Chapter 9: moving and a proposal!

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Time skip! They're all back home

Aphmaus pov
Me and laurence were sitting in the nursery attempting to get the girls to go to sleep they were all wearing these really cute footie pajamas cadenza made for them....

It's so cute how they're all twins and they're wearing the same thing! It's also kinda funny that dante,garroth,and travis can't tell them apart! Anyway they finally went to sleep and I looked at laurence he mouthed "finally!" I nodded and we head...

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It's so cute how they're all twins and they're wearing the same thing! It's also kinda funny that dante,garroth,and travis can't tell them apart! Anyway they finally went to sleep and I looked at laurence he mouthed "finally!" I nodded and we headed for the door but garroth came in loud as ever and woke all three of the girls up again I looked at garroth and said "seriously!?" He said "hehe sorry" laurence picked up Olivia and maddy while I picked up Cameron laurence said "they're not gonna get back to sleep are they" I sighed and said "no no they're not...laurence we can't keep having the guys just coming in here and waking them up all the time! And besides its crowded in the house" laurence said "so what do you wanna do? move?" I nodded and said "my cousin is selling the house right next to Aaron's house it has 2 bedrooms,3 bathrooms,and I can get her to give it to me for free since we're related" he sighed and said "then it's settled...we're moving! Let's go tell the guys" I nodded and we went into the living room still holding the girls and I said "hey guys Uh me and laurence have to tell you something" laurence nodded and said "uh were moving out" garroth said "what why?!" I said "we love living here with you guys but it's crowded,you guys keep waking the girls up right after they go to sleep,and the girls have been waking everyone up in the middle of the night with crying and that's honestly not fair to you guys" they all stayed quite and i said "don't worry the house is still on mystreet! My cousin is gonna give it to us for free it's right next to Aaron's house so it's not that far" laurence said "sorry guys" they sighed and garroth said "since you guys have to take care of the girls we can move all your stuff to the house" dante and travis nodded and I said "thanks so much!" They nodded and I called my cousin...

L- Leah (cousin)
A- aph

A- hey Leah you know that house you have for sell
L- aph hey! And yea why
A- has anyone bought it yet
L- Nope! Why
A- oh thank irene me and my boyfriend are moving and I knew you'd let me have that house for free
L- yep! Go ahead and start moving your stuff in I'll tell everyone it's off the market! But on one condition
A- what's that
L- I get to meet your boyfriend and your kids!
A- ok my friends will start moving our stuff over there bye Leah!
L- bye aph

I hung up and said "well she said we can start moving our stuff over" garroth,dante,and Travis all went into mine and laurences room and started taking everything over to the other house then into the nursery and started taking the nursery stuff over to the new house....

Time skip! Two days later laurence and aph have moved into the new house and have finished painting,moving stuff around,and unpacking!

"Laurence! Come here!" Laurence came in and said "yea?" I said "I think the girls want their daddy" laurence sat down next to me in the floor and said "do they now" he tickled them and they started laughing I laughed and said "this is perfect! We have the girls,a new house,everything's not as crowded!" Laurence nodded and there was a knock at the door I said "I'll get it you stay here with the girls" he nodded and I went to the door I opened it but no one was there I sighed and went back to the nursery to see the girls in their cribs and laurence on one knee I smiled and laurence said "aph I love you so freakin much and I don't know what I would do without you you're one of the things I wake up and smile about every morning! so I'd like to ask...will you marry me" tears of joy started streaming down my face I smiled and said "YES!" He out the ring on my finger and I hugged him I said "oh my Irene I love you so much" he said "I love you to" the girls started giggling and I said "I think they're happy for us" he nodded and i grabbed my phone he said "what are you doing" I said "I'm gonna call everyone to tell them I'm engaged!" He said "you're lucky the girls fell asleep if they were still awake you'd be helping me with them before you called anyone" I laughed and ran into the living room and called zane first....

Z- zane

A- zane!
Z- what?!
A- laurence proposed! I'm engaged!!
Z- oh my Irene that's amazing aph!
A- I know! I gotta go call everyone else you were the first one I called
Z- ok bye congrats on getting engaged!
A- bye

After I hung up with zane I called everyone else and told them they were super happy and kept on asking about the wedding,my ring,the kids, and just ugh! So many questions! Anyway I found a random binder i put some paper in it then write "WEDDING DETAILS" on the front laurence sat next to me on the couch and said "isn't it a bit soon to be planning the wedding" I said "it's never to early to start planning the wedding! Now help me while the girls are asleep" he nodded and for the next 3 hours we planned the wedding ok so my bridesmaids are kawaii chan,cadenza,Lucinda,and Nicole, while katelyn is gonna be my maid of honor the groomsmen are gonna be Aaron,Dante,and travis zane is gonna be the priest and garroth is gonna be the best man! I said "so when should we have it" he said "how about January 29th it gives us enough time to get everything ready but it's not really far away" I said "that's perfect!" I wrote down the date and said "cake?" He said " about chocolate cake,with white icing and there can be purple and green decorations on it" I nodded and wrote it down then laurence said "wedding coordinator! We need a wedding coordinator" I grabbed a phone book and found a wedding planner so I called the number...

Wc- wedding coordinator

Wc- hello
A- is this the wedding coordinator
Wc- yep! Most people call me missy though! Need help planning a wedding?
A- yea me and my boyfr-fiancé have mostly everything written down of how we want the wedding
Wc- ok what's your address I'll be there in a jiffy!
I told her our address and a few minutes later there was a knock at the door I opened it to see a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes she smiled and said "I'm here to help plan the wedding!" I smiled and said "ok come in" she came in and sat next to me and laurence on the couch I handed her the binder that had all the details in it and she said "wow you already have the date,the cake,you even know who the bridemaids and groomsmen are!" We nodded and she said "ok well I'll call you when everything's set up! It'll be at the church ok?" We once again nodded and she said "ok bye!" And she left I said "well she really loves planning weddings" laurence nodded and since the kids were still sleeping we decided to go take a nap....

THEYRE ENGAGED! And they're already planning the wedding! Next chapter will be the wedding and yea that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee

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