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Sorry I haven't updated guys just me trying to get ideas lol and writing my sans X reader, ya know its hard work being a writer.

You sat outside of grillby's feeling guilty of hurting chara, but not to guilty because he deserved it. You mumbled a few thing to yourself till a familiar voice boomed up it was the demon in your mind. Hello (y/n) long time no see. God kinder don't you have anything better to do? No not really so I came back to after all these years. What makes you think I want you back kin? Well because a few things are going to happen that I need to help you with. Like what kinder? Like um let's see your death. WHAT THE HELL!? Uh yeah so about that apparently a certain boy is pissed at you so yeah.
God damnit chara you fucking yandere. Yeah your ex is a badass though. Shut it kinder. But don't you miss my voice? Remember when we were kids.
Hey guys so you know I have kinder's picture in my art book so you know so look at that.
(Flashback when (y/n) was 8)

"Wait up kinder!" You yelled, you were full of innocence that day. It was ruined, when kinder your 10 year old long lost sister had lost her life. Kinder had a problem on wanting to kill, always has. You both were running into the woods, there was a clearing. You and kinder sat down, " isn't it a beautiful day outside (y/n)?" Kinder asked you, " yeah hope it isn't ruined" you replied back. A few days later you both were going back to the clearing. It was raining, and thundering. " kinder we shouldn't be here its raining and thundering" you said, trying to change her mind on going to the clearing. " (y/n) you promised we could go today" kinder whined, you remembered that and moved your damp hair from your face. " I know but I didn't know it would rain" you told her, she frowned looking somewhere. You followed her gaze leading to a camp in the clearing. She walked forward a bit making a twig crack and a man snapped his head our direction. He got up and slowly walked toward us, kinder's eyes began to flow a red era. Due to her eyes being red, you got scared when he stopped a few feet away from you both. Kinder let out a growl which got the man riled up. He then slammed his fist toward my face, kinder blocked him. She was full out pissed, " (y/n) get out!" She yelled, you ran but not enough to see him kill her. Cutting her eyes out and slitting her neck, you cried hard.

(End of flashback)

You looked down from the memory, " yeah I remember" you said softly, kinder had now got bandages around her eyes to hide the burden. Her throat 'twas in plain view for all to see.  I had to protect you and you know that. She said calming you down. " but the memory haunts me" you whispered. She hugged you then faded away going into your mind. " you look like you've been crying" that damn voice said, you look up to see chara in full hate mode. " go away chara, can't you see I'm talking?" You asked him, he smirked. " to thin air" he said chuckling, you glared at him. " yeah to thin air, NO YOU DUMBASS I WAS TALKING TO MY SISTER" you yelled at him, he looked ashamed seeing you being an idiot and left. You got up and went back to toriel's house, everyone was probably worried.

(Emily's pov)
Deal with my ship :3 emyrus
I sobbed hoping (y/n) would be back soon. It's been at least 5 hours and I missed the cinnamon smell of her hair. She was supposed to help me with my problem. " hey you ok human?" Papyrus asked, I looked up to see him. " yeah it's just I miss (y/n)" I said blankly. He nodded and sat next to me pulling me in a hug.

(Rey's pov)

"SNANS GET YOUR LAZY ASS OVER HERE" I yelled. " but I don't have an ass and don't call me snans ever again" he said, I smirked. " snans" I teased, his face went blue and he kissed me. " shut it ery" he said looking at me. " lol ery? So this my messed up name now?" I asked him laughing, he nodded. " YEP" he said still nodding. We both died laughing and fell asleep on the bed.

Don't worry (y/n) he won't kill you on my watch, as I have always have kept you safe. Even when I'm dead I will.

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