Chapter One - It Begins

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I walked along the hall toward my locker. I don't know why I bothered to go to school. I could just do homeschool, it would be easy. I spun the dial to the three numbers that came so easily. "Bayleigh Luiso, come to the principal's office." The principal boomed over the intercom.

I nodded my head and shut my locker as quietly as possible. I started walking toward the office. People bumped into me, not noticing me by my small size, by me being weak. I was fragile. Not the smallest out of the student body, but one of.

I stepped into the office. Our principal, Mr. Kuilp, knew I was mute, since the first day of my freshman year, "Bayleigh, you haven't talked since eighth grade. You don't try in school anymore, your grades have been dropping. I was fine with you not talking, but only if you kept your GPA." He shook his head in disappointment, "I am sorry, but you are suspended for the rest of today and tomorrow."

I nodded and began walking to my locker. The halls were clear and I got my stuff. I didn't want to go back to my house, so I decided to just walk around the city.

I walked, gripping my black GIR jacket with my right hand. I looked at my high-tops walking straight ahead. I had black skinny jeans and a black tank top on. My long dark brown hair with blonde tips was whipping against my face in the wind. I had been so focused on watching my feet, I ended up bumping into a muscular man which had made me fall to the ground, "Oh, I am so sorry." The familiar voice rung in my head.

This was not a voice I had heard in the halls, only on television. I looked up to see the most breathtaking man I have seen only in movies, and talk shows. It was Josh Hutcherson. His strong, firm hand was out in front of me, I took his hand and let him help me up. I wanted to thank him for being so kind, something I hadn't seen for the past few years and this might be the only chance I have to talk to Josh Hutcherson, but should I waste the last two years of silence down the drain? My brain was rattling and my chest was tightening. The world around me seemed to slow to near stop.

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