Chapter Nineteen - Dreams

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I woke up to the sound of a heartbeat and breathing? What the hell am I sleeping on? I asked myself slightly confused.

As I began to move, without opening my eyes,, I felt a pair of strong firm arms around my petite body. I slowly opened my eyes, to see that I had been sleeping on Josh's bare chest. I turned my head to find Josh's perfect jaw line clenched, but his face still looking peaceful. He was asleep and I didn't want to wake him by getting up, so I decided to fall asleep just once more.


"Everyone welcome my truly dear friend Kaili and the author of the New York Best Seller's List (Book Title not shown), Kaili Heronema!" Ellen shouted with glee.

Just then Kaili appeared wearing a NCIS shirt. Wouldn't be able to guess her theme at all. "So, Kaili, how is it being a wife, mother of four, author, and actress?" Ellen asked settling down into her chair.

"Well, Ellen, it's been messy, but it really pays off, especially having a great husband at home." Kaili smiled, patting her skirt in place, while taking her seat.

"Yes, how is Josh?" Ellen asked.

"Josh is amazing. We are in love more than ever. But some people aren't too happy about it." Kaili rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Like who?" Ellen asked with a slight shock in her voice.

"My friend, well I should say ex-friend, Bayleigh. She was and is so obsessed with Josh that she still tries to call me and him. I mean yeah, so what you and Josh Hutcherson had a thing once, well know, him and I are married, so leave it at that." Kaili says, slightly irritated.

~End of dream~

My eyes shoot open, Josh's breathing and steady heartbeat kept me from jolting upward. "Good morning." Josh greeted me.

I turned my head toward his face to see him smile a dazzlingly smile. "Good morning." I smiled as well.

I couldn't help not to smile, I just had to. "How did you sleep?" He asked rubbing his thumb in a tiny circle on my back, which was very soothing.

"Perfectly." I said, calmly.

"That's good, but you feel asleep right before Peeta was called." He whined still doing the circles with his thumb.

"Don't talk about yourself in the third person, it is strange." I said, giving a hint of a smile.

I could feel my cheeks become very warm, as I began to register that Josh really was shirtless. "Josh, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course." He replied tilting his head to the side.

"Why are you shirtless?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Does it bother you?" He asked, smiling.

"No, it was just a question." I smiled looking down.

His arms were still around me. We stayed like this for around a hour and a half, until the doorbell rang.  

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