she was in the bathroom. The door was open so I walked slowly over. "Liz? Are you okay?" I asked as I walked over.

I peeked around the corner and was devastated at what I saw. "ELIZABETH!! Liz wake up!" I said as I kneeled down in front of her lifeless-looking, bloody body. She was on her stomach so I flipped her over and almost fainted. She had cut her own throat. It wasn't TOO deep, but it was deep enough to cut her voice box open. I was scared to death and I didn't know what to do so I just did the first thing that came to mind. "JAIME, COME HERE QUICK!!" I yelled. I soon heard footsteps running up the stairs.

-"What's wro-OH MY GOD, LIZ!" He yelled, obviously frightened.

-"Call an ambulance!" I told him. I grabbed a hand towel from underneath the sink and held it on her throat.

-"They'll be here in 5 minutes." Jaime said as he hung up his cellphone. I nodded.

-"Oh god Liz, please stay with me. Please be okay." I whispered. I saw her eyes flutter open a little bit. She looked at me and a tear fell down her cheek. I just gently wiped it away with my thumb. "It's okay. Don't cry. You're gonna be okay." I told her. She then gave me a "promise?" look and I nodded. "I promise..."


Sorry it was VERY short but the next chapters will be longer, I promise.

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