Chapter 3

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"Ahhh!" I scream as loud as I could possibly ever scream. I woke up this morning, but something was wrong. When I removed the duvet, I discovered an egg! I couldn't have done that! What is going on!? I tentatively touch it. It's still warm. I want to get rid of it, but as soon as I touched it, I could feel the connection.

This egg is mine. I examine it closer. It's a light blue with blue waves at the bottom and green music notes around it. I stare in awe.

"Mariana honey, are you ok?" My mother calls up. Oh no! Make something up, make something up!

"Uh, yea! Just a bad dream, that's all," I assure her.

"Oh okay honey, wanna talk about it?" She asks with concern.

"It's okay momma, it was just strange is all." She calls up an ok and tells me breakfast will be ready in ten. I hold my egg to my chest and think. Where will I put it? I look around my room and spot my purse. It's not very big, but big enough. I put a soft sweater inside to make sure it'll be ok then put my egg in.

I change into my uniform and put a piece of my hair back with a starfish hair clip. I self consciously pull my skirt down all the time. I don't think I have bad legs, I just don't like bringing attention to myself. I put my purse on my arm and head downstairs.

"Morning seashell, heard you scream. Pretty sure all of Japan could. What was your dream about anyways?" He asks. I take a second to answer.

"I'm not really sure... It changed a lot," I lie. My father just nods in understanding. Mom hands me a plate of eggs and toast. I look at the eggs hesitantly before I remember. These are chicken eggs, they're okay to eat. So I eat. Luckily my parents don't notice my purse.

After about half an hour. I'm sitting in class next to Kairi.

"Ohiyo Mariana-san," he says with a smile. I give a small smile.

"Good morning Kairi," I say quietly. My purse is sitting on my lap and I still have it looped on my arm. I made sure in the halls to stay in the least crowded areas and avoid rambunctious boys. Kairi seems to glance at my purse in suprise. Just as fast as he looks though, he's smiling at me. I slightly cower in on myself. Luckily Tengaki-sensai starts her lesson. I listen intently the whole time.

When lunch finally rolls around, Kairi tells me that one of the guardians had business to attend to, so the meeting was moved for later on. I smile a little bit, happy I won't be alone again. He asks if I would finally like that tour and I nod silently. I hold my purse close to me at all times. At one point though, I got anxious and tell Kairi I will be right back. He hesitates at first, but decides there's nothing wrong with it. I nod thankfully and walk down to an empty classroom. Then I pull out my egg.

It's not as warm as it was, but the colors on the shell seem... Brighter. Closer to life. I examine for any cracks and when I find if in perfect condition, I gently hug it to my chest and breathe out in relief. I carefully put it back into my purse and loop it in my arm. I turn toward the door and see movement. I pause as panic sets in. Oh no! Someone saw it! I rush out the door as carefully as possible. I see something turn the corner. I creep along the edge and peek around the corner. Kairi stands there and he's talking to... What is he?! It's like a small miniature person!

"You were right Musashi. Now we need to tell the other guardians. Go tell the other charas." The little person floats away. Floats! What is going on? I wait a few seconds before walking out, so as not to be too convenient a time that he left. Kairi smiles and asks if I'm ready to finish the tour. I just nod silently.

We pass through a few halls and he points out different rooms to me, but I'm not listening.

Finally the time comes when he has to leave for the meeting. He reminds me on how to get to the next class and I wave goodbye as he walks away. With a breathe of relief, I walk outside and sit on a bench. What do I not know? Why is he hiding it?

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