Mychel Thompson's conditions

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Memorial Day,

-Mychel Thompson gives birth

Just a heads up, Klay's older brother gives birth to a baby girl

Mychal, Klay, Trayce and Mychel came to the cemetery to visit their grandfather to honor them for the great things he did for his son and grandsons. Later on they went home to get some snack while his father is going to shop for clothes. Klay Thompson's kids were upstairs in Klay's bedroom playing on the computer. As Mychel tries to stand up from the couch, he felt something that was pounding inside him. "Klay? Klay? My stomach hurts," "What? What?" Klay Thompson rushed to help his brother. "Hurts?" "I'm about to give birth Klay," it felt like he was breathing heavily. "This is happening now," Trayce Thompson barged on the door and asked. "What's going on?" "Trayce, Mychel is in labor, his water must have been broken just now," "Oh no," He looks scared. "We have to take him to the hospital as soon as possible," At the car. Mychel was still rolling from side to side with his arms wrapping around his huge stomach. Klay had to help his brother because he was suffering in pain. Mychel placed his hand on the bottom of his shorts taking fast breaths. "My seat is wet," He moaned. "I think my water is still breaking," "We are almost there at the hospital," Klay said. "Just take deep breaths Mychel and we will be there, we are almost there,"

At the hospital,

"Doctor! Nurse! Help us! Help!" Klay shouted in the hallway as the doctor asked him. "What's going on with him?" "My brother is about to give birth," he answered. "I have to know what is going on," "You and your brother are welcome to take Mychel with you to the hospital room and we will be here to assist him," the doctor said. "Klay and Trayce take Mychel with you to the room," The brothers walked him to the room as Klay was telling Mychel what to do. "Okay so Mychel, you are about to do whatever I tell you to, but you need to take your shirt and your pants off." "No way! I'm not taking it off," Mychel shook his head. "Mychel listen to me! It is not going to get better if you get stressed," Klay answered. "I got your clothes and now you have to lay down, breathe and then you can push," "Okay Klay I heard you," he replied. "But I'm scared, I am so scared Klay, this is going to be more painful," "It's okay Mychel," he said. "Don't be scared, it is going to affect your child if you get stressed, come on Mychel you need to push," Mychel screamed as he holds very tight on Klay's hand. "Push Mychel! Push harder!" The doctors came in the room to assist Mychel with a delivery as Klay and Trayce were in the room helping him get through with pain. "GOSH KLAY! This is torture!" He yelled as the contraction started hitting him. "This is going to hurt more if I keep doing that," "If I were you Mychel," He added. "I would suggest to take deep breaths you know that, so for now on you have to save the discussion for later and focus on your child," Mychel knew he was strong, so he had to push as hard as he could to get through with pain. It took 5 hours for him to finish, but Mychel felt exhausted. "Klay I'm so tired," He closed his eyes as he started breathing rapidly. "I can't do this anymore, I just want to give up now," Trayce Thompson tells Mychel that it will be alright. "You're doing great Mychel, you can do this! I know you can, come on give it a strong push," It felt like Mychel was fighting against the contractions by trying not to lose a battle. "Trayce it hurts!" He started crying. "There's pressure Trayce! Please make it stop! Oh my Gosh! The contraction Trayce! It hurts!" He held both of the rails and lets go of his grip as he put his head on the pillow. Mychel Thompson started pushing the head from his opening. He let out the whimper and scream from his lungs."KLAY THOMPSON!" He was screaming. "KLAY THOMPSON! It hurts really bad!" but Klay decided to keep Mychel feel comfortable by helping him and he placed his finger on his stomach while he was wearing the medical gloves. Thus, Mychel had felt like Klay when he had delivered a child before Lauren was born. Trayce was checking the centimeters and later on, he found out that Mychel's dilation was 7 centimeters. It was when he felt an urge to push the child out from the opening, Mychel was dripping with sweat while staring at the ceiling. Mychel knew he would not give up on himself, even his child and the guy who had fallen in love with, which was Seth Curry because they would make their family complete anytime soon. It was 2:30Pm and Mychel was still in his position. The pain had been sneaking in before the head was coming up. The nurse saw something from Mychel's opening and shouted. "I can see the head," "What head?" Mychel was still confused. "It's not even in there, Oh my gosh! I can't-," "Don't pressure it Mychel," Trayce cautioned him. "You could cause a serious tear, come on you have to push!" Mychel hollered very loud trying to fight the contractions that was hitting him several times. Mychel remains strong as he is doing his best to make the delivery a successful matter. "Push! Mychel! Push!" He said as Klay gave a pressure on Mychel Thompson's stomach by pressing with the tip of his fingers," Lastly, he started screaming as the child had finally came out. "Klay it's a girl," Trayce looked at the child. "No wonder why it was in my brother's body," Mychel started to feel exhausted as his strength had been fallen asleep. He was still panting, but he was relieved of what has happened. "Mychel are you okay?" Trayce asked him. "That didn't feel good," his voice quivered as he started shivering. "I almost lost my blood," The child was crying as Mychel had saw it coming. "Tori! My daughter, it's her," Tori was covered with red stuff all over her as the doctor chose to clean her up while Klay cleans his brother by wiping all the fluids around his legs. Seth Curry comes in as he wonders. "You okay Mychel? It appears you have a difficult time, oh my gosh! I noticed it was painful for you, but the delivery was a success," Seth Curry came to the room. "Oh it's Tori Thompson Curry!" He was surprised knowing there was something that was in common. "That was... Tough, very tough Seth," "What makes you think it was tough?" Seth knew what was going on. "The delivery aye? That was a success Mychel, you did it!" "It was thanks to my brothers Klay and Trayce for those who helped me," "Mychel you are a fighter," Seth Curry smiled as he kissed him on the forehead.

"Thank you Klay," Seth Curry thanked Klay Thompson for taking care of him and also Trayce Thompson for making sure he didn't have a difficult time. "I thanked your kindness Trayce," "No worries," Klay and Trayce said. "It's been a pleasure," They left as Seth Curry had asked him. "Are you hurt Mychel? Did it hurt since you gave birth?" "It was very painful Seth," Mychel started crying. "It was unbearable, Andrew Bogut was right about it." Seth hears him breathing excessively knowing that it was painful. Mychel had realized it was his painful experience. "I am so scared Seth, what if I was expecting another child?" Seth Curry was massaging his stomach. "Don't worry about it Mychel, you just need to move on and yet, our daughter is born," He smiled as Seth Curry stayed with him.

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