Chapter 14

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I wake up to a lone cry. It's familiar, and haunting. I open my eyes and look out the glass door. Moonlight greets me and I smile. The beautiful tone repeats it's call. I think about it for a moment before it hits me like a rock. The violin. My eyes widen and I bolt out of bed. I see Tia's egg crack open from the corner of my eye, but move on.

I don't even remember falling asleep, but that's obviously what happened. In a slight rush, I look out to the park. I squint my eyes, and see the slight movement of a shadow. The moon slowly outlines his tall figure. Then a thought occurs to me. What if they're a girl?

I pause, but quickly shake the thought from my head. Now is not the time for these thoughts. I walk up to the railing and rest my hand on it. I know they see me, because they stop and seem to wait. With a shake of my head, I lean on the railing. I look at my harp longingly. It feels like Friday will never be here. After a maximum of about a minute, they start to play a familiar tune.

As goose bumps rise on my arms from the cool metal rail, i realize what song this might be. I listen quietly, making sure I'm not mistaken. A heartbreaking melody fills the air. I can feel the sky get heavier as it goes on.

There was a musical made a few centuries back. It's a brother and sister, and they are incredibly close. Now the sister falls in love, and decides to marry. The brother becomes angry, and fearful.

He sets the lovers up for disaster. When things go horribly wrong, the man becomes seriously injured. Out of guilt, the brother confesses to the sister. She becomes furious. After a large fight, he begs her for forgiveness. He sings a song to express his guilt and sorrow. This is that song.

I think back to earlier. Sharp, sorrow filled, violet eyes make their way into my consciousness. The darkness that seemed to swallow him as anger pulsated like a heartbeat. Then, it changed. It was so fast, it almost scares me. His eyes regained a certain shine to them and widened in surprise.

"Mariana..." I can still hear his deep, mysterious voice in my head. I shake my head slightly, as if I was shaking off snow. I can't think about that right now. I adjust my full focus on listening. Listening so whole heartedly, I loose awareness of my surroundings. I can almost feel each string being pulled by the bow from somewhere within me.

This place is warm, but cold. Bright, and yet dark. I have locked away this part of me for a long time. The notes sway gently, and I can almost see the sorrow filled notes. Bathed in a deep, rich blue with orchid stained sides. They light up the little path. Deeper to myself, where constantly flowing emotions are locked away.

Then silence. All at once, the glow starts to fade, notes float into the dark nothing, and I fall. With a shock I open my eyes. They must have closed at some point. Sounds make their way to my ears. The gentle hush of the waves on the sand. A breeze whispering soft assurance into the night air.

"Mariana." I internally jump at the melodic voice. Tia is beside me, looking at me curiously.

"Are you alright?" she asks with a hint of concern. I take in a silent breathe, trying to shake off the alien feeling in my gut. I force a smile on my face.

"I'm fine, don't worry," I assure her. She looks at me in skeptical thought, but smiles none the less. I feel myself relax a bit, my smile becoming less forced. The breeze blows a little stronger, as if reminding me this isn't some dream. I rub my upper right arm with my good hand. It doesn't do a lot.

"Maybe we should go inside, it is the Autumn season," I reason. Tia nods in agreement, even though she doesn't look cold at all. It's a little strange, considering that I'm probably wearing more than her and I'm cold. I take a look out at the shadowed figure. Patiently waiting. Always here. Who are they? Why do they play our lullaby every night?

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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