Chapter 4

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A few days later
Aphmaus pov
I was sitting on my bed watching AOT when laurence came into my room I smiled and said "hey what are you doing here" he smiled and said "when's the last time you've been on vacation" I thought and said "a pretty long time ago why" he said ",you,garroth,Dante,travis,
katelyn,Aaron,Lucinda,Nicole,cadenza,and kawaii chan are all going on vacation!" I jumped up and said "are you serious!?" He nodded and said "yep our boat leaves tonight we're going to this really amazing island resort/water park" I said "this is amazing! Have you told everyone else" he nodded and said "yep they've all finished packing and everything" I nodded and grabbed a suitcase from my closet I started throwing in random clothes then I put some bathing suits in it I said "this is gonna be awesome! The beach,swimming,relaxing" I threw my phone and laptop into the bag and zipped it up I turned to laurence and he said "even better we get some alone time" I smiled and he wrapped his arms around my waist i put mine around his neck and we kissed until travis came in he said "aph we're going on va-hey what's going on here" I groaned and said "can a girl not kiss her boyfriend in peace" laurence said "hey atleast we get to be alone at the island" I nodded and looked at travis I said "don't you have a skirt to look up" he said "I feel as if you don't want me here right now...bye!" And he ran off I laughed and grabbed my suitcase I said "irene this thing is heavy!" Laurence laughed and took it from me we went downstairs to see everyone sitting there talking to one another cadenza seen us and said "what took you two so long" travis said "oh they were making out" I said "we were not making out!" Laurence said "can we please go the boats gonna leave without us" everyone grabbed their suitcases and we all walked to the docks the boat was HUGE! We all got onto the boat and waited until we got to the island...

Time skip

"We're here everyone!" Everyone got off the boat and I looked around you could see the waterpark and the volleyball court,there were huts around and there was also just a normal amusement park I said "this place is amazing!" Everyone nodded and we went to the front desk we all got the keys to our huts and went off to find our huts me and laurence found ours and went in I smiled and said "I cannot wait to go to the waterpark!" He nodded and said "I can't wait to go to the beach and just relax" I said "let's change into our bathing suits and we can go to the waterpark then the beach then tonight we can have some alone time" I went to the bathroom and changed into my favorite purple bathing suit...

 while Laurence changed in a different bathroom when we both finished changing we went to the living room and laurence said "let's go!" I nodded and said "ok but first let me grab something" I went to my suitcase and got a waterproof camera and he...

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while Laurence changed in a different bathroom when we both finished changing we went to the living room and laurence said "let's go!" I nodded and said "ok but first let me grab something" I went to my suitcase and got a waterproof camera and he said "planning on taking pictures" I nodded and we went to the waterpark we rode tons of rides and basically got soaked then after we were done with the waterpark we went to the beach and just layed down on the sand i said "the waterpark was so much fun! And I got some pretty cool pictures" I showed him the pictures I took and he said "they look really cool" I nodded and we ended up just laying on the beach for a few hours then we went back to our hut when we got there I layed down and said "so how long is this vacation" he said "until we wanna go home" I smiled and he layed down next to me and for the rest of the day we layed in bed,cuddling,and watching movies....

So they're at the resort! I wonder what could happen while they're there?! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee!

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