Chapter 8

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"Ikuto!" I exclaim in surprise. He smirks. My eyes are wide and I can feel my veins turn cold in fear.
"How did you find my house? How did you find me?" I ask, my voice barely audible. He leans back a little with an arm still resting on his knee. Tia comes out in a hurry.
"Mariana, what is wrong?" She asks in concern. I don't speak, I don't even look at her. I just stare at the him. My face is probably ashen. Tia looks up on the roof and gasps. I can see her eyes narrow for only a moment before pulling up gracefully. Ikuto chuckles with his deep laugh. I take a step back, only to bump into the railing.
"Now really. It's not that hard to find a house in Japan. You could always follow them home," he teases. I gasp. Did he follow me home today? My eyes widen in horror of this guy knowing my life story.
"State your business here," states Tia blankly. Her voice still held the familiar melodic notes, but her words were razor sharp. He turns to her with a sad expression.
"To explain," he says simply. I blink in surprise. Of everything I've heard, this was the least expected response. Yoru floats by his shoulder, swishing his tail from side to side. I look out and see the sun is about to disappear. Ikuto follows my gaze and blinks.
"It seems my time has run out though. I shall explain myself to you, but not now. When I have time. In a week, meet me in the park," he half rushes. I don't know what I'm doing. I want to hear his side of the story. Badly. Except Kairi told me he was bad, I should stay away from him. So I surprise myself when I nod.
He stands up and gives me a genuine small smile. I see his ears and tail appear with a little shimmer. He nods a goodbye. With a jump, he lands on the ground and puts his hands in his pockets. Yoru shows up after the cat features disappear. With that, he gives me one last look and walks away. I blink in surprise.
"Mariana..." Tia trails off, not even knowing what to say. I dip my head and look at the road.
"I know. It was stupid for me to even think of agreeing," I groan. I sigh and look to the ocean. The waves are calm and the water shimmers with the brilliant rays of the sun descending behind it. Tia and I just watch. Soon enough the last of the light fades away. Street lights blink on and the world seems quiet.
When the sorrowful tones call out to me, I look to Tia and smile. He plays the usual call and greeting, waiting for me. I uncover my harp and he plays it again. This time I get to answer. He plays the first verse of a song and pauses. I pick up the tune and start to play my part. He joins me soon after. As if knowing my mood right now, we play a song that's happier than normal.
I can't help but smile fondly at the choice. It makes me think of today and my good time with Kairi. Tia sits on my shoulder and hums along. The violin and harp surround me in a bubble of joy before spreading out over the neighborhood like a blanket. The house lights flick off two at a time. Soon only the glow of the street lights and the shining moon and stars light up the night.
We play the last joyful notes, and they seem to hang in the air before drifting off slowly. I sit there and sigh happily. I'm glad it's the weekend. Maybe I can actually relax for a while. I start to cover my harp and look out to the park. He's just standing there, bow and violin by his sides. I can tell he's looking in my direction. My heart skips a beat and I blush. With a small smile I nod at him. I blink in surprise when he nods back.
He lifts the violin up and rests his chin on it. He pulls the bow up and places it carefully on the strings. I blink and smile, knowing what's next. He moves the bow up the strings, creating the beautiful notes of our lullaby. I laugh lightly and go inside. I perform the usual routine before falling soundly asleep.

The man sees the little chara and sighs. He never wanted her to find out about his past, not unless he told her himself. After everything that's happened to him, he just wants one thing to go right.
"Are you sure about everything?" Asks Yoru. The shadows hide most of the park, as it's under trees, but Yoru's yellow eyes stare at him in concern. He's a good chara, he takes care of the man. Said man kneels down and puts his violin away.
"Yes Yoru. No one can hide their past forever," he tells Yoru. He drops his eyes to the ground in thought. He really had followed them to her home yesterday. He heard everything she said about her past. The sorrow he keeps locked away inside shines in his eyes. He blinks and puts on a blank expression before standing.
"Why? I don't want to see you hurt again, nya," wonders Yoru quietly. The man doesn't even blink.
"Because Yoru. I believe we deserve a second chance," he replies with a monotone voice.

I wake up to Tia singing. I smile before propping myself up on an elbow.
"Good morning Mariana," greets Tia softly. I mutter a good morning and rub the sleep from my eyes. I look at my clock and see it's around nine-thirty. I yawn quickly and get up.
I think about stuff to do today and grab some clothes. I decide on black leggings, a blue slightly baggy dress, a skinny brown belt, and a thin jacket. I change quickly and go downstairs. momma doesn't cook Sundays because she cooks every other day. I grab a bowl of fruit salad, a spoon, and a tooth pick. The tv is on in the living room.
"Morning momma! papa!" I call. They both call out a good morning.
"Can I go to the local pool today?" I ask. They take a second to answer.
"By yourself?" asks momma in confusion. I blink in surprise.
"Well... yea. I don't really have any one to go with," I answer. My mom walks out and leans on the doorframe.
"What about that nice boy from yesterday, Kairi?" I roll my eyes.
"Momma, I don't even have his number," I reason.
"Just let her go honey, she'll be fine," pipes up my dad. I smile at my mom. she sighs and nods her head. I hug her and call out a thanks before heading upstairs. I hand Tia the toothpick. She smiles gratefully and takes a piece of pineapple. I chuckle and use the spoon to scoop some up. We finish quickly and I look in my closet again. Picking out an aqua green bikini, I grab a towel and put it in a bag with my other stuff. I clip on the hip bag and look to Tia.
"Ready to go for a swim?" I ask. she smiles widely and happily at me. she picks up the brush Ran and Su gave her and puts it in my hip bag.
"Now I am ready,"she says happily. I laugh and head downstairs. I slip on my black flats and call a farewell to my parents. I'm lucky enough to remember locations pretty easily.
I walk and watch as the trees lose the last of their leaves. It's almost November. Tia swims alongside me, excitement permanently stained on her face. I smile and look ahead. as I'm entering town, I hear a familiar voice.
"Mari-chan!" calls Yaya. I stop and look around. across the street is Yaya and Pepe. Yaya has her usual pigtails. her shirt is white with a big strawberry on it. the sleeves are pink and white striped. Her pants are light blue and reach about mid-calf. they have little string bows on the outer side of each leg near the hem. Her shoes are pink running shoes and she has white ankle socks on. I smile and wave.
"Wait there!" she yells. I nod. She waits a moment before running across the crosswalk. I laugh to myself lightly. She gives me a big hug. After letting go, I look at the ground out of pure shyness.
"Where ya going?" she asks happily.
"Swimming," answers Tia with excitement. Yaya smiles.
"Wish I could come!" She suddenly frowns. "Except I have to run errands," she grumbles.
"That stinks," I say quietly. She nods in agreement before looking at a clock inside the shop we're beside. She gasps.
"I'm going to be late!" she exclaims. "I'll see you tomorrow Mari-chan!" she calls as she jogs away waving. I wave quietly goodbye. With that, we continue to the pool. I take the last turn and come face to face with someone else. Tadase. I blush and take a step back.
"Ohio Mariana-san. What brings you to town today?" he asks with a smile. I blink and look down.
"Me and Tia want to go swimming," I respond a little quiet. He nods.
"I'm on my way to Amu's myself," he explains. Kiseki floats down.
"Hopefully they will help me with my treasure hunt," he thinks aloud. Tia laughs. It's very melodic.
"Again Kiseki?" she asks in amusement. He closes his eyes, hands on his hips with irritation.
"Of course! If we don't, someone else will," he responds in annoyance. I look to Tadase for an explanation, but he shrugs his shoulders slightly. I give a small smile and we bid farewell. Finally we arrive at the pool.
I buy the coin for a locker and head into the change room. Quickly changing and locking away my things, I walk out to the pool. It's an indoor pool. There's the main wave pool and then the diving and lap swimming in another pool. I look to Tia, but have to blink in surprise. I step around Tia and walk to the wall.
"Kairi?" I ask in surprise. He's leaning against the wall. He has on a black shirt with sleeves that end just past the elbows. He's wearing dark jeans and some sort of black shoes. He looks over and his eyes widen in surprise.
"Mariana?" he notices my attire and blushes a little before looking at the ground in front of him. I blush a little and cross my arms over my stomach self consciously.
"What are you doing here? Cause you sure aren't swimming," I joke. He looks at my face and smiles.
"No, but I am watching over a child for my aunt. She's the one with the pink polka dots," he explains. I look in the water and, sure enough, a little girl in a purple with pink polka dot bathing suit sits in the shallows. I mentally awe when she gets up and walks over.
"Kairi-senpai, why don't you swim with me?" she asks. Kairi smiles sympathetically at her.
"I don't even have swimwear. There isn't a way for me to go swimming," he reasons gently. I smile. Hearing a pop, I mentally groan.
"Hi, I'm Mariana, a friend of Kairi's," I start. I sit on my knees so I'm eye level. "Would you like me to come swim with you?" I ask sweetly. Her little brown eyes light up. She nods vigorously. I laugh and stand up. I notice Kairi looking at me slightly surprised. I hear the pop and blush a little. He smiles admiringly at me and I blink.
"Come on Mariana-chan!" calls the little girl excitedly. She takes my hand and giggles before leading me to the water. When she's up to her knees, she sits down. I sit on my knees, the water only coming up over my calves. She splashes her hands in the water a bit, giggling. I laugh and join her in moving the water around. At one point Tia air swims over and sits on my shoulder. The little girl stops and stares.
"Wow, you're really pretty," she breathes. Tia smiles.
"Thank you little one," she says happily. I smile.
"This is Tia. She is who I dream of being," I introduce. The girl smiles and looks me in the eyes.
"You have a pretty dream," she says. I smile.
"Thank you. Do you know what you want to be when you're older?" I ask thoughtfully. Tia goes in the water and swims off somewhere. The girl takes a moment to think.
"I don't know. What can I be Mariana-chan?" she asks. Her eyes are lit up with wonder. I take her small hands in mine.
"You can be anything," I whisper. "You can be a Singer, a Dancer, a policewoman, a florist," I start to list. She smiles bigger and bigger at each thing on my list.
"You can be anything," I finish. She's grinning from ear to ear. She stands up and comes over to hug me.
"I want to be like you and Kairi," she informs me. I smile and hug her small body. She backs up and I look over at Kairi quickly. He's staring at us with a smile. I smile back and give a wave, slightly blushing. He waves back.
Tia comes back and she has a bucket. I smile and take it from her. filling it with some water, I splash the little girls legs. She squeals happily before I hand her the bucket. She fills it with water and stands up, giggling. She walks over to me and I start to wonder what she's up to. She reaches up with the bucket, but can't quite seem to reach. Tia comes over and picks up the handle. she floats it up above my head and the girl hits the side near the bottom. It pours all the water on me. She giggles happily. I smile and reach, pulling her onto my lap.
"Oh you're going to pay for that," I tease her. I start to tickle her sides and she squeals in laughter. I laugh and continue to lightly tickle her. Tia chuckles and just floats there, swinging her tail back and forth.

Kairi watches them happily. The girl, Chihiro, squealing in laughter and Mariana-San laughing while lightly tickling her sides. He chuckles quietly to himself. Mariana has proven quite the surprise. From day one he knew she would have a chara, Musashi made that clear, but he didn't know about her. Musashi floats over and looks at the scene before them.
"They really are something, Kairi," he says in thought. Kairi takes a quick look at Musashi. His expression is blank. He turns back to the girls. At that moment, Chihiro rolls off of Mariana's lap and into the water, landing on her side. Before he can move however, Mariana scoops her up and cradles Chihiro on her lap.
Kairi can't hear what they're saying, but Mariana blushes and nods quickly. Chihiro smiles widely and waits. Mariana takes a quick glance around, spotting Kairi, she blushes. He blinks in surprise. What is she doing?
Mariana thinks for a moment before sighing in defeat. She turns her head to Chihiro and closes her eyes after giving Tia a pleading look. He sees a shimmer on her wrist and realizes they've character changed.
She starts to sing. The words are soft and quiet, but her voice is confident and beautiful. Kairi finds himself mesmerized by the song... and Mariana. Chihiro smiles, happiness and joy shining in her eyes like lights. Mariana doesn't sing a lot, but it's enough that Chihiro doesn't ask for an encore.
Chihiro instead yawns. Mariana laughs quietly and the bracelet disappears. She blushes for a moment before talking to Chihiro again. They seem to agree on something and Mariana stands up with Chihiro in her arms. She walks over.
"Already done swimming Chihiro?" He asks in surprise. Chihiro nods tiredly. He blinks in surprise.
"If it's all right with you, I can take her and her stuff and help her get dressed in the woman's change room," Mariana offers quietly. Kairi realizes what she's getting at and nods. Picking up the bag by his feet, he hands it to her. She nods and walks off with Chihiro.
"You know, you shouldn't let Chihiro go with strangers," Musashi says, but the look on his face says he's just wondering what Kairi will say.
"I haven't. She's with Mariana, and I trust her with my life," he responds with a smile.

I walk out of the change room with Chihiro holding my hand. She persists on walking and saying she's not tired, so I had to settle for hand holding. I walk to the front and Kairi is waiting there patiently. I smile and wave.
"I suppose you need to go home now, eh?" asks Kairi. Chihiro grips my hand tighter.
"No Mari-chan! Can't you stay with us a little longer?" She asks with hopeful eyes. I look at a clock up on the wall and see that it's only been an hour. I smile down at Chihiro.
"Of course I can," I say softly. She smiles happily. Tia swims over to Musashi and starts to talk to him. He still doesn't talk a lot, but he and Tia manage conversations. I look to Kairi and see him smiling happily. I smile back and Chihiro yawns. We both chuckle quietly. He crouches down to her eye level.
"Tired Chihiro-san?" he asks softly. she shakes her head and mutters something about not being tired.
"Well that's a shame, because if you were, I could have carried you back," I say, feigning disappointment. Kairi looks up at me and I smile. He seems to understand and smiles. He turns back to Chihiro.
"Yes, I suppose you want to walk home, eh?" he asks teasingly. He stands up as her eyes widen a fraction. She looks between us frantically.
"Well, maybe I'm a little tired," she half rushes. We both laugh quietly and I crouch down.
"Come here you," I say while picking her up. I rest her against my hip and hand Kairi her bag. He nods and smiles slightly as she wraps her little arms around me and rests her tired head against my shoulder. I nod with a smile and we start to walk, only whispering quietly to each other. When I feel Chihiro's steady breathing, I know she's asleep. I look at Kairi and he nods. We walk the rest of the way in a comfortable silence. Soon we reach an apartment building and we both walk in. Kairi leads the way to the elevator and we step in. Pushing the ten, he leans against the wall. It dings signaling that we've arrived and he leads us to one room halfway down the hall. Quickly pulling out a key he unlocks it. I just stand there after the door opens.
"Don't worry. One, they aren't home, two, they trust me if I have a friend over," he assures me with a smile. I smile back and nod. I walk in and he follows, closing the door behind us. He comes and takes Chihiro from me before heading down a hall. I stand there and observe the place. It's a cute little apartment. A few toys are in a basket beside the couch, un-doubtingly Chihiro's. The couch looks a bit older and is leather. A tv is against the wall opposite of it. At the far wall, there is a sliding glass door that leads to a little balcony. A table sits out there and two chairs. Kairi walks back out and smiles at me.
"Standing there isn't going to get anything done," he jokes. A memory of him saying that the first day I met the guardians pops into my head. I smile at the thought and walk over. He motions to the couch and walks to what I assume is the kitchen. I sit down and look at my fingernails. I should paint them.
"Are you hungry Mariana-san, Tia-san?" asks Kairi from the other room. I think for a moment. My stomach growls silently and my eyes widen. Tia chuckles quietly.
"Only a little Kairi, but that's fine," she answers. He walks out and pushes his glasses up his nose.
"Would you like something?" he asks. I quickly shake my head.
"No no, it's fine Kairi. I don't want to be a bother," I quickly decline. He looks at me with a stern look.
"Nonsense. It is no trouble," he assures. With that, he walks back into the kitchen. I sigh in defeat, knowing he won't budge. I smell something good cooking and smile. The beep of a microwave signals that whatever's in there is done. I look at the pictures on the wall. On one wall is a painted picture of an African savannah. I observe the giraffes in the background and notice a lion, partially hidden in the grass. It's grand mane surrounds its head. Before I can further asses the painting, Kairi comes out with two bowls and cutlery. I smile and wait to see what he's made.
"Close your eyes," he tells me. I take a second before raising an eyebrow in question.
"It's a surprise," he explains with a smirk. I roll my eyes before closing them. I hear the clink of the bowls being put on the coffee table. Tia giggles and I become curious. I hear chopsticks. What is it? By the dip in the couch, I can tell he's sitting next to me.
"Open your mouth," he orders. I blush a little, but do as he says. Something gets put in my mouth and I close. It's really good. It's some sort of noodle, but it's good. I swallow.
"So?" he asks with a hint of worry.
"It's really good Kairi. Can I open my eyes now?" I ask. He lets out a sigh of relief.
"Yes you can," he confirms. I open my eyes and look at the bowl. It looks like some sort of soup. There's little chunks of meat in it and other items to flavor it.
"It's called udon. It's a popular but common food in Japan. I made this yesterday when looking after Chihiro in the evening," he informs me. I stare at him in surprise.
"When did you learn to cook?" I ask. He gets a slightly distant look in his eyes. He turns and looks at the table in thought, his smile gone.
"When I first came here, it was because of my sister. She asked if I could come visit and help out. She would come home from work exhausted everyday and I started to take care of her a little. Eventually I had to learn how to cook and clean," he starts.
"It was then that I met everyone here. A few months earlier, my parents came into debt. We came here. So for now, I live with my sister and my parents are in a cheap hotel room until they can pay off their debt and buy us a home," he says sadly. I can see the sorrow in his eyes and it makes me sad as well. I look at him sadly and see Tia comforting Musashi from the corner of my eye. He seems more vulnerable and sullen than usual. I focus back on Kairi.
I decide to do as my instincts tell me and slide over. My knee bumps into his and he looks at me with some surprise. I take the chance and wrap my arms around his neck, holding him close. He hesitates, but gives in and wraps his arms around my back. I rest my head on his shoulder and just hold him, letting him know I'm there. We stay embraced like that, and I know it's already been minutes, but it doesn't matter. Kairi needs me. My only friend needs me.
"Arigato, Mariana-chan," he whispers. I hug him a little tighter, to let him know that it's what I'm here for. After another moment we break apart. Except his hands remain on my sides and mine on his arms.
"Are you gonna be okay?" I ask quietly. He gives me a small smile. That smile on it's own holds so much emotion.
"I'll be fine. I have my friends, Musashi... and you," he assures me. My cheeks heat up a little. I turn my gaze from his deep blue eyes.
"We should eat the udon. It'll probably be cold soon," I say. He nods and we let go of each other. I reach for the bowl and pick up a pair of chopsticks.
Giving them a cautious look, I attempt to eat. It's not too cold, but at this rate it will be freezing by the time I'm half done. I huff in defeat at the chopsticks. Kairi notices my frustration and smiles.
"Here, hold them like this," he instructs. He proceeds to lift up his chopsticks and show me the handhold. I observe carefully and put my fingers the same way he has his. He smiles and nods. I attempt to pick up a noodle. I get it at first, but it slips off when I try to lift it up. I sigh and look to Kairi for help. He chuckles to himself before showing me. I try again, but to no prevail. He puts down his bowl and chopsticks.
"The trick is to turn your hand," he informs me. I nod once before trying. Before I can try to lift it, he reaches over and turns my hand carefully while lifting it up. I blush slightly and he lets go.
"Like that," he says with finality. I smile and mutter a thank you before eating. He smiles and picks up his bowl and chopsticks to finish. We both finish within minutes. We pick up our bowls and take them to the kitchen.
"Mariana, what are you doing after this?" he asks. I shrug.
"Going home I guess," I answer uncertainly. He thinks for a moment and I sit down on the couch.
"Would you like to stay here for a while?" he finally asks. I smile.
"I'd love to. May I use the phone first though?" I ask. He nods and grabs it from a nearby charger. I nod a thanks before dialing my house number. My mother picks up on the third ring.
"Condor residence," she chimes.
"Hi momma," I greet.
"Oh hi Mariana. Where are you calling from? Is everything okay?" she asks in concern.
"I'm fine momma. I'm just wondering if I can hang out with Kairi for a while?" I ask. My mother squeals on the other end. So loud that I cringe away from the phone.
"Of course honey! Have fun with your friend!" she rushes. I smile.
"Alright, I'll be home around sunset at the latest," I inform her.
"Alright honey, now go have fun! bye!" she calls happily. I chuckle and say goodbye before hanging up. I smile and turn to Kairi. He has a very amused expression on his face.
"What?" I ask. He shakes his head with a chuckle. I smile and he sits down next to me. He grabs the remote and switches on the tv. after channel surfing a little while, we find a movie to watch. It's a comedy. At one point I end up laughing so hard I have to gasp for air. Kairi laughs and asks if I'm okay. I calm down and wave him away. He smiles and we watch the rest of the movie. I look out to the balcony before turning to a clock.
"I should get going," I sigh. I stand up and straighten out my dress. Kairi stands up and leads me to the door. Tia comes and sits on my shoulder. once I'm out, I turn back to Kairi.
"I had a lot of fun with you and Chihiro today, but, mainly you," I confess. He smiles a little, but I can see he's trying to hide a blush. He looks up and our eyes lock. Aqua green to deep blue.
"Arigato Mariana-chan. I enjoyed spending time with you," he confesses. I smile and clasp my hands in front of me.
"Thanks for teaching me how to use chopsticks. It will come in handy. I'll see you tomorrow morning," I say softly. He smiles and I turn to the elevator. I exit the building and think about how my life has changed since I've arrived. I have a Guardian Chara, my violinist plays me to sleep, I'm a Guardian, and I have a friend. What else could happen in my life?
True to my word, I was home just before sunset. my mother instantly asked me questions about my day. I tell her a majority of it. Leaving out the hugging and trying the udon. Soon she lets me go and I go upstairs. I walk out onto my balcony and Tia remains on my shoulder. I take the cover off my harp like usual. I turn to the ocean and sigh happily. I watch as the sky turns golden. It's a beautiful scene. I reluctantly go inside and get my stand. after making sure it's placed okay, I grab the music sheets with my lullaby and practice.
I become so focused on learning the song that I don't see the sun disappear. When the violin plays it back to me, I look around in surprise. Sure enough, there's my violinist in the park. I smile and play our greeting notes. He plays them back right away.
I turn to my harp and think for a moment. I play the first verse of the song and wait. He seems to think before he plays. I smile and start playing the notes on the harp. At first we have a little back and forth, but then we play in harmony. The song is from my favorite childhood movie.
I'm surprised he knows any of it. I finish the song with the last few notes and sit back in my chair. Tia sits on top of my harp, occasionally flicking out her tail. I run my hand over the smooth metal. I've had this harp for five years now. It's been everywhere with me.
I look out to the park as I stand up. The man nods. I smile and nod back. I wonder if he can see my face, or if I'm in a shadow like he is. I put the cover on my harp and he starts our lullaby. I open the door and Tia swims to her egg. I smile and close the screen. I look to the moon and sigh happily. today has been such a great day. With happy thoughts, I get ready and snuggle under my duvet.

The man kneels to put away his violin. Yoru looks down at him, his yellow eyes glowing. He can't stop thinking about how happy the girl looked. What really was on his mind is the song. It's the song from one of his childhood movies.
"Since when were you playing again?" asks a solemn voice. He stiffens and turns. Standing up, a figure walks out from the trees. She has on a black dress, similar to his outfit, but the skirt of it slightly puffs out and reaches mid thigh. Her blonde pigtails reach down past her hip. She stays half hidden in the shadows.
"Does it matter?" he responds. He puts a hand in his pocket. He knows she's only concerned about his welfare, but he prefers she doesn't get too close again.
"Do you remember that movie? We used to watch it for hours on end," she say with a hint of sadness. He looks down, remembering those times when they had no concerns.
"I suppose, but those days are gone. Now we have our own problems to deal with," he replies blankly. She crosses her arms and sighs sadly.
"I miss those times. You never have been the same, have you?" she says quietly. He doesn't answer and picks up his violin case. He turns to walk away.
"Wait," she calls. He stops, but doesn't look at her. "Be careful, okay?" concern laces her voice. He looks at the stone path, sorrow leaking into his violet eyes. With a nod he walks away, Yoru following close behind.

Hey guys! I decided to call you my little charas. Why? Because nicknames. So my little charas, I normally don't ask, but would you like to press the vote and comment buttons for me? I'm hoping to get in the top 20 results for Shugo Chara, but I can't do it alone. Also, until I figure out the picture thing you can follow my Instagram to see pics of Mariana, Tia, and their Chara Nari.

My Instagram is @Goddess_Luna101

Word count: 5, 469 words

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