Chapter 4

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"Mariana-san. We will leave when you are ready," Kairi says. I nod and look back down at my purse. The day passed with barely even a blink, now I need to go with Kairi to the Royal Garden. The thought makes my cheeks heat up a little. I pack up the rest of my stuff and we start down the halls.
Everyone sort of moves out of the way for Kairi as we walk and I breathe a sigh of relief. It makes protecting my egg a lot easier. What I don't enjoy is people looking at me as we go by. I cower in on myself and stare at the ground as we walk. My hands clasped in front. When we reach outside, I look up. The school grounds really are pretty.
We reach what looks like a giant greenhouse and Kairi stops. I also stop, just before bumping into him, but I still become off balanced. As I start to fall back a little, I hug my purse to in front of me so it doesn't get hurt by the impact. I close my eyes. What I don't feel is the ground. Instead I open my eyes to see Kairi look at me in concern. He has an arm around my waist and a hand on my arm.
"You okay Mariana-san?" He asks. I blush and nod.
"Y-yes... T-thank you Kairi," I whisper. I look away from his blue eyes, still hugging my bag. He seems to realize what position we're in because I see his eyes widen a little and a blush appear on his cheeks. He backs up a bit, making sure I'm balanced before letting go. I look down at the ground, my hair falling in my face. Kairi clears his throat and I look up at him.
"We should go in now," he suggests. He seems to have regained his composure quickly. I nod and follow him. I gasp at the garden. A path leads from the double doors, around a fountain, and up to a gazebo. Flowers that I've never seen before grow everywhere as the plants are all green and healthy. My eyes have no doubt widened and I look around at the beautiful plants.
I see Kairi smiling with soft eyes and blush, looking at the ground. He continues walking and I follow him up the path. We pass by the extravagant fountain and approach the gazebo.
There are steps that lead into it, and at the bottom stand a few students. Almost all of them are wearing a cape. I recognize the blonde haired boy.
"Kairi-kun! What took you so long?" A girl calls. She has short golden hair put up in pigtails. Her voice is very much babyish, and she has a red cape on. She gets a mischievous smile on her face.
"You didn't stop for anything with the new girl did you?" She draws out the word you. My eyes widen and a blush shows up on my face. Kairi looks taken a back for a second and his cheeks are a slight shade of pink. No doubt remembering what happened only moments ago. He regains his composure quickly though. The girl seems satisfied with our reactions.
"Oh leave them alone Yaya. I mean, the chairman?" Says a pink haired girl. She's the only one who doesn't have a cape on. Her boots have the plaid red of the uniform on and she looks so cool. Some of hair is up in a slightly off center pony.
"But Amu-chan..." Whines the other girl. The blonde haired boy speaks up.
"I suppose we should introduce ourselves. I'm Hotori, Tadase. Kings chair," he says. A petite light blonde haired girl with a red cape speaks up.
"Mashiro Rima, Queens chair," she says softly.
"Yuiki Yaya, Ace!" Calls out the pigtailed girl.
"Hinamori Amu, Joker," says the pink haired girl.
"And I'm Jacks chair," finishes Kairi. I look at him and he's smiling.
"Uh, Ma- I mean... Condor Mariana... Student?" I question quietly. They all smile at me with a hint of amusement.
"We know, Kairi has talked to us about you," says the blo- I mean Tadase. I look up at Kairi and he seems casual enough. Meanwhile my eyes are a bit wider and my cheeks heat a little bit.
"Lets all sit down, eh?" Asks Amu. They all nod and go up the steps to a round table set up in the gazebo. I follow behind Kairi. A closed dollhouse is at the far end of the table. Why is that here?
Everyone seems to have an assigned spot. So while they sit down, I remain standing. Kairi pulls out his chair and notices me standing there awkwardly. Everyone else notices and looks at me. I cower in on myself a bit and my hair falls around my face. Amu gives Tadase a look.
I blush a little. Next thing I know, Kairi is in front of me. I look up and take a surprised step back at how close he is.
"We're not gonna accomplish anything standing here," he says bluntly.
"Kairi-kun! That's not going to help talking to her like that!" Scolds Amu. He looks at her and realizes what she says is true when he sees me look down again.
"Oh, uh." He clears his throat. "You can sit next to me, Mariana-san," he says politely. I nod and follow him to where he was about to sit. Another chair is located just a bit over and I take it. Yaya makes a face. I only took the offer because at least I know him a bit more.
"So, I'm sure you've heard about what we do, yea?" Asks Amu. I nod.
"Well... There's a bit more," starts Tadase. I look up in surprise. More?
"You see," he continues, "everyone has something called, their 'hearts egg'. These are the dreams of people. When someone wishes to better themselves in some way, they lay an egg. This is the hearts egg." I clutch my purse tight on the handles. I resist my eyes widening, but I still look at the table in shock. Amu picks up after Tadase.
"These eggs will hatch. They are your would be self. With your would be self, you can do character changes. We call our would be selves, Guardian Charas." Before she can continue, Yaya takes the lead.
"Some people can do Character Transformations with their guardian chara. Also known as Chara Nari, but if someone loses hope in their dream, their egg goes bad and becomes an 'X egg'," she says sadly. Kairi looks down at the table as he speaks.
"If an x egg hatches, it becomes an x chara. It's our job to find x eggs and return them back to normal. That's. why we are here. We all have a guardian chara, and we know that you have an egg," he looks me in the eye. My eyes widen. They know? How could they? More importantly though, I want to know more about Guardian Charas.
"May I... Meet the, Guardian Charas?" I ask quietly and uncertain. Yaya smiles widely which makes everyone else smile in turn.
"Of course," says Tadase. Everyone looks at the doll house.
"You can come out Pepe!" Calls Yaya. The dollhouse starts to open and an itty bitty head pokes out. Then it opens all the way and a bunch of the small people fly out. I gasp. They head to their respective 'owners' I guess.
"This is Kiseki, my guardian chara," says Tadase. A little king like figure floats over to me. He has a little golden crown placed atop of his head. His hair is a very light purple and he stands tall. A red cape with a white fur trim rests on his shoulders. He has a blue and white sleeved top with blue puffy pants, white tights, and shoes on.
"Ah, another servant and soon to be servant guardian chara," he says in thought. He speaks in a very kingly manner. Tadase smiles almost apologetically at me. Probably for Kiseki calling me a servant. I turn to Amu. She has three guardian charas over her head. She smiles.
"These are my charas. Ran, Mikki, and Su," she says pointing to each one. I'm taken aback.
"You have th-three of them!" I say in suprise.
"Most people only have one, but sometimes people will have two. I actually have four," she pulls out a yellow egg. It has a plaid pattern other than the diamonds on the center. "This is Dia. She doesn't come out much," explains Amu. The green chara, Su if I remember correctly, floats down to the egg. She looks like a little maid. She has a white bandana on her head, holding her blonde hair back. A clover decorates the top right. Her dress is puffed at the bottom and is green with a white apron on top.
"Dia, won't you come out and welcome them?" She asks tentatively. Nothing happens and she sighs in defeat. I look to Rima.
"This is Kusukusu," she says softly. A little blonde haired chara floats onto the table. It looks like a clown. She's wearing a little pantsuit that's red with white polkadots and the collar has a little white trim on it. She has a cap on that's the same and has a green pompom on the end. Her shoes are white and her face has a little green star painted on her right cheek and a green tear on her left. She giggles and I smile a little bit. Yaya is next.
"This is Pepe!" She exclaims. A little chara is sitting on the table. She has on a pink onesie with a little white frilled bib. The cap she wears is the same color pink with a white frill edge, but has ears and a little red bow on the side. She has a yellow pacifier in her mouth, big blue eyes, and two small pigtails that show from under her hat. She waves at me and I nod. Finally comes Kairi. A familiar figure floats beside him.
"This is-"
"Musashi," I finish. Everyone looks at me in surprise.
"I saw you two talking," I explain quietly. I look down at the table and Musashi walks into my line of view. He has the same color green hair as Kairi, but it's put up in a high ponytail. His shirt is light green and tucked into dark green pants. A rope holds up his pants and a sheath. A sword lays inside the sheath at his side. He has the same wire frame glasses as Kairi. He has on white socks and little wood sandals as shoes.
"You do not need to bow your head in sorrow," he says. I look him in the eyes. He examines me and nods as if in understanding. I blink, then lift my head to look around. Everyone is smiling at me encouragingly. I give a small smile and Musashi smiles and goes back to Kairi's side.
Ran floats over to me. Her hair is pink like Amu's and up in a ponytail. She has on a pink visor with a heart on the side and a cheerleader outfit. Her running shoes are pink and her white socks go up the leg a bit. She holds pink pompoms in her hands.
"Mariana-chan... Can we see your egg?" She asks hopefully. Mikki floats over. She has a blue hat on with a spade decorating it. Her shirt is light blue with white sleeves. Her dark blue hair shows from under her hat and her pants and shoes are blue. She has a bag over her shoulder.
"Please? I would love to draw it," she says pulling out a pencil and sketchbook. I end up smiling and nodding. Su comes over and gets excited with Ran. I gently put my purse on the table and open it. Some of the other charas come over and wait anxiously. Musashi remains with Kairi, but I can see his interest.
I carefully wrap my egg up in the sweater just in case. Then I lift it out, sweater and all. Musashi finally gives in and floats onto the table, still a distance away though. Putting my egg down, I unwrap it enough that it's still safe, but you can see it clearly. A collective gasp sounds and I can't help but smile an actual smile. Mikki immediately starts sketching.
Su tentatively moves closer and so does a few others. They whisper among themselves and finally make a decision. They all turn to look at Musashi. He just looks right back. Ran gets pushed forward. Sending a look back at everyone, she walks over to Musashi. He seems confused and she opens her mouth to explain, but sees Kairi looking at her. She closes her mouth and sees that everyone has been watching. She doesn't let it bother her though, she just walks right up to him. He seems uncomfortable by the closeness. She brings her head closer and then proceeds to whisper something to him.
He looks confused, but she backs away and he composes himself. Musashi nods in agreement and Ran starts whispering to him again. This time a small blush tries to creep up on him. He tries to compose himself and looks up at me, the egg, then back at Ran. He huffs out in defeat. Ran has a huge smile on her face and turns to the other charas nodding like crazy. What are they up to?
He starts to walk over to the egg and takes a breathe. The other charas all move out of the way. Then something catches my eye.
"Uh, Dia," whispers Amu. Sure enough another chara is on the table, her yellow egg open. She has red hair in two pigtails that reach near the floor. Her yellow dress suits her. On her head is a headband with three diamonds. She puts a finger to her lips and smiles. She really seems to shine.
We all look back to Musashi who hasn't even noticed what's happened. He has reached my egg and seems to be thinking. He hesitantly reaches a hand out and gently knocks on my egg.
"Hello? We were wondering if you would like to come out. It would be of the utmost honor to see you come out of your egg," he reasons. Nothing happens. He turns and walks to Ran. "I tried, but it seems your theory is not successful," he says calmly.
"Theory?" questions Tadase.
"What were you saying Ran?" Asks Amu. She looks at me and then back to Amu.
"Nothing," she chirps happily. I look at her in confusion as she flies over to Dia.
"Dia!" She squeals and hugs her. Dia just smiles as Su and Mikki come over too.
"I see someone has finally decided to see us," says Kiseki. Dia just keeps smiling and looks over at me. When Ran, Mikki, and Su finally let go, she goes to my egg. She puts a hand on my egg and everyone watches in silence. I start to get nervous.
"What is she doing?" I whisper to no one in particular.
"I'm not sure, but most likely examining to see if it will hatch soon," says Kairi. I look at him with curious and frightful eyes. He just keeps watching Dia. After what feels like hours, she removes her hand. She smiles and nods in approval before floating up to me.
"She will hatch soon, I can assure you that. She is rather special this one," she says cheerfully. I suck in a breath in surprise and grip the table.
"Special? What do you mean special?" I quietly blurt in panic. Surely my egg is fine. She gives a light laugh that reassures me.
"Not in that way. She is merely one of a kind, that is all," she reassures me. Her voice is soft and rather melodic. With that she floats over to her egg, gives a curt nod to everyone, and goes back inside.
"Wow Mariana-chan! You have a one of a kind dream!" She says excitedly.
"Which brings us to the second reason we asked you to meet us," says Tadase. I look at them in confusion.
"We want you to become a guardian," explains Amu. I gasp in surprise.
"But, I-"
"You have a very special egg, and we want you to help us catch X characters. Hatched or not, it has become apparent you will need our help," says Kairi. He pushes his glasses up his nose.
"Do I have to wear a cape?" I ask quietly. Amu laughs.
"I asked the same question. No, only during special occasions. So does that mean you accept?" She asks hopefully.
"If I say yes... What would I be?" I ask carefully. Everyone kind of stops for a moment.
"We haven't really thought of that," Tadase confesses. Everyone starts to think. Yaya suddenly snaps her fingers.
"I've got it! Jill's chair!" She says excitedly. Everyone turns to her in confusion.
"Jill's chair?" Asks Kairi. Yaya gets a mischievous smirk on he face.
"As in Jack and Jill," she teases. My eyes widen as a blush forms on my cheeks. I look down at the table.
"Yaya!" Amu scolds.
"Amu-chan," Yaya whines.
"It wouldn't have worked anyways," mutters Rima. Everyone goes back into thought.
"How about 'Lady-in-waiting'?" Su asks innocently.
"I think you're on to something Su," says Amu with a smile.
"Lady, In, Waiting?" I ask in confusion.
"Yes of course!" Says Amu.
"You wouldn't have to make many appearances and such for your own sake, and you can still help out in whatever way," says Tadase. I smile at the public appearance part. Soon almost everyone has agreed except one. Kairi. I look at him in confusion, isn't he just as much involved in me being a part of this?
"Kairi?" I whisper. He seems jarred out of his thoughts.
"Yes?" He asks.
"Your verdict, as Jacks chair?" Speaks up Tadase. He looks at Tadase and then back at me. He looks into my eyes for a while as if thinking. Finally he closes his eyes and looks to the table.
What a hectic day. My egg, guardian charas, x charas, and ladies in waiting. Who would have known? I am so tired and stressed out. I look at the setting sun. I wonder if my violinist will be able to serenade me to sleep again tonight.
A thought occurs to me. I hurriedly take the cover off my harp, eager to get started. I watch as the last rays of sun start to disappear. It's now or never. I take a deep breathe and play a few strings. Then I wait. I play them again. The sun finally disappears and I decide to try one more time. I play the notes, and wait. I feel my hope fade as seconds pass.
I finally slump my shoulders in defeat and stand up. Then I hear it. The violin. He replays the notes back to me. I sit back down and play a few more notes. After a mere few seconds, it's played back to me. A smile makes it's way onto my face.
I play the first notes of a classic song.
It gets played back. So I play the whole first stanza. It takes a bit longer, but he plays it back. I get a wonderful feeling in my core and begin to play the music. I play the first stanza over and over again until they pick up what I'm doing. They play the melody line.
Never have I heard anything as beautiful as my harp mixing with their violin. The beautiful song rings throughout the neighborhood. The violin playing it's sorrow filled cries into the night, and my harp, soft and angelic, rises to the sky. Together we tell the tale of two strangers. Both their lives and fates inter tangling in a time of woe, sorrow, and anger.
I watch as house after house, the lights turn off. They all fall silently to sleep to our song of the night. We finish and I realize how tired I am myself. I look out to the moonlit ocean and sigh happily. I play a soft little tune as my own way to say goodnight, and farewell until the tide has turned tomorrow.
I get up and put the cover on my harp. As I walk through my door, I hear the familiar lullaby being played. I giggle and close the screen. I do the usual routine and fall to sleep, dreaming of angelic songs to come.

A lone figure stands in the moonlight. He plays his violin with care. A little figure floats his way over to him. He nods silently with a flick of his tail. The tall, lean, male removes the bow from the strings.
"How is she?" His voice is deep and husky. The little one stands upright, his cat ears twitching.
"She's fine. She seemed so happy that she fell to sleep no problem! But..." He trails off. The man turns his violet eyes to the little one.
"But what?" He asks through clenched teeth. The little one winces once. He was used to the mans harsh tone, but he didn't understand why this girl was so important.
"Well, she seemed stressed out. Luckily when you finally played back, she became happy. Nya," he states. The man nods and puts his violin in its case. Slinging the strap over his shoulder, he looks up at the moon.
"Good work... Yoru."

Hey guys! I was wondering, would you like to see a picture of Mariana? I drew one and want to know if you really want to see it or not. Anyways, hope you don't hate me for yesterday!
Word count: 3 615 words

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