Chapter 11: fathers day

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Time skip! The girls are all now 3

Aphmaus pov
Awesome! Laurence is out with garroth and dante so me and the girls have enough time to get him something for Father's Day! I yelled "GIRLS COME ON!" A few seconds later they all ran in I smiled and said "ok girls Father's Day is tomorrow what do you want to get for daddy" they all thought and maddy said "I got nothing" the other girls nodded and I said "think of something daddy reeeeeally loves" they once again thought and Olivia said "us!" I nodded and Cameron said "a picture of us!" I said "perfect! Let's go" I put them in the 3 kid stroller and we went to hobby lobby when we got there I said "ok girls let's pick out something that can make the picture really pretty" we all started looking until Cameron grabbed a thing of glitter and said "make it sparkly!" I smiled and said "ok" I grabbed some glitter and some stickers then I got a picture frame,paint, and some paper we payed and went home...

Laurences pov
"Guys I still don't understand why you wanted to hang out so much today" garroth said "we Uh...uh" dante said "we haven't gotten to hand out with you as much since the girls were born! Yea that's it..." I sighed and said "I have been spending a lot of time with aph and the girls but you can't blame me its my wife and kids" they nodded and garroths phone buzzed he looked at dante and whispered something to him I said "what are you guys whispering about" they looked at me and dante said "uh nothing come on" so we walked around just talking for awhile...

Aphmaus pov
I helped the girls draw a bit and they held up the cards they say next to each other and the cards spelt out "we heart daddy" I took the picture and put it in the frame...

(Change the i to we and change the boys in the picture to Olivia,maddy,and Cameron) I smiled and said "he'll love it" the girls looked at it and high fives each other I laughed and texted garroth

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

(Change the i to we and change the boys in the picture to Olivia,maddy,and Cameron) I smiled and said "he'll love it" the girls looked at it and high fives each other I laughed and texted garroth...

G- garroth

A- hey garroth you can bring him back now the girls are done with their present
G- ok be back in a minute

I looked at the girls and said "so do you wanna give it to him today or on Father's Day which is tomorrow" they all said "today!" I laughed and said "ok we'll give it to him today" just then the front door opened and laurence and the guys came in I hugged laurence and said "hey hun! The girls have a present for you it's an early Father's Day present" he looked at the girls and said "really?" he bent down to their level and they handed him the picture frame garroth and dante looked at the picture and said "awwwwwww" I smiled and laurence said "I love it thank you" they all hugged and Olivia said "mommy helped us with it!" Laurence stood up and kissed my cheek he said "then thank you to" i looked at garroth and Dante to see them fanboying I said "uh are you guys ok" garroth said "yea...that was just adorable!" The girls finally noticed garroth and Dante and maddy said "hi Uncle garroth! Hi uncle dante!" They waved and garroth said "well we have to go b-" he was cut off by three little girl hugging his legs Cameron said "bye uncle garroth! Love you!" Then they hugged dantes legs and said "bye uncle dante! Love you" they let go of his legs and came back over to em and laurence I picked up maddy and laurence picked up Cameron and Olivia dante and garroth left and the girls started getting tired so we put them down and they went to their room they layed down and fell asleep laurence said "irene I love those girls" I said "me to" he wrapped his arm around my waist and said "I love all 4 of my girls" we kissed and I said "I love you to" ....

Awwwwww! Ok I think that was the cutest chapter I've ever written! What do you guys think? Anyway that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee

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