Chapter 12: growing up

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Time skip! The girls are now 13

Aphmaus pov
I was standing outside the house waiting for the girls to get off school when the bus came the girls got off and came over to me I smiled and said "hey girls! How was school" maddy said "boring! nothing happened all day!" Olivia said "it was fine for me I got an
A+ on my spelling test" I noticed Cameron looking at a piece of paper I said "hey Cameron what are you looking at" she hid it behind her back and said "nothing!" I said "Cameron give it to me now or no games for a week" she looked down and handed it to me so I started reading it...
"Hi Cameron! So uh I couldn't tell you In Person cause I'm kinda shy but I like Uh check yes or no if you like me back
_yes       _no"

I smiled and said "awwww! Who gave you this" maddy said "that really quiet,shy boy I forgot his name" Cameron said "Caleb...his name is Caleb and he's really nice we talk all the time and I kinda like him" all of a sudden laurence came running in and said "who likes who and why??" I looked at him and said "how did you hear us?! You were watching tv! Upstairs!" He said "fathers instincts now what's going on" Cameron his the note and said "nothing dad Uh I gotta go bye!" And she ran upstairs maddy and Olivia followed her I looked at laurence and said "a boy likes Cameron! And she likes him! Isn't it cute" he said "what no! It's not cute it's horrible!" I sighed and said "laurence theyre 13 now...Teenagers...they're aloud to like someone" he said "no they're not! They aren't supposed to like someone! They're my little girls" I said "they aren't little anymore! And besides I had my first crush at her age" he said "really?" I nodded and he said "I don't want my little girls to grow up"...

Cameron's pov
"Ugh moms gonna tell dad and he's gonna go crazy!" Maddy said "calm down lil sis-" I cut her off and said "your were born 5 seconds before me!" Olivia said "yea but you're still the youngest! I was born first then 5 seconds later maddy was born and 5 seconds after that you were born" I said "we're getting off topic! What am I gonna do dads gonna go insane when he finds out I like someone" they both shrugged and I said "wow thanks for the advice" they laughed and maddy said "just go downstairs and listen to what they're saying then talk to dad"  I nodded and went downstairs I say on the last step and listened....

Laurences pov
After aph talked to me about Cameron liking someone she went to the kitchen I sighed and sat on the couch Cameron came over and sat next to me I looked at her and said "you like someone eh?" She nodded and said "yes are you gonna go insane" I laughed and said "no don't worry...I just don't want my little girls to grow up I mean first you start liking someone and then you're gonna grow up,get married and leave me and your mom" she said "dad that's still a super long time away! Besides no matter how much we grow were still gonna be your little girls" she hugged me and there was a knock at the door I said "fine tell the boy you like him but I want to meet him later on" she nodded and I opened the door to see garroth I smiled and said "hey garroth what are you doing here" he shrugged and said "kawaii chan had to go to work and I was stuck at our house being bored so I decided to come see you guys" I nodded and he came in Cameron seen him and said "UNCLE GARROTH! Is aunt Kawaii chan here?!" Garroth said "no she had to go to work" she nodded and Cameron's phone started ringing I said "who's that" she blushed and said "me and the boy may have exchanged Uh gonna go answer this in my room..." She went up to her room and garroth said "what was that about"  I said "ah she likes a boy and he likes her" he looked at me and said "and your not going insane?" I laughed and said "no im fine" he nodded and we ended up talking for awhile until there was another knock at the door I got up and opened it to see kawaii chan I said "kawaii Chan? I thought you were at work" she said "no kawaii chan told garroth Kun that so that he wouldnt worry kawaii chan was actually at the drug store" image a co fused face and said "drug store? Why were you there" she smiled and said "kawaii chan found out she's pregnant!" I smiled and said "oh my irene kawaii chan that's great! You and garroth are gonna be parents!" She nodded and garroth came over he said "hey kawaii chan I thought you were at work" I laughed and said "if you need any tips just ask me and aph" he made a confused face and said "what are you talking about" I pointed at kasis I chan and he looked at her kawaii chan said "kawaii chan is pregnant!" Garroths eyes widened and he hugged kasis I chan he said "oh my irene! This is amazing were gonna be parents!" She nodded and aph came over she said "what's with all the yelling" kawaii chan said "ah aphmau senpai! Kawaii chan is pregnant!" Me and garroth both covered our ears and aph screamed she hugged kawaii chan and said "OH MY IRENE KAWAII CHAN THATS GREAT! WE HAVE TO GO SHOPPING FOR BABY CLOTHES AND MAKE A ROOM FOR IT AN-" I cut her off and said "calm down aph! She just found out let her and garroth talk a bit!" She smiled and said "sorry! I'm so happy for you two!" She hugged garroth and kawaii chan then they went home aph said "GAH I'm so happy for them! They're having their first kid!" I nodded and she said "oh I gotta go finish making dinner! You wanna help" all of a sudden 3 little girls ran down the stairs and said "can we help!?" I laughed and said "I think you have more than enough helpers" they went to the kitchen and I watched tv...

Kawaii chan and garroth are having a kid! WOOP WOOP! Haha anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee

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