Chapter 18: The Past

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For the purpose of this story, pretend that Max Green has always been the bass player of Falling In Reverse and that neither Ronnie nor Max were in Escape the Fate.)


(Elizabeth's POV)

"Happy birthday dear Elizabeth, happy birthday to you! Yaaay!!" Everyone cheered. My childhood best friend, Ronnie Radke, was at my apartment with his band mates and their girlfriends for my 26th birthday. Max and I were the only single ones. Ryan and I broke up around 8 years ago, but we've been really great friends ever since. He happens to be the drummer of Ronnie's band now, Falling In Reverse.

When I turned 18, Ronnie, Ryan, and I moved out to San Diego together. We were living together for a couple of years, but then their band got really big and they moved out. I thought that I would never see them again or at least not that much, but then the band asked me if I wanted to be their photographer! Good thing that I got a degree in photography! Max told me that they were going on tour in about a month, so they would be needing me on the road. Of course I agreed.

-"Make a wish Liz!!" Jacky said. I closed my eyes and thought about what I was going to wish for. Then, I blew out the candles on my birthday cake that Derek and Ryan bought me. Everyone clapped and cheered for me.

-"Thanks guys! And gals of course." I pointed to the girls and they smiled at me.

-"Time for presents!!" Savanna, Ronnie's girlfriend, shouted. We all sat down in the living room area. One by one, people were handing me presents.

-"Guys, you really didn't have to get me-"

-"Shut up and open my present, bitch..." Max said and handed me a small bag. Then he smiled to let me know that he was joking.

-"Damn Max. Calm the fuck down." I rolled my eyes and smirked at him. I opened the bag and saw money and a concert ticket. "What's the money for Max? There's nearly $300 in here!"

-"I want you to give me a few tattoos this weekend."

-"Oh. Well damn, you should've just said so." I giggled. Then I looked at the concert ticket. "Pierce the Ve-" I started saying. Memories then began flooding my head. Jaime, Vic, Mike, and....Tony.

-"Oh yeah! I almost forgot! Here." Max handed me a VIP pass which allowed me access to the backstage area. "Thought you might want this. I don't know why, I just...thought you might." I looked at the date for their concert.

-"IT'S TOMORROW?!" I shouted.

-"Yeah. Cool huh?!" Max said.

-"I...but I don't..." I didn't know what to say. "It's been ten years since I last saw them...I don't know if I'm ready to see them again...not yet anyways."

-"Wait a know the guys?" Max questioned.

-"Yeah. Jaime is my brother, Vic and Mike were my best friends, apart from Ronnie, and Tony...I was in love with him. We all went to the same school. Then they told me that they were gonna move to San Diego and I was devastated. Then some shit went down and...yeah..."

-"Oh. Jeez, I didn't know that. Wow! I'm such an idiot! Why didn't I put two and two together?!" Max facepalmed himself. "Liz Preciado...Jaime Preciado...DUH!!"

-"Wow. You're SUCH a genius Maxxie." I sarcastically said. He just stuck his tongue out at me.

-"'s really been ten years since you last saw and/or talked to them?"


-"Damn. Well, that's gonna change tomorrow, isn't it?"

-"I don't know Max...I-I don't know if I'm ready to see them again. Especially Tony."

-"Sure you are! Do it for me? Pleeeeease?" He gave me the puppy dog eyes. He knows that I always fall for those eyes. He did have really nice eyes. And his smile...WAIT, NO LIZ.

-"He's right Liz. You should really go see them tomorrow. It would help you out a lot in my opinion." Ronnie said. I sighed and finally gave in.

-"Fine...but if anything happens it's your fault Max." I pointed and glared at him.

"Oh c'mon, you know you love me." He hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

-"Yeah, I do." I giggled and hugged him back.

-"So...about those tattoos..."



What's going on between Max and Liz? ;o

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