Chapter 12

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I sit on my bed silently. Tia swims in front of me with a concerned look. I barely acknowledge her, lost within my thoughts. I place my hands down beside me, but it becomes extremely awkward with my right hand. I lift my arm in front of me. A small cast is on my wrist. My thumb goes through a hole near the top of it and it travels halfway up my forearm. It's not bulky like the normal ones, but it's just as awkward.

I sigh and slump forward. The whole scene goes through my head. Nikaidou waving goodbye, tripping, my shoulder, the ground rushing towards me, my wrist, footsteps, Kairi... His concerned and determined look will never leave my memory. Why were they there anyways? All of them were there... While Kairi carried me, they all kept the hall clear. I realize now that me and Kairi were in the center of a type of square.

"Mariana?" I jump in surprise and look up at Tia. I clear my throat quickly.

"Yes Tia?" I ask. She looks at me in concern.

"Are you okay? you haven't spoken for the past half hour," she says quietly. I look at the clock in surprise. Sure enough, it's been half an hour. I look back at Tia with a small sigh.

"I'm fine, just thinking," I reassure. She nods in understanding, knowing I wouldn't lie to her. I look out at the ocean. The sky has some grey clouds and the water doesn't glitter that much.

The sun is about to hide beyond the horizon and I frown. What's going to happen tonight? Tia follows my gaze and a concerned, thoughtful look shows on her face. I don't make any move for the balcony, but just sit there in silence. The sun disappears and all is silent. I wait anxiously for a sound, any sound. I'm rewarded with a violin calling out into the night. I sigh and look down sadly.

Tia turns to me with a sad smile and I stand up. Nothing will be accomplished by ignoring him. I walk slowly to the balcony, dreading what may happen. The greeting is played again and I walk out into the open. A slight chill greets me and I shiver quickly. I pass by my harp with barely a glance, my head down. I rest my left hand on the railing and take a deep breath. I slowly look out to the park, right at the male figure. His chin is resting on the violin, bow at the ready.

I just stare out at him, not sure what to do. I lift my hand to rest on the railing, the cast keeping out the coolness of the metal. I look away from him and at my cast. It almost mocks me saying, "what will you do Mariana? Cry?" I close my eyes and the man plays the tune once more.

I grit my teeth and shake my head. It's the best I can do, but it still seems like a weak attempt. I listen, but nothing happens. I sadly turn away, my good hand lingering on the metal. There are few stars in the dark sky and they shine with slight dullness. I sigh and slowly walk back inside. I reach the door and pause at the violin. He plays a fast, beautiful, complex string of notes before slowing.

I turn around and walk back to the railing. The tune is complex and beautiful. I find myself entranced as I stand with my good hand resting on the railing. It's both exciting and calming. I stare at him in wonder. He moves slightly with the music and I can tell he's in immense concentration.

At some point houses flicker off one by one. I look up at the sky and it seems brighter, the crescent moon glowing brilliantly. He plays what sounds like the end and I look back down at him. He's standing normal again. Legs firmly planted at shoulder width, back straight, head slightly tilted as his chin rests on the violin. I smile softly at his efforts. He pulls the bow away from the strings in finality. I fight the urge to clap.

Tia doesn't hesitate though. She claps happily at the song and I smile at her in amusement. It's easier when a majority of the world can't see you. I sigh and look back out to the man in the park. He's holding his violin in place, bow at the ready. I wonder how he always seems ready to play. I nod happily and he nods back.

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